Airbnb 體驗


在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Shooting in Havana
Nos encontraremos fuera del hotel Inglaterra, frente al emblemático parque central, desde ahí comenzaremos a recorrer puntos iconicos en los cuales tomaré sus fotos, las cuales serán perfectas para redes sociales y para inmortalizar tu paso por la Habana. Soy una fotógrafa especializada con años de experiencia en el sector de retratos y moda, será un placer para mi ayudarte a posar y relajarte para obtener los mejores resultados. Durante el recorrido me encantaría que conversáramos de sus experiencias en La Ciudad y sería mi placer contarles más sobre nuestra cultura y nuestra historia mientras tomo sus fotos de una manera espontánea. Así que les recomiendo zapatos cómodos para este día, que estará acompañado de una charla amena que nos permita conocernos para así poder captar tu esencia y las calles de esta ciudad que nunca duerme. Pueden traer cambios de ropa si así lo desean. Si reserva la experiencia privada tiene una hora para tomarse fotos y hacer un recorrido con un auto clásico. El precio del auto está incluido! Si tienes un teléfono iPhone y espacio en su memoria puedo copiarte todas las fotos en formato raw tan pronto terminemos la sesión. También funciona para smartphones que tengan un puerto de carga tipo C. Si quieren ver más de mi trabajo tanto comercial como personal no dejen de revisar mis cuentas en IG @claudiaraymat @shootinginhavana
The Genuine Non Touristy Viñales Valley <also from Viñales>
Hola, Welcome to a Genuine Adventure not a generic tour We won't take you to "farms" already set up for visitors and tourist trap attractions Instead we'll have fun in a relaxing exploration of the heart of the Valley, passing by tobacco fields and other crops meeting and engaging along the way with farmer friends and family,enjoying the best Piña Colada ever We'll visit Don Pepe's Farm, 6th generation of expert tobacco farmers to learn first hand about the traditional methods of cultivation that has made Habanos Cigars the best in the world We'll enjoy lots of great stories about country life style while witnessing a Cigar rolling demonstration Don't leave without tasting Don Pepe's craft made cigars.That’s on us We'll continue to explore the Valley by foot and those who want to go for even more fun can join Pochy a genuine Cuban cowboy for an optional horseback riding experience Our adventure goes on visiting my aunt Papita's Coffee Farm. You'll simply love her and the farm! Papita will share the secrets of a long family tradition More incredible stories and laugh while tasting a memorable farm to table home cooked meal Don't miss the Cave El Farallón with impressive carstic formations 200M old Join us, feel like a dear friend, not a tourist NOTICE: The Experience total cost is 80€ Due to our high inflation we are collecting 65€ on spot SORRY for the inconvenience
**If you are in Cuba and unable to book, please ask someone in your country to make the reservation on Airbnb for you. Is Cuba a socialist country? How does free education and health care work in this country? What effect has the Revolution had on Cuban society? In this experience, you will see Cuban life in local markets, pharmacies and stores and you will understand the core of our main social challenges, why there is a black market and how it operates, how people can purchase necessities with currencies different from their salaries and you will also learn about what makes us feel proud to be Cubans, our resilience and idiosyncrasy. Walking around 1.5 kilometers in Old Havana, you will visit a private food market to understand how Cuba's unstable currency impacts people's life. You will visit a pharmacy to learn about Cuba's health care system and why our doctors are so famous worldwide. Then you will go to a ration store so you can observe and understand how the subsidized food functions. Is it free? Are the rations enough for a month? Understand Cuba once and for all, in a simple but insightful manner where you will listen, not only amazing stories, but also statistics that support what you will see while you walk. This is our vision of the real Cuba: the honest way.
