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Castile and León的獨特新鮮事

在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



⭐️The Original Madrid Tapas Crawl⭐️
I offer you an Indoors real local tapas crawling journey, based on traditional dishes. Over 3 hours we’ll be visiting 4 spots. A market cuisine restaurant, a well-kwown ice-cold beer bar for locals, a new slow food tavern, and a one-century old bodega in a high quality and non-touristy tapas area, which madrileños love. You'll be able to see people from Madrid going out for real tapas. And you'll feel like one of us. All the included spots are family-owned bussines, and I'm lucky to know the owners (David, Jesús, José and Paco) since many years ago. I grew up in this fantastic district called Chamberí and I have been trying their many bars and dishes thoughout my life, so I know them... in detail! This is also a great experience for teams, groups and team-building!!!! There's a lot of food on our tour (10-12 tapas servings), we recommend you to make a light lunch! Other things to note Nº 1 overall Airbnb experience in Madrid Gratuities always graciously accepted :) ANY DOUBT, please, contact us! You can also try our MORNING FOOD TOUR
Tim Bikes highlights bike tour Madrid
Our tour is ideal for everyone who wants to get to know Madrid in a short time but in a relaxed way. Conducted in English. Private tours in English, Dutch, Spanish, French if available and Portuguese if available. In about 3 hours and 11 km biking, you will more or less see and hear everything of the old center while riding a very comfortable bicycle. The “must see” places as well as the hidden corners away from the typical touristic paths. We will ride mainly on cycling paths, pedestrian zones and parks. Of course there will be various stops to take pictures. When we stop, we will tell you about the stories behind what you see and tell our personal experiences of our time in Madrid. After the tour you have an idea which places you want to visit in your own time and in which restaurants and tapas bars you want to have your meal. You are inspired for the rest of your time in Madrid. We have children seats for 0-20 kg. Ask for availability. The total tour is about 3 hours. This tour requires experience with biking in the city. We have availability of electric bikes (only for adults, minimum length 1,55 m), additional costs € 10.
Wine Tasting near Plaza Mayor
Step into the warm and inviting atmosphere of our elegant shop and discover the delicious world of Spanish wine with us. You'll have the opportunity to taste 3 different glasses of wine, each carefully selected to showcase the variety and style of wines available in Spain. Led by our knowledgeable and entertaining guide, you'll learn about the different regions, interesting facts and statistics, and how wine plays an important role in Spanish culture. Additionally, if you wish, you can enhance your experience by adding a selection of local tapas. Our regional tapas tasting allows you to enjoy delicious bites that perfectly complement each wine, turning your visit into a complete culinary adventure. So, if you're exploring the heart of Madrid during the day and looking to indulge in a little wine education, make sure to stop by Madrid & Darracott for an unforgettable wine experience. Please note: If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please let us know in advance so we can accommodate your needs.
Visiting Prado Museum with an expert
Starting in the iconic and central Puerta del Sol, we will start exploring Barrio de las Letras, an important local neighbourhood of Madrid, nowadays, a chic bohemian area. You will discover this charming neighbourhood's historical spots on your way towards the Prado Museum. Once we arrive at the Museum, we will skip the queue, entering directly. Before starting the tour inside the Museum, I will give you a short briefing of what we will discover together. I will show you the masterpieces that everyone should see when visiting the Prado Museum, but my main focus is to connect the history & development of Spain with the art collection. Discovering the historical periods of my country inside each painting, understanding the meaning and the importance of the topic in history: From the Flemish painters that inspired the Hamburg family to spread their empire to the life in Madrid during the XVIII century admiring Goya’s paintings. The Museum collection includes Love, Mythology and mysterious legends that would be fun to share with you. After the visit, you can stay in the Museum as long as you wish! An important thing: Please bring an ID with you as we might be asked for one at the Museum.
