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在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Night Snorkel, Looking for Octopus
Have you ever been in the sea during the night? This is a completely different adventure that you’ll remember all your life. We'll snorkel in a privileged area where octopus and squids hunt during the night and do not worry we are there just to observer and learn, we'll not fish or kill anything. We'll walk from the shore to the water and move around an area no bigger than two basketball court, the maximum depth is 2.5 meters so it’s pretty safe. Every person will have a lantern and a strobe. If you feel that you need a life jacket, we can provide you with one. I'll have my camera ready all the time to take pictures and videos for you and I'll send all to you after the experience. We'll spend at least one hour and a half or two in the water depending on how you feel, we'll have to work as a team because the octopuses are experts in camouflage. We'll always keep a safe distance to the animals, even if sometimes the squids come very close to us, we'll explain you how to behave to not hurt them. After the experience we'll take you to your hotel or Airbnb and you can ask me any question about the animals, I am always happy to share all what I have learned. Do not worry if you do not know how to swim, we can take some time to teach you some basic moves that will allow you to enjoy the experience. People coming from playa should spend the nigth in Cozumel
Power Snorkel by Sea Scooters & Lunch
Welcome to Monina! Lets get started with information about our day an get ready to snorkel. Power snorkel on sea scooters. They do all the swimming for you while you enjoy the beautiful marine life of Cozumel. We will guide you around the Crystal clear waters of the Caribbean for about 50 minutes. To 1 hour Returning to Monina we will get ready to go to Las Quecas owned by a local family Where You Will see all the family cooking ,serving and helping with anything You need to make You feel like at Home. Will visit a place where we Will have a welcome drink ,we Will visit a mayan garden & a mayan house You Will learn about mayan life, we Will have the opportunity to eat tortillas hand Made with a mayan sauce & chocolate handmade ,we conitinue to an Educational tequila class, followed by a tasting of more than 7 different flavored tequilas Some creamy and some refreshing Other things to know Some places don't accept crédit cards specially souvenirs we recommend to bring some cash. Other things to note Hair must be worn in a ponytail. You must wear a life jacket at all times while in the water. If you and your family come by cruise ship Carnival, Royal caribbean, NCL Celebrity cruises, Princess cruise Etc. & your arrival to Cozumel is after 10:00am don't worry, we work with ship time and we can start the experience earlier to ensure we get you to your cruise ship on time
Night Snorkeling With Sea Scooter
Meet at La Monina Restaurant. We will greet you & give you safety rules, equipment, & go over what we are going to do. Night time in the water is as beautiful as the day time. So much to see. Especially a favorite of all our guest, the octopus! There will be so many other colorful marine life as well. The night time underwater is spectacular. We will spend about an hour and half snorkeling. After the water, we will relax by the ocean & you may have your choice of one of Monina's Cocktails, 1 beer, 1 water, or 1 soda on us!
Experiencia Ancestral en Canoa Maya