Inolvidable Varadero-Todo Incluido
Importante: A causa de la inflación económica en Cuba, además del precio de la reserva deberá pagar 70 euros en efectivo el día de la experiencia. Itinerario: Recogida en su residencia Airbnb o su hotel y salida hacia Varadero. Parada y disfrute de maravillosas vistas en el Puente de Bacunayagua, el más alto de Cuba y considerado una de las siete maravillas de la arquitectura cubana, degustará de la mejor piña colada de Cuba mientras observa el increíble paisaje natural. (incluido) Exploración de la cueva de Saturno, haremos un pequeño recorrido a pie hasta entrar en la cueva, dentro observaremos estalagmitas y estalactitas y disfrutaremos de un refrescante baño en el río subterráneo, te sorprenderás al ver las aguas tan cristalinas del río. Recorrido panorámico por el casco urbano de Varadero, donde aprenderás la historia de este mundialmente famoso pueblo, visitado por Grandes personalidades de todos los tiempos. Tiempo para almorzar, disfrutaremos de la sabrosa comida tradicional cubana.(incluido) Tiempo para baño en las fabulosas playas de Varadero (El tiempo en la playa es de 3 horas a 4 horas, está en dependencia del tiempo consumido en los puntos de parada anteriores). Regreso a la Habana y retorno a su residencia. El viaje de la Habana a Varadero dura aproximadamente 2.5 horas.
Ride in a convertible & photo session
Important note: this experience requires an extra payment of 60 USD to rent a convertible car for 2 hours, this price is per car (maximum 4 people per car), not per person, and will be divided by the amount of people that will take part in the experience. The payment through Airbnb platform corresponds to our services as guide/photographers. This strategy allows a lower cost per person and works better for groups of 2 guests or more. Join us and discover Havana and its rich culture, in this experience that is carefully designed to combine history, classic cars and photography. We will start our trip in Old Havana and then we will ride a classic convertible car from the '50s through the main landmarks of the city for 2 hours. We will stop briefly in some of the most iconic places for you to get immerse in our rich culture. You will be able to appreciate Havana and its culture through the EYES OF A LOCAL. You will get to know our REAL CUBA, the one we love and we feel proud to share with friend from all around the world. All this will go together with a photo session that will allow you to treasure an unforgettable memory of your stay in Havana. If you would like to do a longer ride & photo session take a look to our 3 hours experience "Private Convertible Tour + Photo Session"


Visit and support an animal shelter
You'll first be welcomed at the meeting point by Ivan, the person who will assist me with the translation. He will provide clear info about what we're going to do during the day, for those who might have overlooked the activity description. He will wait 15 minutes after the accorded time if someone is late. When everybody arrives, you'll jump to a car that will take you to my farm, which is located outside the city, 40 minutes away by car. Once on the farm, I will personally welcome you again. I'm going to show you the shelter, and how everything works here. During two hours, you'll be learning all the things I do every day for saving pets and why there are only a few places like my shelter in Cuba. I will also teach you many facts about how to properly take care of animals and cure them. Basically, you'll be assisting me with my daily labor, like a volunteer. I will give you some time to play with the pets and take pictures. In the shelter, you'll find dogs, cats, birds, rams pigeons, etc. If you love animals like me, this is a great chance to contribute to help them. My farm follows a basic cycle: 1- Receive abandoned pets. 2- Feed, cure and help them to survive. 3- Encourage people to adopt healthy I'd really appreciate you bring some donations such as medicine and cat/dog food. There are severe food shortages in Cuba. Follow us on IG @petrescuehv
Tasting Afro Cuban Culture
Are you a lover of great food? Have you heard of the influence that traditional African spirituality has had on Cuban cuisine? Would you like to learn the special way that we prepare some of these dishes? Yes? Then this is the right experience for you! We will meet you at Beyond Roots Store, our headquarters. From there we will ride together to Guanabacoa, our hometown. Once there, you will learn about the influence of the Afro-Cuban religions in our cuisine while we share a typical beverage. Then, Jose´s mom will show you how to cook in our local style, having the opportunity to understand when, why, and how we prepare each dish. Finally, we will enjoy tasting the different plates that we prepared and, in that moment, when we are laughing and sharing our personal stories under the rhythm of drums, you will realize that the simple act of eating assumes mystical dimensions and has the power to bring strangers together like family. At the end of the day you will know how flavors, music and dance tell the story of the desires and struggles of our African ancestors. This is not about cooking in a professional way, it´s about cooking according to the folklore of a modest community. Note: a minimum if 3 guests is required to include the musical performance
