
將你的 Airbnb 日曆連結到其他網站

If you host on other websites, you can link all of your hosting calendars to prevent multiple guests from booking the same dates. You'll need to create a two-way connection. You'll get a URL from Airbnb to add to other websites, then get a URL from the other website and add it to Airbnb. Then your calendars will match—when a night is booked on one calendar, it'll be automatically blocked on the other.

Step 1: Export calendar to the other website

We’ll give you a URL that you’ll paste into the other website’s calendar—this will send information from your Airbnb calendar to the other website. You can connect to another hosting website like VRBO or Booking.com, or you can export to a personal calendar like Google or Apple. Since each website has a different place to add the URL, you may need to find that information in that website’s help section. Learn how to export your Airbnb calendar to Google and Apple to access your bookings on your personal calendar.

Once you export, changes on your Airbnb calendar will be reflected automatically on the other website’s calendar, depending on their website settings.


  1. 點選日曆,並選擇你想變更的房源日曆
  2. 點選「可訂狀態」
  3. 點選「連結日曆」中的「匯出 Airbnb 日曆」
  4. 複製連結,然後貼至其他支援 iCal 格式的日曆

Step 2: Import calendar from the other websites

You’ll need to get a URL from the other website’s calendar and add it to Airbnb. On most websites, you can find this in a section dedicated to calendar importing and exporting. Make sure the URL ends in .ics, because other URLs won’t work. Learn how to import a calendar from VRBO, Booking.com, and Tripadvisor.


  1. 點選日曆,並選擇你想變更的房源日曆
  2. 點選「可訂狀態」
  3. 點選「連結日曆」中的「匯入日曆」
  4. 將外部日曆(如:VRBO)的網址貼到日曆網址欄位中
  5. 為日曆命名並點選「儲存」

Which nights are blocked

Nights that you block or that are booked on Airbnb will be blocked on the other website’s calendar. Your Airbnb calendar will include nights that are blocked for your availability settings, preparation time, advance notice, and minimum stays.

Nights booked on another website’s calendar will be automatically blocked on Airbnb when you’ve connected them to your Airbnb calendar. Nights that you block on another calendar may or may not be blocked on Airbnb. Refer to their help section to see which blocking settings will be reflected on your Airbnb calendar.

Learn how to block a calendar from VRBO, Booking.com, and Tripadvisor

Refreshing a connected calendar

Your Airbnb calendar automatically updates every 3 hours, and pulls in information from the other calendars you’ve connected. To see your latest availability sooner than 3 hours, you can go to your connected calendar and select Refresh.

If you’ve connected multiple calendars, they may automatically update at different times. We’ll show the latest time that each calendar was updated, and you can manually refresh them as well.

Note that we’re only able to request updates from the other website so many times—if you exceed that amount of updates, you’ll need to wait until the next automatic update.


  1. 點選日曆,並選擇你想變更的房源日曆
  2. 點選「可訂狀態」
  3. 點選「連結日曆」中的「匯入日曆」
  4. 選擇你匯入的日曆(如 VRBO),然後點選「重新載入日曆」

We import up to 2 years of data. You can’t pause an imported calendar. If you want to stop, then start back up and delete the calendar. To remove a synced calendar, click or tap the trash can icon next to the synced calendar.



  • 房東


    如果你在 Airbnb 上有多間房源(例如:整套房子和該房子內的一間房間),你可以連結這兩間房源的日曆,避免出現重複預訂的情況。
  • 房東


  • 如何匯出 Airbnb 體驗日曆?