Nuestra experiencia consiste en un viaje guiado remando en una tradicional canoa Maya (única en la isla), reviviendo las tradiciones de nuestros antepasados mayas donde venían a Cozumel a venerar a la diosa del amor y la fertilidad Ixchel. En este viaje tenemos también la oportunidad de snorkelear y disfrutar de momentos mágicos en contacto con la naturaleza. Comenzamos en nuestro punto de reunión con una clase / inducción de remo maya por lo que no es necesario tener experiencia previa, una vez listos, zarparemos para navegar y remar en sincronía en las espectaculares aguas cristalinas de la hermosa costa de Cozumel, haremos pausas que nos permitan contemplar hermosos amaneceres o atardeceres de fuego con colores vibrantes como de postal y LLENOS DE MAGIA. Así mismo, tendremos el tiempo de nadar y hacer esnórquel en sitios “poco explorados” o “no muy turísticos” llenos de microsistemas acuáticos muy coloridos así como (si las condiciones del mar lo permiten) , visitaremos un par de barcos hundidos espectaculares donde serás el protagonista de fotos subacuáticas mágicas que sin duda encantaran a tus seguidores en tus redes sociales. Es una manera increíble de apoyar iniciativas de turismo verde ya que no usamos motor de ningún tipo de contaminante. Ideal para los amantes de actividades deportivas y recreativas. Reserva ahora y transfórmate por un día en un canoero ancestral
Clases de surf en Cozumel
Embarcate en una experiencia inolvidable de surf en la pintoresca Isla Cozumel, ¡Una aventura que no querrás perderte! Sumérgete en el mundo del surf con nuestras lecciones con todo incluido, diseñadas tanto para principiantes como para aquellos que desean repasar sus habilidades intermedias. Todo comienza cuando te recogemos en nuestro carrito surfer en el centro de Cozumel, puerto de cruceros, hotel o terminal de ferry (a veces te pediremos que camines hasta un punto de encuentro cercano). Desde allí, te llevaremos a los mejores lugares de surf en la isla, normalmente surfeamos en Playa Bonita. *La actividad tiene una duración completa de 3 Horas, la clase en si tiene una duración de 1 hora y 10 minutos en el agua con tu instructor + clase teórica en la playa + tiempos de transporte = 3 Horas aproximadamente. Incluimos transporte, bocadillos, agua refrescante, un rashguard (uniforme escolar) para tu comodidad y, como toque especial, las fotos basicas estan incluidas de cortesía para capturar tus momentos épicos. *Sujeto a disponibilidad del fotógrafo y el clima. Nuestra pasión por el surf nos impulsa a compartir este increíble deporte contigo, garantizando una experiencia segura y placentera para surfistas de todos los niveles. ¡Así que prepárate para conquistar las olas y crear recuerdos duraderos en el paraíso tropical de Cozumel!


La Choza Cozumel64位當地人推薦
Cinépolis Cozumel28位當地人推薦
Mercado Municipal25位當地人推薦


Sunken Ships Expedition by Sea Scooter & Breafast
Welcome to Monina! Lets get started with information about our day an get ready to snorkel. We will go by sea scooter to the 2 sunken ships, these ships have been in the bottom of the Caribbean for over 20 years. The sea scooters do most all the swimming for you while you enjoy the beautiful marine life of Cozumel. We will guide you around the Crystal clear waters of the Caribbean for about 60 minutes. Returning to Monina we will have a breakfast ,while You relax an look over the beautiful ocean. Last, we Will visit a place where we Will have a welcome drink ,we Will visit a mayan garden & a mayan house You Will learn about mayan life, we Will have the opportunity to eat tortillas hand Made with a mayan sauce & chocolate handmade ,we conitnue to a Educational tequila class, followed by a tasting of more than 7 different flavored tequilas Some creamy and some refreshing Other things to note:Hair must be worn in a ponytail. You must wear a life jacket at all times while You are in the water If you and your family come by cruise ship & your arrival to Cozumel is later than 9:00 am, don't worry, we work with ship time and we can start the experience 1 hour after the arrival to Cozumel.
Night Snorkeling With Sea Scooter
Meet at La Monina Restaurant. We will greet you & give you safety rules, equipment, & go over what we are going to do. Night time in the water is as beautiful as the day time. So much to see. Especially a favorite of all our guest, the octopus! There will be so many other colorful marine life as well. The night time underwater is spectacular. We will spend about an hour and half snorkeling. After the water, we will relax by the ocean & you may have your choice of one of Monina's Cocktails, 1 beer, 1 water, or 1 soda on us!
