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Baja California Sur的獨特新鮮事

在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Luxury Sunset Sail in Cabo San Lucas
We'll start this 2 hour shared sunset sail with must see sightseeing around the famous arch, lover's beach and our sea lion colony where we'll tell you all about the area, the rock formations and some interesting stories about the Cabo history. We plan to hoist the sails and shut the engine off for a relaxed true sailing while listening to music and enjoying our complimentary bar end snacks. According to wind conditions, we will visit the famous meeting point of the Pacific and Sea of Cortez. After sundown, we'll drop the sails and your boat will cruise gently back to the marina. Arriving between December and March? whale watching will be part of your sail. Yeh!! Other things to note For private cruise, please contact me first for a quick quote. You can also extend your cruise to 4 or even 5 hours. It will be my pleasure to attend any special request, just send me a message.
Snorkel the Sea of Cortez
We will drive to the beach where we will hike for around 10 minutes until we get to our spot right in front of the reef. Then, we will gear up with our snorkel and mask to get in the water, we will swim from the beach around the reef looking for all the marine life that we can find: schools of fish, octopus, eels, and lots of amazing species! We will snorkel out the shore about 250 meters and then we will go back to the beach where we can hang and relax for a few minutes while enjoying the sun. Other things to note: This is not a snorkel class, if you require a class please book a private tour so we go to an easier spot with no coral and easier to learn. You dont need special shoes for the hike but sometimes flipflops dont grip very well, is not a hard hike, and i recomend you to bring a rashguard instead of sunscreen, and if you need a lifejacket please let me know so i bring one. The total duration of the activity is from the time I pick you up until I drop you off in Cabo San Lucas
Sandboarding Cabo
We will meet in Cabo downtown and drive to the East Cape for 40 minutes where we will take a dirt road to get close to the dunes, then we will have a small lesson to get started, afterwards we will hike up the beginners dune and slide with the board a few times, there are 4 slopes for beginners so by the time you feel like an expert we can go to the highest dune and slide the other 5 slopes, and at the end we will enjoy a beautiful sunset at the dunes in front of the ocean. Other things to note: Theres no lift or ride up to the dunes, this activity requires a lot of walking. Bring comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. The total duration of the activity is from the meeting time in downtown until I drop you off in Cabo San Lucas. I bring water bottles and beers or hard seltzers.
Live, Love and Eat La Paz street food
Meet authentic and traditional street food stands while learning about the multicultural legacy of the history of La Paz and how it is reflected in the flavors of today's cuisine. This experience starts at 9:30 AM and my best description of it would be a walking Brunch. We will visit and taste food in diverse stands where we will try tacos, desserts, local candies, bread, traditional drinks, and ingredients at very local spots that hold a cultural heritage. While walking the local and historical district of downtown La Paz, Listen to the fantastic stories of how these gastronomic delights were created, learn recipes, share and hopefully answer all questions you might have about Mexican food. Food and drink tastings are included in the price of the experience. We have enough time in case you want to shop for ingredients or foodie souvenirs along the way.
Tour al Arco & Fotos
Nos embarcaremos por el Mar de Cortez recorriendo los puntos más visitados de Cabo San Lucas!: ◘ Playa pública La Empacadora ◘ La piedra y playa del Pelícano donde veremos los peces del acuario natural dentro del área protegida ◘ Playa del Amor ◘ La ventana del Pacífico donde se juntan los dos mares (Mar de Cortés y Océano Pacífico), ◘ La Piedra de Scooby Doo ◘ Haremos parada en El Arco donde se harán las fotos. ◘También visitaremos la colonia de lobos marinos que se encuentra próximo al Arco!. ◘ Luego del Arco, llegaremos hasta el Land's End donde se encuentra la última piedra de la Baja Península y la que divide los dos mares ◘ Seguimos el recorrido hacia el Pacífico donde podremos ver la Playa del Divorcio y su entorno. ◘ También veremos el Arco desde el lado del Pacífico ◘ Durante el recorrido, está permitido llevar sus bebidas y snacks para poder disfrutar más a gusto del tour. *Si desean reservar el mismo día, por favor enviar mensaje

Baja California Sur附近的所有活動

Isla Espíritu Santo, esnórquel con lobos marinos y playa
Visita en lancha a Isla Espíritu Santo, donde haremos snorkel con lobos marinos, nadaremos en arrecifes rocosos con muchos peces e invertebrados, comeremos lunch en una de sus paradisiacas playas, y conoceremos los puntos mágicos de la isla. Empezaremos el día recogiéndote en el muelle fiscal a las 9:00 am. Navegaremos a la isla durante hora y media, pasando por las playas de la bahía de La Paz, entre ellas Balandra por una corta parada. Seguiremos hacia Los Islotes, una colonia reproductiva de lobos marinos de California, donde (a excepción de en verano) nadaremos con ellos. Seguiremos hacia una playa a comer lunch y a relajarnos en la playa. En el camino de regreso visitaremos puntos de la isla que vale la pena conocer, como la bahía de San Gabriel. Finalmente, con un poco de suerte, podremos ver delfines o ballenas en el mar mientras navegamos de vuelta a la marina de La Paz.