Crawl Madrid's Craft Beer & Tapas scene
Beer in Madrid is a very old tradition that comes along with the Famous Tapas. The Craft Beer scene in Madrid has matured nicely over the last years with more additions of breweries and craft beer bars. This experience brings you to the best oldest and newest Madrid Craft Beer Bars and is something you shouldn't miss. A Craft Beer Crawl over 2 hours, visiting 3 important Beer and Tapas spots for locals in Madrid (still not known by tourists), including an off the beaten path old-style market from the past century. We will also know the history of the different places as well as the different beer varieties and tapas. When the tour finishes, you will be able to keep on enjoying the bars we visited or other ones in the area (actually most of the guests stay after I leave) and to make it easier the tour will end in front of a craft beer bar with 40 different craft beers to choose. Tips are greatly appreciated :) Other things to note Beer prices are around 3€ In case you prefer, in some bars, there are other drink options

Castile and León附近的所有活動

Espectáculo de Flamenco Jondo -auténtico- en histórica cueva
Our team at Essential Flamenco will welcome you inside. You will be offered a drink at the tablao bar, and later you will visit an +100 year old original brick cave. The first 20 minutes you will relax with your drink in the main room with the Flamenco music... Next, ten minutes before the show, you will be given a introduction about the history of Flamenco, from its roots and origins to how it developed throughout the years. Finally, to conclude the experience, you will enjoy the one-hour flamenco show that will take place inside the famous cave, without amplifiers or microphones. Our capacity for the event is limited, so you are going to enjoy a unique, warm and intimate evening . Every week we are visited by different artists who delight us with their talent and art, and the performances vary daily, so each exhibit is unique! . We have three schedules, the first at 6pm, the second at 7.30pm and the last at 9pm. Essential Flamenco is ranked number two on TripAdvisor, obtaining certificates of excellence for seven years. Under the artistic direction of "El Mistela", who won the National Flamenco Critic Award. We are waiting for you to enjoy an unforgettable evening!!
⭐️The Original Madrid Tapas Crawl⭐️
I offer you an Indoors real local tapas crawling journey, based on traditional dishes. Over 3 hours we’ll be visiting 4 spots. A market cuisine restaurant, a well-kwown ice-cold beer bar for locals, a new slow food tavern, and a one-century old bodega in a high quality and non-touristy tapas area, which madrileños love. You'll be able to see people from Madrid going out for real tapas. And you'll feel like one of us. All the included spots are family-owned bussines, and I'm lucky to know the owners (David, Jesús, José and Paco) since many years ago. I grew up in this fantastic district called Chamberí and I have been trying their many bars and dishes thoughout my life, so I know them... in detail! This is also a great experience for teams, groups and team-building!!!! There's a lot of food on our tour (10-12 tapas servings), we recommend you to make a light lunch! Other things to note Nº 1 overall Airbnb experience in Madrid Gratuities always graciously accepted :) ANY DOUBT, please, contact us! You can also try our MORNING FOOD TOUR
Tu fotógrafo personal en Madrid
IG: @ dorian . ph Si quieres una ruta fotográfica diferente o requieres un horario que no aparece en el calendario, envíame un mensaje. Viaje en solitario? ¿Viniste con tu familia y quieres capturar momentos únicos? ¿Te gustaría descubrir los lugares más bellos e icónicos de Madrid en un entorno amigable y privado? - ¡Entonces esta es TU experiencia! Nuestro punto de encuentro será Puerta del sol, ahí comenzaremos nuestro tour fotográfico. Visitaremos Plaza mayor, mercado de San Miguel, plaza de la villa, iglesia castrense, catedral de la Almudena, palacio real y jardines de Sabatini. No solo te llevaremos a algunos de los mejores lugares de la ciudad para tomar fotos espectaculares, también te brindaremos consejos y recomendaciones para el resto de tu estadía. Te ayudaremos a posar y tomaremos muchas fotos espontáneas, para asegurarnos de que recibirás los mejores resultados. Retocaremos y editaremos una selección de 40 tomas, pero te enviaremos todas las fotos que tomemos durante la sesión EL MISMO DIA. Si tienes alguna idea o solicitud especial ¡no dudes en ponerte en contacto nosotros! También podemos hacer las fotos en otra ruta fotográfica diferente o en el parque el Retiro.
Tim Bikes highlights bike tour Madrid
Our tour is ideal for everyone who wants to get to know Madrid in a short time but in a relaxed way. Conducted in English. Private tours in English, Dutch, Spanish, French if available and Portuguese if available. In about 3 hours and 11 km biking, you will more or less see and hear everything of the old center while riding a very comfortable bicycle. The “must see” places as well as the hidden corners away from the typical touristic paths. We will ride mainly on cycling paths, pedestrian zones and parks. Of course there will be various stops to take pictures. When we stop, we will tell you about the stories behind what you see and tell our personal experiences of our time in Madrid. After the tour you have an idea which places you want to visit in your own time and in which restaurants and tapas bars you want to have your meal. You are inspired for the rest of your time in Madrid. We have children seats for 0-20 kg. Ask for availability. The total tour is about 3 hours. This tour requires experience with biking in the city. We have availability of electric bikes (only for adults, minimum length 1,55 m), additional costs € 10.