Experiencia Ancestral en Canoa Maya
Nuestra experiencia consiste en un viaje guiado remando en una tradicional canoa Maya (única en la isla), reviviendo las tradiciones de nuestros antepasados mayas donde venían a Cozumel a venerar a la diosa del amor y la fertilidad Ixchel. En este viaje tenemos también la oportunidad de snorkelear y disfrutar de momentos mágicos en contacto con la naturaleza. Comenzamos en nuestro punto de reunión con una clase / inducción de remo maya por lo que no es necesario tener experiencia previa, una vez listos, zarparemos para navegar y remar en sincronía en las espectaculares aguas cristalinas de la hermosa costa de Cozumel, haremos pausas que nos permitan contemplar hermosos amaneceres o atardeceres de fuego con colores vibrantes como de postal y LLENOS DE MAGIA. Así mismo, tendremos el tiempo de nadar y hacer esnórquel en sitios “poco explorados” o “no muy turísticos” llenos de microsistemas acuáticos muy coloridos así como (si las condiciones del mar lo permiten) , visitaremos un par de barcos hundidos espectaculares donde serás el protagonista de fotos subacuáticas mágicas que sin duda encantaran a tus seguidores en tus redes sociales. Es una manera increíble de apoyar iniciativas de turismo verde ya que no usamos motor de ningún tipo de contaminante. Ideal para los amantes de actividades deportivas y recreativas. Reserva ahora y transfórmate por un día en un canoero ancestral
Clear Kayak, Sea Scooter, Lunch
We will welcome you to Monina. Once you are ready we will go over the Kayaks and you and a guide will go out into the crystal blue Caribbean to view not only the beautiful ocean and its surroundings but the marine life under you. You will be able to see the beautiful life the ocean gives from the Kayak. The clear bottom helps you to view all the beauty swimming under you. After back to shore we will use our sea scooters to snorkel up the shore line. This area is beautiful. There is an array of fish and the reefs are beautiful with vibrant coloring. The sea scooters does most of the swimming for you so you can enjoy. Are You hungry? Lets get some chiken fajitas it comes with tamarin juice or horchata ,if You want to Buy a drink with alcohol they Will be available 2x1 the view that surrounds you. The beach area has lounge chairs, tables with cover, umbrellas, restaurant with food and drinks, restroom facility.
Night Snorkel, Looking for Octopus
Have you ever been in the sea during the night? This is a completely different adventure that you’ll remember all your life. We'll snorkel in a privileged area where octopus and squids hunt during the night and do not worry we are there just to observer and learn, we'll not fish or kill anything. We'll walk from the shore to the water and move around an area no bigger than two basketball court, the maximum depth is 2.5 meters so it’s pretty safe. Every person will have a lantern and a strobe. If you feel that you need a life jacket, we can provide you with one. I'll have my camera ready all the time to take pictures and videos for you and I'll send all to you after the experience. We'll spend at least one hour and a half or two in the water depending on how you feel, we'll have to work as a team because the octopuses are experts in camouflage. We'll always keep a safe distance to the animals, even if sometimes the squids come very close to us, we'll explain you how to behave to not hurt them. After the experience we'll take you to your hotel or Airbnb and you can ask me any question about the animals, I am always happy to share all what I have learned. Do not worry if you do not know how to swim, we can take some time to teach you some basic moves that will allow you to enjoy the experience. People coming from playa should spend the nigth in Cozumel
Biking Into A Hidden Jungle Cenote
Se les recogerá en su alojamiento en coche, (el traslado esta incluido en la zona centro de Playa del Carmen. Resorts afuera de la ciudad tiene un costo extra) para trasladarnos a un punto donde comenzaremos un recorrido redondo de 24 km/15 millas en bicicleta de montaña a través de la selva. Lo fascinante de la ruta, es que si tenemos suerte se podrá observar fauna local mientras llegamos a un cenote escondido en forma de semi cueva abierta para refrescarnos y nadar un rato. Posteriormente regresaremos sobre la misma ruta en bicicleta rumbo al coche, para finalizar el tour y regresarlos a su alojamiento.
Downtown History Walk
Start your day diving in the deep history of the Island. You will meet your guide at the iconic Plaza de las Dos Culturas where the first catholic mass was held over 500 years ago. Once you are in the right hands get ready to start walking along the breathtaking waterfront. Discover the origins of the island's geological formation and it's strategic importance throughout mexican history. Continue your cultural journey visiting the most important monuments. Discover the life of the father of our race: Gonzalo Guerrero and the historical consequences of his actions. Finish your morning at the lush gardens of Benito Juarez park and learn about the life of the first indigenous president of our country. Cozumel is a place where you can get in touch with our ancient prehispanic past and link the steps of a nation's development into modern times. This is a simple yet enriching experience that will help you make the most of your stay during the following days. If you are taking a taxi to the location consider asking for the fee before hand it shouldn't exceed 5 usd.