Pesca de Orilla en las mejores zonas
Podrán vivir la adrenalina de tener un pez en la línea, tener el aprendizaje del arte de la pesca desde lo más básico hasta lo más complicado como hacer lances y demás, ir a lugares con paisajes fenomenales y entrar al mundo de la pesca y todo los relajante y emocionante que puede llegar a ser, tendrán la certeza de que estaré de su mano paso a paso dando indicaciones de cómo hacer de forma correcta esta gran experiencia Otros aspectos destacables Esta actividad es al aire libre por lo tanto estarán expuestos a los rayos del sol
Kayak al Arco de Cabo San Lucas, Playa del Amor y Snorkel
La Bahía de Cabo San Lucas alberga una gran biodiversidad que la hace un excelente lugar para hacer snorkeling, y no hay mejor manera de conocerla que remando por sus costas en nuestros estables y seguros kayaks Hobie, acompañado de guías locales apasionados por su región y que compartirán contigo una experiencia personalizada. Ellos irán cerca de ti contándote un poco sobre la región y dándote tips para remar mejor. Este tour comienza en la Playa de la Empacadora (también conocida como Corsario), donde abordaremos nuestros kayaks (Tandem). Remaremos hacia el famoso Arco de Cabo San Lucas, disfrutando y aprendiendo sobre las formaciones rocosas y playas que encontraremos en el camino. Al llegar al Arco nos tomaremos unos minutos para disfrutar de su majestuosidad, observar a los lobos marinos, y tomar fotos. Al volver, pararemos en la Playa del Amor, donde podremos caminar para disfrutar de la vista del Océano Pacífico y sus poderosas olas en la Playa del Divorcio, así como tomar un snack para recuperar energía. Después continuaremos hacia la playa Pelícano, donde podremos descansar y practicar snorkeling en uno de los mejores arrecifes de Los Cabos. Finalmente remaremos de vuelta a Playa Empacadora, para terminar el tour.
Descubre el Archipiélago Espíritu Santo y sus maravillas
El transporte recoge a las personas entre 9:00 am y 10:00 am dependiendo de la ubicación del hotel para llevarlas al muelle de embarque sobre el malecón de la Paz. En el caso de contar con automóvil propio es necesario presentarse en el muelle fiscal 20 minutos antes de la hora del embarque aproximadamente a las 10 am. En el muelle la gente sube a la embarcación que cuenta con el equipo necesario para realizar la actividad de snorkel (aletas, visor y traje de neopreno).La salida del muelle fiscal con destino a Isla Espíritu Santo se realiza generalmente entre 10:30 am y 11 am. Se navega aproximadamente una hora para llegar al Archipiélago Espíritu Santo donde la gente podrá conocer zonas núcleo del parque con gran cantidad de fauna y flora e historia de las dos principales islas: Isla Partida e Isla Espíritu Santo. Después se llegará a Los Islotes o La Lobera donde se encuentra una de las colonias reproductivas más grandes del mundo del lobo marino de california donde se puede nadar con estos carismáticos animales exceptuando los meses de junio a agosto por restricciones gubernamentales. Finalmente se disfrutara una deliciosa comida en alguna de las playas de la isla para después regresar al rededor de las 4:30 a La Paz donde el transporte de regreso estará esperando a quien lo requiera.
Sandboard en las Dunas del Mogote
Practica y aprende este divertido deporte del SANDBOARD Y conoce las dunas del Mogote en La Paz Baja California Sur. Disfruta de una doble Aventura !! Nos trasladaremos a la zona de Dunas y andaremos a orilla de mar en el trayecto al Mogote. Donde al llegar a la cima de nuestras dunas favoritas te pondre sombra y te enseñare las tecnicas basicas de seguridad y empezaremos a practicar Sandboard de forma segura y facil. Hay 4 niveles de dificultad desde pricipiante hasta lograr el emocionante reto de superar el nivel avanzado !! Para que aprendas rapido y comodamente tengo 4 tipos de tablas (tambien tablas para niños ). El Sandboarding es un deporte muy emocionante y divertido la belleza natural de la zona de dunas nos proporciona areas con unas vistas que enamoran, es algo increible y de mucha diversion y lo mejor no necesitas experiencia previa !!