Senderismo, Snorkeling, Almuerzo, Transporte fuera de Habana
TODO INCLUIDO! Importante: El precio total es de 90 USD/€ por persona, el resto del pago (80usd/€ por cada uno) será en efectivo el día del tour. Nuestro tour comienza en su alojamiento en la Habana desde donde serán recogidos. Tendremos una maravillosa aventura, en la cuál verás y harás las cosas que jamás pensaste que podías hacer en cuba. Nuestro viaje estará colmado de hermosos paisajes,esto junto al mar multicolor que verás valdrán la pena para que no lo pienses más y reserves ahora mismo! Haremos un viaje desde La Habana de aproximadamente 40 minutos por todo el litoral costero, una ves llegado al lugar cruzaremos caminando un río de 100 metros de ancho y una profundidad máxima de 1.40 metros, del otro lado del río empezaremos el sendero rodeando la montaña el cual nos tomará atravesarlo 30 minutos todo rodeado de hermosos paisajes y exuberante naturaleza. Pero sabes…esto se irá poniendo cada vez mejor al final del sendero nos encontraremos con una maravillosa vista del lugar conocido como "La Cazuela" donde haremos las mejores fotos y será un excelente lugar donde podremos tomar un refrescante baño después de la caminata, una vez en La Cazuela haremos snorkeling en sus aguas cristalinas y pasaremos una excelente tarde conociéndonos más. Después podremos degustar un auténtico almuerzo criollo cubano en casa de una familia de lugareños, sintiéndonos en famila
Are you interested in learning about the legacy of our Africans ancestor in the Cuban Culture? Are you ready to witness the influence of Afro Cuban Religions in the daily life of the Cuba? Then this experience is a MUST for you! We will meet at Beyond Roots headquarter in Old Havana to share a cup of coffee and get to know each other. We´ll travel to Guanabacoa,the cradle of Afro-Cuban culture. There we will walk the streets of our hometown, feel the authentic life of this community. put yourself in the shoes of the Cubans and see yourself how every aspect of our life is heavily influenced by our African heritage. Then we will enter the house of a “Babalawo”--the highest priest of Santeria. He will cleanse us at his altar and explain us the main Afro-Cuban religions and also how he looks into people’s future and gives advice . We will enjoy typical Afro-Cuban food and relax under the shadow of a sacred Ceiba tree listening to emblematic music played by members of the community, while we taste a cup of Aguardiente. After that we´ll go back to Beyond Roots store, the first and only Afro style shop in Cuba, having the opportunity to visit an space dedicated to highlighting the Afro identity in the island. You will come as a guest but you will leave being part of the community.
Cigar rolling and pairing Masterclass
This experience focuses on the difficult process of making a cigar. From the hand of an experienced cigar roller we will learn to make an examplar, we will explain all the specificities that accompany the process of making this product, from the time it is grown, until it reaches your hands. This will be the perfect time for our CIGAR CHALLENGE, after which we will reward the best cigar roller of the experience. After choosing our winner (special ceremony included), we will go on to what we consider to be an authentic ritual: the smoking of the habano, action that we will combine with other delights, giving way to an excellent pairing among cigars, rum and coffee. And then, SURPRISE, a second contest!! We will be competing among each other to select the person who manages to keep the longest cigar ash, and the one who best performs some other tricks we will be teaching you. This is called: LONG ASH CONTEST. At the end of the experience more gifts will come, and that is because we do not want you to leave without taking with you souvenirs related to this experience, so you will be bringing home with you some amazing memories but also little things that will forever remind you of Cuba. IMPORTANT NOTES: -No additional transportation fee is charged. -Please arrive on time for your scheduled experience. -Eat and stay hydrated beforehand to prevent dizziness from the strong pairing.