Power Snorkel by Sea Scooters & Lunch
Welcome to Monina! Lets get started with information about our day an get ready to snorkel. Power snorkel on sea scooters. They do all the swimming for you while you enjoy the beautiful marine life of Cozumel. We will guide you around the Crystal clear waters of the Caribbean for about 50 minutes. To 1 hour Returning to Monina we will get ready to go to Las Quecas owned by a local family Where You Will see all the family cooking ,serving and helping with anything You need to make You feel like at Home. Will visit a place where we Will have a welcome drink ,we Will visit a mayan garden & a mayan house You Will learn about mayan life, we Will have the opportunity to eat tortillas hand Made with a mayan sauce & chocolate handmade ,we conitinue to an Educational tequila class, followed by a tasting of more than 7 different flavored tequilas Some creamy and some refreshing Other things to know Some places don't accept crédit cards specially souvenirs we recommend to bring some cash. Other things to note Hair must be worn in a ponytail. You must wear a life jacket at all times while in the water. If you and your family come by cruise ship Carnival, Royal caribbean, NCL Celebrity cruises, Princess cruise Etc. & your arrival to Cozumel is after 10:00am don't worry, we work with ship time and we can start the experience earlier to ensure we get you to your cruise ship on time
Clases de surf en Cozumel
Embarcate en una experiencia inolvidable de surf en la pintoresca Isla Cozumel, ¡Una aventura que no querrás perderte! Sumérgete en el mundo del surf con nuestras lecciones con todo incluido, diseñadas tanto para principiantes como para aquellos que desean repasar sus habilidades intermedias. Todo comienza cuando te recogemos en nuestro carrito surfer en el centro de Cozumel, puerto de cruceros, hotel o terminal de ferry (a veces te pediremos que camines hasta un punto de encuentro cercano). Desde allí, te llevaremos a los mejores lugares de surf en la isla, normalmente surfeamos en Playa Bonita. *La actividad tiene una duración completa de 3 Horas, la clase en si tiene una duración de 1 hora y 10 minutos en el agua con tu instructor + clase teórica en la playa + tiempos de transporte = 3 Horas aproximadamente. Incluimos transporte, bocadillos, agua refrescante, un rashguard (uniforme escolar) para tu comodidad y, como toque especial, las fotos basicas estan incluidas de cortesía para capturar tus momentos épicos. *Sujeto a disponibilidad del fotógrafo y el clima. Nuestra pasión por el surf nos impulsa a compartir este increíble deporte contigo, garantizando una experiencia segura y placentera para surfistas de todos los niveles. ¡Así que prepárate para conquistar las olas y crear recuerdos duraderos en el paraíso tropical de Cozumel!
Taste Cozumel with Private Chef Ramiro
Enjoy your very own private chef experience at your place! Take advantage of our group discounts: ★ 15% OFF — groups from 4 to 5 guests ★ 20% OFF — groups of +6 guests To have a closer look at my menus check out the What's Included section below. Learn the secrets hidden within each dish, and enjoy a delicious multi-course meal. Get ready to discover the taste of Cozumel without leaving your own dining room! I will arrive before your preferred dining time in order to begin working my magic. I won't arrive empty-handed! No-no, I will show up at your doorstep equipped with every ingredient needed in order to prepare your meal. Feel free to put your apron on and cook some of the dishes with me! I am eager to share with you the secrets behind my recipes and Cozumel local hidden treasures. Not in the mood? Well then lay down, relax, enjoy a few appetizers and allow us to take care of you. Eat, share, drink, laugh, and explore Cozumel dining scene from your own table. Oh and don’t worry about tidying up, everything will be left spotless for you to continue to enjoy! Please note that to book an experience there is a minimum of 2 guests required.
Tree Lover Tour
We´ll hike and experience the beauty of Cozumel´s tropical forest ecosystem up close - using our 5 senses! I´ll introduce you to the secret life of the trees with fascinating stories about the unexpected and most astonishing abilities of trees. You´ll find out how they communicate, socialize, sleep, and what they feel - based on the latest scientific discoveries. You´ll also learn about the specialty trees and their benefits (health, economic, cultural). Will you find the chewing gum tree? ...and dare to try a tamarind water? Then this genuine new encounter is for you, the nature lover. Join my walk of wonder! Other dates are also available upon request. Feel free to message me if you have questions. Other things to note: This is an outdoor wilderness experience. So please be aware of nature and everything it entails (no bathroom, maybe mosquitoes and other wild life like: deer, coati mundi´s, non-stinger melipona bees, hummingbirds, butterflies etc...).