Quedaremos en la puerta de la Bodega Subterránea Santa María (situada en calle cascajar n 1 (en el mismo edificio de la Carnicería Santa María). Por favor después de reservar para verificar la reserva llamen al teléfono que les aparece. Maribel explicará el plano de la cuidad que es del año 1503 (el más antiguo de España). El original se conserva en Simancas (Valladolid). Luego bajaremos a la bodega para la explicación de sus características arquitectónicas y geológicas. Allí podéis preguntar todo lo que queráis. Os explicaremos las partes más importantes de las bodegas y lo diferente de esta bodega en comparación con las 150 bodegas que hay en Aranda. ¡No os olvidéis traer vuestra cámara de fotos para inmortalizar un bonito momento en Aranda de Duero! Luego subiremos para la degustación de un vino que hemos seleccionado como uno de los mejores vinos de la Denominación de Origen Ribera del Duero que si os gusta puedes comprar en nuestra tienda junto con otros importantes y buenos vinos. También habrá una tapa para disfrutar de ese vino. Otros aspectos destacables Se puede aparcar gratuitamente a 5 minutos andando. En el parking de Calle Quinta Julia, 21. Desde allí os mandaremos un plano de como llegar al punto de encuentro.
Madrid picture tour
Si vienes de visita a Madrid en familia, amigos o solo y quieres conocer la ciudad de una manera diferente llevándote unas maravillosas fotos de recuerdo, Madrid Picture Tour es para ti. Comenzaremos en el corazón de Madrid, en Plaza Mayor, capturaremos los mejores ángulos de la plaza y por supuesto tú serás la estrella. Visitaremos el Mercado de San Miguel, que con su peculiar estilo haremos fotos increíbles. Conocerás también La Plaza De la Villa y luego iremos a uno de los sitios más bonitos de Madrid, El Palacio Real, La Catedral de la Almudena y Los Jardines de Sabatini, contaremos historias y sacaremos unas fotos espectaculares, te llevarás un hermoso recuerdo de tu visita en Madrid, seas o no de esta ciudad, haré que te sientas parte de ella. ¿Es tu primera vez en una experiencia fotográfica? No te preocupes , haré que te sientas cómodo, te ayudaré y te guiaré en todo momento. Si estás interesado en alguna fecha u horario que no tenemos publicados o una ruta alternativa, contáctanos, haremos todo lo posible por ayudarte. **** recibirás el mismo día TODAS las fotos realizadas y editaremos 10 fotos para ti que TU selecciones en un plazo de tres días ****
Welcome to Madrid Walking Tour
Welcome to Madrid! One of Europe's most exciting yet misunderstood cities. What it perhaps lacks in famous tourist attractions, it more than makes up for in wild history, beautiful views and exciting local stories. If you take a couple of hours to get to know Madrid, it can easily become one of your favourite cities. This English language tour starts close to the Plaza Mayor and ends at the glorious Royal Palace. We're always a friendly group of travellers led by a historian. No microphones, crowds or wikipedia style facts but a fun, personalised adventure. We'll stroll down charming streets to see the sights of the oldest part of town to uncover the stories of Madrid and discover the soul of a city that stands in the middle of nowhere, miles from its neighbours. We'll explore the history that shaped the city, find out some local food and drink traditions, and even solve a couple of mysteries. I'll give you heaps of recommendations to ensure you can confidently eat, drink and live the city like a local whilst supporting the small businesses that keep Madrid such a vibrant, homely city. I strongly recommend taking this tour early in your trip to take full advantage of the recommendations I can give you :) For private groups, or if the time or date you'd like is unavailable, or you have any problems with booking, just drop me a message and we'll see what we can do!
Viaje por la España medieval en Toledo y Segovia
Realmente queremos esforzarnos para que sientas y vivas las mágicas tradiciones e historias españolas, por lo que siempre seremos un grupo máximo de 6 personas. No haremos el típico tour; seremos como un grupo de amigos divirtiéndonos. Iniciaremos nuestra experiencia viajando a nuestra primera parada, la mítica ciudad de Toledo, Carpetana Romana que data desde el año 193 A.C. Nuestra inmersión en la cultura toledana empezara con una caminata a través de los miradores con las mejores panorámicas de la ciudad. caminaremos por sus mágicas calles, pasearemos maravillados por su impresionante arquitectura y ascenderemos hasta la mayor fortaleza de la ciudad. Allí haremos una pausa para que puedas comer tranquilo y sin prisas, ya que te aseguramos que en nuestra aventura la idea es que puedas disfrutar plenamente. Continuaremos nuestro recorrido hacia el segundo destino, que será la ciudad de Segovia, patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. Al llegar conoceremos el acueducto romano mejor preservado del mundo, subiremos hasta su parte mas alta e iremos a explorar una de las fortalezas medievales mas importantes de España, el majestuoso Alcázar. Antes de emprender nuestro regreso pasearemos por la calle Real , famosa por sus magnificas tiendas donde podremos comprar un lindo recuerdo.