Shooting in Havana
Nos encontraremos fuera del hotel Inglaterra, frente al emblemático parque central, desde ahí comenzaremos a recorrer puntos iconicos en los cuales tomaré sus fotos, las cuales serán perfectas para redes sociales y para inmortalizar tu paso por la Habana. Soy una fotógrafa especializada con años de experiencia en el sector de retratos y moda, será un placer para mi ayudarte a posar y relajarte para obtener los mejores resultados. Durante el recorrido me encantaría que conversáramos de sus experiencias en La Ciudad y sería mi placer contarles más sobre nuestra cultura y nuestra historia mientras tomo sus fotos de una manera espontánea. Así que les recomiendo zapatos cómodos para este día, que estará acompañado de una charla amena que nos permita conocernos para así poder captar tu esencia y las calles de esta ciudad que nunca duerme. Pueden traer cambios de ropa si así lo desean. Si reserva la experiencia privada tiene una hora para tomarse fotos y hacer un recorrido con un auto clásico. El precio del auto está incluido! Si tienes un teléfono iPhone y espacio en su memoria puedo copiarte todas las fotos en formato raw tan pronto terminemos la sesión. También funciona para smartphones que tengan un puerto de carga tipo C. Si quieren ver más de mi trabajo tanto comercial como personal no dejen de revisar mis cuentas en IG @claudiaraymat @shootinginhavana
Exclusive vintage car night tour in Havana
*No cash is required for this all-inclusive private experience. *Bookings for 1 person are allowed as private: $99. Experience Havana's iconic landmarks and breathtaking sunset views from the open top of a vintage convertible. We'll pick you up at your Old Havana, Centro Havana, or Vedado accommodation and show you the city's most iconic sights at golden hour. After our ride, we will delve into the rich history of Old Havana's Squares, highlighting the Spanish influence on the area's architecture and culture. After exploring Havana's past and present from the perfect vantage point, we'll cap off the evening at a rooftop bar overlooking the sparkling bay. Here we'll sip a cocktail and discuss the cultural influences that shape this fascinating city while soaking in the magnificence of sunset over Havana. These are the landmarks we will encounter during our experience: -The National Capitol (the main government building before the Cuban Revolution) -Vedado neighborhood. -The National Hotel (house for Mafia dealers before 1959) -The famous Havana's seawall -The Museum of the Cuban Revolution -The Morro fortress -Cathedral Square, Army Square and Bodeguita del Medio. -Rooftop Bar **We will make two stops, for up to 10 minutes each, at the two places you find most picturesque so that you can take photos with your family. These stops are completely optional.
The Genuine Non Touristy Viñales Valley <also from Viñales>
Hola, Welcome to a Genuine Adventure not a generic tour We won't take you to "farms" already set up for visitors and tourist trap attractions Instead we'll have fun in a relaxing exploration of the heart of the Valley, passing by tobacco fields and other crops meeting and engaging along the way with farmer friends and family,enjoying the best Piña Colada ever We'll visit Don Pepe's Farm, 6th generation of expert tobacco farmers to learn first hand about the traditional methods of cultivation that has made Habanos Cigars the best in the world We'll enjoy lots of great stories about country life style while witnessing a Cigar rolling demonstration Don't leave without tasting Don Pepe's craft made cigars.That’s on us We'll continue to explore the Valley by foot and those who want to go for even more fun can join Pochy a genuine Cuban cowboy for an optional horseback riding experience Our adventure goes on visiting my aunt Papita's Coffee Farm. You'll simply love her and the farm! Papita will share the secrets of a long family tradition More incredible stories and laugh while tasting a memorable farm to table home cooked meal Don't miss the Cave El Farallón with impressive carstic formations 200M old Join us, feel like a dear friend, not a tourist NOTICE: The Experience total cost is 80€ Due to our high inflation we are collecting 65€ on spot SORRY for the inconvenience
**If you are in Cuba and unable to book, please ask someone in your country to make the reservation on Airbnb for you. Is Cuba a socialist country? How does free education and health care work in this country? What effect has the Revolution had on Cuban society? In this experience, you will see Cuban life in local markets, pharmacies and stores and you will understand the core of our main social challenges, why there is a black market and how it operates, how people can purchase necessities with currencies different from their salaries and you will also learn about what makes us feel proud to be Cubans, our resilience and idiosyncrasy. Walking around 1.5 kilometers in Old Havana, you will visit a private food market to understand how Cuba's unstable currency impacts people's life. You will visit a pharmacy to learn about Cuba's health care system and why our doctors are so famous worldwide. Then you will go to a ration store so you can observe and understand how the subsidized food functions. Is it free? Are the rations enough for a month? Understand Cuba once and for all, in a simple but insightful manner where you will listen, not only amazing stories, but also statistics that support what you will see while you walk. This is our vision of the real Cuba: the honest way.