Snorkel Nocturno - Spanish Only
*This experience is only in Spanish* Alguna vez has estado en el mar durante la noche? Esta es una aventura completamente diferente que recordarás toda tu vida. Haremos snorkel en una zona privilegiada donde pulpos y calamares cazan durante la noche y no te preocupes estamos ahí solo para observar y aprender, no pescaremos ni mataremos nada. Caminaremos desde la orilla hasta el agua y nos moveremos por un área no mayor a dos canchas de baloncesto, la profundidad máxima es de 2,5 metros, por lo que es bastante seguro. Cada persona tendrá una linterna y un estrobo. Si necesitas chaleco salvavidas podemos darte uno. Tendré mi cámara lista todo el tiempo para tomar videos cortos que te enviaré después de la experiencia. Estaremos al menos una hora y media en el agua dependiendo de cómo te sientas y tendremos que trabajar en equipo para encontrar pulpos ya que son expertos en el arte del camuflaje. Mantendremos siempre la distancia de segura con los animales, aunque a veces los calamares se nos acercan mucho, te explicaremos cómo moverte para no hacerles daño. Al terminar la experiencia te llevamos a tu hotel o Airbnb y puedes hacerme cualquier pregunta sobre los animales, me dara gusto compartir todo lo que he aprendido. No te preocupes si no sabes nadar, podemos tomarnos un tiempo para enseñarte algunos movimientos básicos que te permitirán disfrutar de la experiecia
City tour by e-bike
Come and explore the history, culture, and taste of the "Island of Swallows" while enjoying the comfort and safety of your very own electric bike. This unique excursion will provide an up close and personal view of Cozumel while actively engaging both mind and body. I will help you select the correct bike for your body size making necessary adjustments for a perfect fit and provide you safety jacket and helmet, you will receive basic operating and safety instructions prior our journey. Once we be ready we will head down Rafael Melgar Avenue, the road that runs along the waterfront, to Corpus Christi Park and Church. Here we will learn about the Mexican culture and take some time to explore this gorgeous church. After the visit to the church, we will ride down to the local marketplace. Here you will receive a brief tour of the interior, explaining the particulars of a local Mexican marketplace. Next, you Will have freshly prepared tacos with water or soda to accompany the meal. After this, we will hop back on the bike and follow the road to the boulevard street, then we will see the Grijalva Monument. Here you may climb the steps of the small pyramid as you learn about the discovery of the island. Our last stop will be Mi Mexico Lindo where you will participate in a brief tequila tour. Then we will ride back to the original meeting point. Meet 15 minutes prior to departure.
A photo walk in Cozumel, Mexico
We will meet at the famous clock tower on the Benito Juarez square in downtown of Cozumel island and do a brief review of how our cameras work and answer the first photography "how to" questions. Our 2.5 hour photo walk starts in the historic center of Cozumel - capturing images of Cozumel´s colorful streets, fountain, street art, typical neighborhoods, the local market. You will also get a chance to photograph typical Mexican daily life situations, people, and other quirky points of interest along the way. Authentic Mexican buildings and sites will be the background for your lively and interactive experience. Along the way you get hands-on photo tips and learn tricks for creating amazing images with your camera or smart phone. Eventually we'll end our fun photo walk again at the clock tower. Other things to note: Please bring your own camera and interest in photography to enjoy this photo walk. You should be able to walk 1.5 miles. Other dates can be accommodated upon request. Feel free to message me if you have questions. Join my photography walk! I´m looking forward to meeting you and to taking you to the best photo locations of Cozumel downtown.
Paddle Board Snorkeling Rental
We will welcome guests At La Monina Restaurant to provide the paddle boards & the Snorkeling equipment You Will have the paddle board ready & the snorkel gear for 3 hours to have a great day with us, at this location no boat trafic, so it is safe to use the paddle boards and the Snorkeling gear. We can show You the Best área where You can see the colorful fish and a beautiful coral formation. We Will be always by the beach in case You need some help. At the restaurant You can Buy drinks and food in case You get hungry or thirsty.
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