Ziplining at Costa Azul Canyon
Fly over Costa Azul Canyon with us, we have the expertise of more than 16 years being the pioneers in ziplines in Los Cabos, we always make sure to accomodate you and provide you with the best of the experiences, don't wait for confirmations by booking with a third party. Meet us at our base camp that is just five minutes away from the Transpeninsular Highway and discover the Costa Azul Canyon, look to the enormous and amazing rock formations of this natural reserve. When you arrive, our team of certified guides will gear you up with professional equipment, we will provide you with a safety briefing before you start your adventure. Take a moderate hike in the mountains and cross the canyon through our ziplines, we have water stations during the whole circuit so you can stay hydrated. Enjoy a tequila tasting at our tequila factory. - Bathrooms available - Complimentary lockers - Optional Transportation included (From specific points in Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo, no extra fee) - Photo Service (extra fee) We are just 10 minutes away from Downtown San Jose and 40 minutes away from Downtown Cabo San Lucas. Restrictions: For safety reasons, this activity is prohibited for children younger than 7 years old, pregnant women, back-injured people, or someone that had recent surgery. For a better experience, bring comfortable clothes and closed shoes.
Luxury Sunset Sail in Cabo San Lucas
We'll start this 2 hour shared sunset sail with must see sightseeing around the famous arch, lover's beach and our sea lion colony where we'll tell you all about the area, the rock formations and some interesting stories about the Cabo history. We plan to hoist the sails and shut the engine off for a relaxed true sailing while listening to music and enjoying our complimentary bar end snacks. According to wind conditions, we will visit the famous meeting point of the Pacific and Sea of Cortez. After sundown, we'll drop the sails and your boat will cruise gently back to the marina. Arriving between December and March? whale watching will be part of your sail. Yeh!! Other things to note For private cruise, please contact me first for a quick quote. You can also extend your cruise to 4 or even 5 hours. It will be my pleasure to attend any special request, just send me a message.
Snorkel the Sea of Cortez
We will drive to the beach where we will hike for around 10 minutes until we get to our spot right in front of the reef. Then, we will gear up with our snorkel and mask to get in the water, we will swim from the beach around the reef looking for all the marine life that we can find: schools of fish, octopus, eels, and lots of amazing species! We will snorkel out the shore about 250 meters and then we will go back to the beach where we can hang and relax for a few minutes while enjoying the sun. Other things to note: This is not a snorkel class, if you require a class please book a private tour so we go to an easier spot with no coral and easier to learn. You dont need special shoes for the hike but sometimes flipflops dont grip very well, is not a hard hike, and i recomend you to bring a rashguard instead of sunscreen, and if you need a lifejacket please let me know so i bring one. The total duration of the activity is from the time I pick you up until I drop you off in Cabo San Lucas
Sandboarding Cabo
We will meet in Cabo downtown and drive to the East Cape for 40 minutes where we will take a dirt road to get close to the dunes, then we will have a small lesson to get started, afterwards we will hike up the beginners dune and slide with the board a few times, there are 4 slopes for beginners so by the time you feel like an expert we can go to the highest dune and slide the other 5 slopes, and at the end we will enjoy a beautiful sunset at the dunes in front of the ocean. Other things to note: Theres no lift or ride up to the dunes, this activity requires a lot of walking. Bring comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. The total duration of the activity is from the meeting time in downtown until I drop you off in Cabo San Lucas. I bring water bottles and beers or hard seltzers.
Live, Love and Eat La Paz street food
Meet authentic and traditional street food stands while learning about the multicultural legacy of the history of La Paz and how it is reflected in the flavors of today's cuisine. This experience starts at 9:30 AM and my best description of it would be a walking Brunch. We will visit and taste food in diverse stands where we will try tacos, desserts, local candies, bread, traditional drinks, and ingredients at very local spots that hold a cultural heritage. While walking the local and historical district of downtown La Paz, Listen to the fantastic stories of how these gastronomic delights were created, learn recipes, share and hopefully answer all questions you might have about Mexican food. Food and drink tastings are included in the price of the experience. We have enough time in case you want to shop for ingredients or foodie souvenirs along the way.