Bienvenido a la Habana, auto clásico
Nuestra recorrido comienza encontrándonos en el aeropuerto de la Habana para comenzar nuestro viaje a la ciudad en un auténtico y precioso auto clásico americano de los años 50. En nuestro viaje podremos ver distintas zonas de la Habana, desde la periferia hasta el centro de la ciudad, incluyendo la imponente plaza de la Revolución y algunas de las zonas más concurridas, dependiendo de su dirección de destino. Este servicio no es un tour por la ciudad que incluye paradas en distintos puntos. Usted puede reservar está experiencia independientemente de la hora programada, luego nos comunicaremos para conocer los detalles de su vuelo y la hora de llegada. El viaje es completamente privado y los 35€ incluyen la transportación de hasta 3 personas (4 en caso de que tengan poco equipaje). Si desea hacer el recorrido contrario desde la Habana hacia el aeropuerto también puede reservar está experiencia por el mismo precio.
Inolvidable Varadero-Todo Incluido
Importante: A causa de la inflación económica en Cuba, además del precio de la reserva deberá pagar 70 euros en efectivo el día de la experiencia. Itinerario: Recogida en su residencia Airbnb o su hotel y salida hacia Varadero. Parada y disfrute de maravillosas vistas en el Puente de Bacunayagua, el más alto de Cuba y considerado una de las siete maravillas de la arquitectura cubana, degustará de la mejor piña colada de Cuba mientras observa el increíble paisaje natural. (incluido) Exploración de la cueva de Saturno, haremos un pequeño recorrido a pie hasta entrar en la cueva, dentro observaremos estalagmitas y estalactitas y disfrutaremos de un refrescante baño en el río subterráneo, te sorprenderás al ver las aguas tan cristalinas del río. Recorrido panorámico por el casco urbano de Varadero, donde aprenderás la historia de este mundialmente famoso pueblo, visitado por Grandes personalidades de todos los tiempos. Tiempo para almorzar, disfrutaremos de la sabrosa comida tradicional cubana.(incluido) Tiempo para baño en las fabulosas playas de Varadero (El tiempo en la playa es de 3 horas a 4 horas, está en dependencia del tiempo consumido en los puntos de parada anteriores). Regreso a la Habana y retorno a su residencia. El viaje de la Habana a Varadero dura aproximadamente 2.5 horas.