Horse Riding in Madrid Natural Park
The Natural Park Sierra del Guadarrama offers incredible and rugged landscapes of breathtaking beauty. We will ride a horses on the private land/Ranch belonging to my families for three generations in Madrid Moutains. Thanks to our riding trails across the Sierra, led by our expert guides, you will discover all those unspoilt settings and enjoy a time of adventure and fun. The trails were a mix of dirt roads, rocky pathways, and grassy, bushy uphills. The group are small and we have horses for all kinds of riders from novices to accomplished. If you don't see a date or time that works Send me a message and I'll check if it is possible You want make something longer with a picnic ?? Then Check this New Experience "Long Horse Riding Madrid Natural Park" Other things to note Our horses live freedom in the countryside, we have no stables and there are no bathrooms for rider Please, note you should feel comfortable getting on or off a horse by yourself. Wear comfortable shoes. Maximum weight to do this experience: 95kg Minimum two riders
Free Tour Madrid Imprescindible
La mejor forma de empezar a conocer una ciudad es con un FREE TOUR o caminando y perdiéndote por sus calles, pero a veces puedes pasar por lugares increíbles con lindas anécdotas y no darte cuenta, por eso hemos creado esta ruta. **IMPORTANTE** (2 personas máximo por reserva) Si tu grupo tiene más personas, podrán venir, pero **contáctame primero** Bienvenido al FREE TOUR, esto quiere decir que es LIBRE de unirse (lo pagado a airbnb, es por la reserva, no el costo del tour), por lo que tú con tu propina decides el valor del tour, y éstas son las que mantienen viva a esta actividad, igualmente esperamos que te la pases bien con nosotros y nos recomiendes, con un fuerte aplauso y una buena review ¡que son igualmente importantes! Déjanos llevarte y mostrarte la ciudad que conocemos y la ciudad que seguro te enamorará. Recorreremos los lugares más importantes del centro de la ciudad, contándote la historia, anécdotas, historias oscuras y divertidas y los mejores consejos para el resto de tu estancia en Madrid. Puerta del Sol (la plaza principal) y sus monumentos. Km 0 Calle Arenal La churrería más antigua de Madrid Teatro Real (teatro de la ópera) Plaza Oriente Palacio Real Catedral de la Almudena Barrio de los Austrias (el barrio más antiguo) Plaza de la paja Plaza mayor Y mucho más... Tambien puedes reserva en
Visita Cuenca y un viñedo en la Toscana Española
Nuestra aventura Inicia en Madrid con dirección a Cuenca, les recogeremos en un coche y seremos un máximo de 6 personas, esta es una experiencia cercana e intima; no vamos a las prisas y te adelantamos desde ya, que no va a ser el típico tour, seremos como un grupo de amigos divirtiéndonos. Al llegar a la mágica ciudad de Cuenca declarada patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO, nuestra inmersión empezara con una caminata en los miradores, donde apreciaremos como los árabes construyeron una ciudad en medio de los desfiladeros del rio húcar, entre paredes rocosas y casas que parecen estar suspendidas en el aire; Caminaremos por sus callejuelas y subiremos las cuestas que nos van adentrando en esta ciudad, durante el paseo les contaremos su historia, maravillados por su impresionante arquitectura medieval y sus orígenes musulmanes. Haremos una pausa para que puedas comer tranquilo y sin prisas ya que les aseguramos que en nuestra aventura la idea es que puedas disfrutar; después de la comida pasaremos por la calle de Alfonso VIII, famosa por sus magnificas tiendas donde podremos comprar un lindo recuerdo. Antes de emprender nuestro regreso nos dirigiremos a un viñedo local, atendido por su dueño donde nos explicará su elaboración y disfrutaremos de una cata con el atardecer rodeados de campos, en la llamada toscana Española
Wine Tasting near Plaza Mayor
Step into the warm and inviting atmosphere of our elegant shop and discover the delicious world of Spanish wine with us. You'll have the opportunity to taste 3 different glasses of wine, each carefully selected to showcase the variety and style of wines available in Spain. Led by our knowledgeable and entertaining guide, you'll learn about the different regions, interesting facts and statistics, and how wine plays an important role in Spanish culture. Additionally, if you wish, you can enhance your experience by adding a selection of local tapas. Our regional tapas tasting allows you to enjoy delicious bites that perfectly complement each wine, turning your visit into a complete culinary adventure. So, if you're exploring the heart of Madrid during the day and looking to indulge in a little wine education, make sure to stop by Madrid & Darracott for an unforgettable wine experience. Please note: If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please let us know in advance so we can accommodate your needs.