Tour al Arco & Fotos
Nos embarcaremos por el Mar de Cortez recorriendo los puntos más visitados de Cabo San Lucas!: ◘ Playa pública La Empacadora ◘ La piedra y playa del Pelícano donde veremos los peces del acuario natural dentro del área protegida ◘ Playa del Amor ◘ La ventana del Pacífico donde se juntan los dos mares (Mar de Cortés y Océano Pacífico), ◘ La Piedra de Scooby Doo ◘ Haremos parada en El Arco donde se harán las fotos. ◘También visitaremos la colonia de lobos marinos que se encuentra próximo al Arco!. ◘ Luego del Arco, llegaremos hasta el Land's End donde se encuentra la última piedra de la Baja Península y la que divide los dos mares ◘ Seguimos el recorrido hacia el Pacífico donde podremos ver la Playa del Divorcio y su entorno. ◘ También veremos el Arco desde el lado del Pacífico ◘ Durante el recorrido, está permitido llevar sus bebidas y snacks para poder disfrutar más a gusto del tour. *Si desean reservar el mismo día, por favor enviar mensaje
Snorkeling with a marine biologist
NOTE: You have to be able to swim and feel comfortable doing so in the sea. For more information and before making any bookings please contact the host. 9:00-9:30am : We will meet at Esterito, located in the Bahia San Carlos, where we will start with a brief PowerPoint presentation on the natural history and ecology of the region. We will also review the most common species we will likely encounter during our snorkel. If needed, I will provide snorkel gear which we will try on to ensure a comfortable fit and that everyone is well equipped for the days activity. 9:30-9:45am : We will drive in our vehicles to the snorkel destination. 9:45-10:00am : After parking our vehicles, we will review the snorkel site and discuss our general course to be followed while snorkeling. The route will be based on the current conditions (e.g. currents, wind, visibility etc.), and the ability and snorkeling experience of the group as a whole. 10:00-11:30am: We will snorkel the area and observe the spectacular marine life the Sea of Cortez harbors. 11:30- 12:00pm: We will reconvene as a group and discus our observations from the snorkeling experience while we enjoy a freshly prepared ceviche.
Los Cabos photo experience
We will explore Cabo, where we will get the perfect shot for your memories, around amazing spots. You can choose sunset or morning light. As I am living here, I know the area and speak the local language, so I can guide you better so you can connect with the place and the people. I'm sure we will have things in common, because this is a very unique place in the world and I want you to appreciate it and live the experience at the best. **Prices are per person. If you have a big group please let me know and I will help you with it. (discount on groups and families). *Cancelations before 24hrs to the photoshoot will not be refunded. *Photos are only edited in Lightroom.
Sand boarding Tour & Off Road Experience
Learn a new sport, Sandboarding, and as a bonus, get to know one of the most beautiful regions of La Paz El Mogote, the beautiful city still has regions to be discovered. We will drive to El Mogote until we access the Dunes permanent preservation area west side of the city. You will practice surfing in the Dunes, equipped with sand boards. Your guide will teach you the basic safety techniques and descend with the boards, the difficulty levels vary according to the size and inclination of the dunes, as you improve the technique exploring new challenges. Sandboard, Surf in the sand, is an amazing mix of Surf, Skate and Snowboard, a fun activity and full of ages. This itinerary does not require previous experience, venture with us!
Whale Watching w/ Pictures and hydrophone included
Get on board a 26 ft boat, with a maximum capacity of 10 persons to make this experience as intimate as possible. After visiting some of the highligths of Cabo and stoping for a couple of minutes by the famous Arch to take some photos, we'll decide eather go to the sea of Cortez or the Pacific Ocean depending on the wheater conditions. Then we will start to look for the stunning Humpback Whale, the most comoon one in this waters and also the most acrobatic. Keep an open mind, couse maybe we can be surprise as in this waters you can find around 40% of all the marine mammals in the world, different kinds of dolphins, blue whales, gray whales, fin whales, orcas, sea lions, etc. Photos are included so you can really enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. If we have some extra time i will use my hidrophone to hear the whales singning, a moment you will never forget. ProTip: We can see whales at all departures equally, however i´ve notice that the best weather conditions are at mid-day Other things to note Not suitable for people with back or neck problems Not suitable for pregnant women If you get sea sick easily, taking a dramamine pill one hour before the tour it's recommended.