Ride in a convertible & photo session
Important note: this experience requires an extra payment of 60 USD to rent a convertible car for 2 hours, this price is per car (maximum 4 people per car), not per person, and will be divided by the amount of people that will take part in the experience. The payment through Airbnb platform corresponds to our services as guide/photographers. This strategy allows a lower cost per person and works better for groups of 2 guests or more. Join us and discover Havana and its rich culture, in this experience that is carefully designed to combine history, classic cars and photography. We will start our trip in Old Havana and then we will ride a classic convertible car from the '50s through the main landmarks of the city for 2 hours. We will stop briefly in some of the most iconic places for you to get immerse in our rich culture. You will be able to appreciate Havana and its culture through the EYES OF A LOCAL. You will get to know our REAL CUBA, the one we love and we feel proud to share with friend from all around the world. All this will go together with a photo session that will allow you to treasure an unforgettable memory of your stay in Havana. If you would like to do a longer ride & photo session take a look to our 3 hours experience "Private Convertible Tour + Photo Session"
Great dinner with a Cuban family in Havana
We are a Cuban family and we offer the best authentic Cuban meals for your enjoyment, with traditional Cuban dishes. We invite you to exchange ideas, learn our Cuban customs, be part of the preparation of the dishes, and bond with our family. This experience is ideal for families, groups and teams. My mom is a great cook and knows everything about food, lunch and dinner are her specialties, as well as Cuban desserts. We live in Vedado, a friendly, quiet, and central area of Havana. We have over 15 years of experience hosting and living with foreigners. We are a hardworking and dedicated family and our goal is to provide our guests with the best impressions of Cuba, its traditions, and its people.
Let's get inspired by the spirit of Havana, and lose ourselves around its most authentic neighborhoods, reaching some of the greatest pics of your travel! I’ll share stories and guide you through several architectural periods, from Spanish colonization to Cuba’s iconic ‘50s. You’ll get a sense of our people, culture, and traditions along the way. After a time of walk and stories inside old town, we'll jump into the modern side of the city, shooting in a convertible car by the sea and feeling the vibes of the Cuban people. Then we'll go to my favorite bar, where we'll enjoy a great view of the city, while we have a drink and I share with you what life is like for a young Cuban photographer in Havana. Other things to note: No extra payment in cash is needed once you book the experience. Date not listed? Send us a message! If you wish to take part in a photography workshop, please bring your camera as well.
Seafood tradition in a colonial home
My interpreter and I will first welcome you in my colonial home and will offer a refreshing drink to help you cool down. When all the guests have arrived, we'll move to the kitchen, my sanctuary. I will show you all the ingredients we usually use during the class and will give you alternatives in case you can't find them in your country. We are going to prepare, lobster, shrimp or fish as a main dish, depending on what I can get for that day. After this, while the seafood gets cooked, I will teach you how to prepare the proper sauce for the main dish. We'll also prepare the other components of the dinner, like rice and beans, fried plantains or yucca and mojo, and vegetable salad. I will also prepare a traditional Cuban dessert and a Cuban coffee. When everything has been cooked, we will sit at the table and share a traditional seafood dinner in a Cuban way. I also have good food for vegans and vegetarians, so everyone is welcome to my class. Other things to note: Please, inform in advance about any allergies or food restrictions you might have, we also have food options for vegans and vegetarians.
Private Convertible Tour & Photo Session
Important note: this experience requires an extra payment of 75 USD to rent a convertible car for 3 hours, this price is per car (maximum 4 people per car), not per person, and will be divided by the amount of people that will take part in the experience. The payment through Airbnb platform corresponds to our services as guide/photographers. This strategy allows a lower cost per person and works better for groups of 2 guests or more. This experience will be private, so you will not share the car space with other people. Join us and discover Havana and its rich culture, in this experience that is carefully designed to combine history, classic cars and photography. We will start our trip in Old Havana and then we will ride a classic convertible car from the '50s through the main landmarks of the city for 3 hours. We will stop briefly in some of the most iconic places for you to get immerse in our rich culture. You will be able to appreciate Havana and its culture through the EYES OF A LOCAL. You will get to know our REAL CUBA, the one we love and we feel proud to share with friend from all around the world. All this will go together with a photo session that will allow you to treasure an unforgettable memory of your stay in Havana. If you would like to do a shorter ride & photo session take a look to our 2 hours Airbnb experience "Ride in a convertible & photo session".