Clases de Yoga en Madrid
Será una clase muy sencilla y para todos los niveles. No importa si nunca has practicado yoga antes. ¡Lo único que tienes que hacer es traer tu esterilla**, y disfrutar de casi 1 hora de desconexión! Es una experiencia inmersiva y sensorial , ya que puedes sentir el sol en tu piel, escuchar los sonidos de la naturaleza y oler el aire fresco. Practicar yoga al aire libre te permite conectarte con la naturaleza y respirar aire fresco. It will be a really easy class and multilevel. It's doesnt matter if you have never ever practice it before. You only have to take your mat** and enjoy disconeccting nearly 1 hour! Practicing yoga outside allows you to connect with nature and breathe fresh air, which can help to reduce stress levels. Outdoor yoga can be a more immersive and sensory experience than practicing indoors, as you can feel the sun on your skin, listen to the sounds of nature, and smell the fresh air. See you on the mat! ** Puedes alquilar una (+3€) o traer una toalla. ** You can rent one (+3€) or bring a towel. ***En caso de lluvia, la clase pasará a otro día a la misma hora, (serás informado por el chat de Airbnb) ***In the event of rain, classes may be rescheduled, (you will be notified via Airbnb Chat).
Photo Session in the magnificent Parque del Retiro
A lifetime experience where you will discover one of the best and largest parks in all Europe, the famous Jardines del Buen Retiro, on a quick photographic walk with documentary photographers who are experts in capturing real moments. True records of your discovery experience in one of Madrid's jewels. - Private session designed for tourists in connection, solo or group travalers, couples in love or a family trip - Optimize your time visiting the best sights in the park and get to know a little of it's history. A soft two hour walk - True moments, true photos: don't worry about posing for the pictures, our photography style is pure spontaneity, just you enjoying the amazing scenarios - Photos that tells a story: you'll receive all the photos taken from the experience, edited and in high quality, perfectly suitable for printing, photo album, calendars and more - Visit the emblematic Embarcadero (dock), Palacio de Cristal (crystal palace), La Rosaleda (rose garden), the Fallen Angel statue and much more, in an environment of rich flora and fauna, like ducks, geese and even peacocks. So if you want to eternalize your best moments in Madrid, send a message! Note: I have more available dates and times than those on Airbnb calendar. So if you wish to schedule in a different time, please let me know. Other things to note If you would like a date that is not available in the calendar, please contact us.
Sesión fotográfica privada en Madrid
La idea es disfrutar de una sesión fotográfica mientras recorremos los lugares más emblemáticos de Madrid. Te ayudaré con tus poses para que muestres tus mejores looks, tu mejor sonrisa, tu mejor mirada, así como también capturaré esos momentos imprevistos, esas imágenes espontáneas y naturales que a todos nos gustan. Esta experiencia está pensada tanto para individuos como para grupos, como parejas, amigos, familias y hasta mascotas. Será un paseo relajado y muy divertido. Te invito a echar un vistazo a mi Insta @mariocelanb Y también a mi video en youtube mario celan Tengo dos itinerarios pensados para aprovechar mejor tu tiempo considerando el mejor momento según la luz del día para que logremos las mejores fotos. Podrás escoger entre Parque El Retiro, uno de los más hermosos parques de Europa o la ruta Palacio Real, Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol y Gran Vía. Si tienes interés en algún otro lugar en particular, como los barrios de Chueca o Malasaña, escríbeme y haré los arreglos necesarios. Otros aspectos destacables El recorrido es a pie, de manera relajada, tomándonos el tiempo necesario para cada foto. Igualmente tomaremos descansos y refrigerios si lo deseas. Para horarios o rutas distintas consúltame y lo adaptamos.