Feeling Havana (private experience)
This is an overall experience for you don't miss anything in Havana!! Our goal is to provide a personal experience so we ONLY host PRIVATE GROUPS. ( Any number) IMPORTANT!!!... additional 35 USD in CASH will be charge per guest. (If you book ONLY 1 spot 60 USD) We will meet at Sevilla Hotel, after introduce each other I will provide you and overall explanation of the Cuban history and the surrounding buildings and monuments. Our walking tour starts on Obispo Street revealing all the secrets behind its magnificent and diverse architecture, at the same time you will be introduce to essential aspects of Cuban everyday life. Once in the Historical Center we will explore the squares that were the center of political, commercial and religious life in colonial times, you will learn from pirate’s attacks, religion, how Mojito was invented to the story of Guantanamo Bay. We will make other stop for you to try Cuban snacks (churros) and will lead you to an amazing rooftop for continuing our talking meanwhile you enjoy a Cuban classic drink, beer or juice (as you prefer). It’s time then for the panoramic convertible classic car tour, the route is designed in the same way the city of Havana grew, starting from Central Habana, passing through Vedado, Square of the Revolution, Cemetery of Habana, New Vedado, Havana’s Rainforest, Miramar and Malecon. Get in touch for modifications!
Uncover Old Havana's heritage with young Cubans
If you are visiting Cuba, you cannot leave without walking the streets of Old Havana, the majestic, somewhat irreverent, and beautifully decadent historic heart of the city. Walk the streets of Old Havana, see for yourself how the past and the present unite in this living and lively city and embrace the Habanero spirit. This experience will take you through the most important sites of the historic quartier including worldwide recognized spots and some hidden alleyways visitors frequently miss. We will reconstruct Cuba history through observing the architecture of Old Havana, discovering the life that lies in every stone. We will dissect the evolution of the city as a commercial enclave, the political and religious centre of the colonial country, and an unmatched cultural hub. Each point of interest will help us link the past with the socioeconomic realities of the present. We will start the experience at Arms Square (Plaza de Armas), Havana´s foundational place. From there, we will follow the development of the city paying attention to the artistic and architectural styles that converge in this example of Latin-American Baroque. Colonial, Mudejar, Baroque, Art Deco and Neoclassical buildings will be covered during the experience. Each exemplar will tell us its own tale and help us unravel the history of a city that dances at a unique rhythm.
Conoce La Habana de noche como nadie
La Habana cuenta con muchas opciones de esparcimiento, pero en muchas ocasiones se hace complejo el acceso a estas debido a la lejanía entre ellas y el transporte. Sé lo difícil que puede ser descubrir otro país totalmente diferente por uno mismo, por esta razón lo que te ofrezco es que puedas descubrir la ciudad desde dentro, como si fueras un cubano, y con la seguridad de que te resultará más económico que hacerlo de manera independiente. Seguiremos una ruta que incluirá algunos de los mejores bares de La Habana, donde tendrás el placer de degustar los mejores cócteles típicos de mi país. Lo que te ofrezco es un recorrido por ellos para que conozcas la vida de la ciudad. Otros aspectos destacables El precio de esta experiencia incluye solamente UNA bebida sino sería más costosa. NO se incluye el precio a pagar por las entradas, pero la mayoría de los lugares a los que iremos son gratis Al finalizar deberás gestionar el taxi hacia tu hospedaje pero te ayudaré con eso buscando el mejor precio.
Memories from Havana Photoshoot & Walking Tour
Note: The experience can be customized for photographers. Do you want to take home the best memories of this magical city trapped in time? Then I invite you to join me on this adventure: a cultural immersion combining history with photography. During this experience we'll explore the colorful streets and iconic landmarks of Havana. You'll see the city's stunning architecture, bustling markets, and vibrant street life. You'll have the opportunity to capture beautiful photos of this city while you learn about the history, culture, and life in Cuba. We will also discuss topics related to politics, economics, and religion. So make sure to bring all the questions you have about the island. But Memories from Havana is more than just a Walking Tour: it's also the opportunity to immortalize your trip to Cuba through unique shots of you, capturing the essence of Havana in each photo. Whether it's posing next to a classic car, walking in a colonial plaza, or in the middle of a street scene. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you want a customized experience. If you want to see more of my work I invite you to visit my IG: @jankjrojas
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