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Learn Georgian granny's recipes
Learn the secrets to cooking delicious traditional Georgian food with a local! I will show you how to cook khachapuri "Adjaruli" according to an old recipe of the families in Adjara (Georgian region). It is a famous Georgian boat-shaped cheese pie with egg yolk in the center. You will make the true Adjarian khachapuri under my guidance, and also you will make Georgian dumplings - "khinkali" in the style of local highlanders. Of course, after the class, you will enjoy the meal you cooked, with a glass of tasty homemade wine. Other things to note The cooking class takes around 2 hrs. If the time you would like is not available please feel free to contact me.
Explore Armenia & enjoy lunch in a local home
Visit Armenia from Tbilisi in only one day! Discover another gem of the Caucasus region as you visit UNESCO sites, enjoy the scenic landscapes and taste delicious Armenian food! We'll see mystic medieval monasteries surrounded by beautiful gorges and valleys and discover unique Soviet architecture in an old industrial town. On the list: - UNESCO listed monasteries of Sanahin - the blue frescoes of Akhtala fort - the pristine landscapes of Debed gorge - Haghpat monastery where you can test amazing acoustics And what makes the experience most authentic? Of course the people and the food, so please join us for a lunch prepared by a local family at their home! A truly memorable trip for everyone who wants to see more of the Caucasus region.
Exploring Tbilisi – walking tour
Don't miss out on our small-group tour (private options are available too) of Tbilisi's Old Town! It's a fantastic opportunity to explore the city, whether it's your first time or you're short on time. Even if you've visited Georgia before, we guarantee you'll discover something new and captivating on this tour. Immerse yourself in the eclectic mix of Georgian, Byzantine, Oriental, and Neo-Classical European architecture. Marvel at the impressive ancient churches of Sioni and Metekhi, and the grand Narikala Fortress. Don't forget to visit Freedom Square and enjoy breathtaking views of the city from the iconic Bridge of Peace, which gracefully spans the Mtkvari (Kura) River. Experience the harmonious co-existence of various religions as you visit the Synagogue, Armenian Church, Mosque, and Georgian Orthodox churches. This highlights the city's inclusive and tolerant nature. • If you prefer a more personalized experience, we also offer private tours with flexible starting times. • Please note that the group tours are available in English and Russian but on different weekdays. • Alternatively, consider joining our Brutal Tbilisi tour to explore the city's Soviet architecture and its intriguing brutalist suburbs. For a unique experience, our New Tiflis walking tour uncovers hidden gems on the left bank.
Tbilisi Friendly Walking Tour, Food&Wine
If you are searching not a "basic history" tour, filled with tons of interesting facts, and personal stories about living in Tbilisi, that will make you feel like you learned a lot about cultural habits, the city, and the country, then you can continue reading! As you may know, the old town is the most atmospheric district of the city, full of traditional Tbilisian houses, different architectural styles, and historical buildings where you can enjoy walking the labyrinth of alleyways and discovering hidden restaurants, cafes, and shops. In this walking tour, we will explore all highlights of the old town, stopping to admire landmarks such as the Narikala Fortress, the Sulphur baths, the Juma mosque, the waterfall, and the Metekhi church, from where we will continue to see the modern Bridge of Peace, Rike park and with using of the Cable car we will see the monument The Mother of Georgia! For a better introduction to the city and culture, after seeing all the main attractions, we will go to the Wine boutique, where you will be able to try Georgian wines made in Traditional and European ways and after tasting them you tell me which one you liked more! At the end of the tour, If you would like to try Georgian traditional food, we can go to the authentic restaurant, or you can take notes of the places, that I will recommend going to!
Kazbegi and Truso valley off-road tour
We promise that you will see the ancient Ananuri fortress, the Zhinvali reservoir with turquoise water, the arch of friendship and ski resort Gudauri, the confluence of two rivers, and the Gergeti Holy Trinity church in Kazbegi. But that's not all – the Georgian military road has more secrets! The Truso Valley is the place where the Terek River originates and the landscapes take your breath away. Add a nice walk in the Kazbegi area in an almost abandoned valley towards the South Ossetia borders. Except for the nice nature, there are also interesting travertine formations due to local mineral springs, geysers, ancient towers, and several abandoned settlements. And of course, at lunch, you can try the best khinkali (Georgian dumpling)! Great value for groups and single travellers. Most popular tour in Georgia in a new format! Explore more with us! Price includes: • Guiding service • Transportation by 4x4 car • Drive to the Holy Trinity Church Price excludes: • Lunch (vegetarian option is available, lunch can be paid by card or cash) • personal expenses • Tips for the host and driver After the tour, we can drop off you in Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) or Gudauri as an option or bring you back to Tbilisi.
Wine Tasting in Historic Wine Cellar
We are a hospitable wine cellar in Tbilisi old town, which is 200 years old. Our production is exclusive and only sold in our cellar. There you can try 7 different types of wine, Chacha and our delicious cheese boards. As an owner, I will let costumers try our wine and give them an idea of where and how we make wine and what is the story behind our wine cellar . We will also tell them about the Georgian history, traditions and culture, because our wine comes with history. Our main mission is to accept the visitors in most hospitable way, to make friends with them and give them any information they ask about the wine, Georgian History and the culture. After leaving our wine cellar ,they will know ins and out of the Georgian winemaking and Georgia as a whole. But most importantly, they will have us as a friends.
Rainbow Mountains and David Gareji off-road adventure
Embark on a captivating one-day tour to the David Gareji Monastery complex, a revered and historic religious site located in Georgia. Situated about 100 kilometers southeast of Tbilisi, the complex was founded in the 6th century by Saint David Garejeli and featured buildings that have been carved into towering rocks. The monastery is home to ancient frescoes and offers stunning semi-desert landscapes to explore. During the tour, you will also visit the Natlismtsemeli monastery, also known as the Saint John monastery. The tour includes a stop at a cosy house for lunch and a wine factory where you can savour traditional Georgian wines. Please note that this tour requires a moderate level of physical fitness and involves walking approximately 4 kilometers (2.4 miles) on uneven ground. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and prepare for walking on the dirt path. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the rich history and cultural significance of the David Gareji Monastery complex.
Сладкая экскурсия и Мтиральский лес
Однажды побывав в Грузии, хочется остаться, ну или, по крайней мере, приехать снова. А ещё - увезти с собой домой какую-нибудь её частичку, например баночку уникального грузинского мёда. Но, как же выбрать именно тот, который впитал в себя всё многообразие присущих только этой местности растений, среди многочисленных медовых лавок под солнцем или длинных прилавков супермаркетов? Об этом моя экскурсия. И хотя я сам уже пчеловод, но в недавнем прошлом был обычным, не искушённым покупателем мёда. Я узнал то, о чём никогда не говорят пчеловоды и продавцы мёда, обратную сторону современного пчеловодства. Мы начнём с небольшого эксурса в историю пчеловодства. Вы увидите борть в живом дереве, колоды и другие необычные конструкции ульев. Затем я в деталях расскажу и покажу вам все негативные моменты в технологиях современного пчеловодства, из-за которых я уже никогда не хочу потреблять мёд, продающийся повсеместно. Я дам вам простые критерии, благодаря которым вы научитесь находить действительно природный мёд без примесей химических лекарств и сахара не только в Грузии, но и в своей стране. Также вы сможете попробовать некоторые из уникальных сортов местного мёда. После этого я проведу вас в национальный парк Мтирала таким путём, по которому ходят только местные жители. В завершении нашей экскурсии, вы сможете пообедать в грузинском доме, в семье из числа моих добрых соседей
Explore Bonsai art in Tbilisi
During the experience, we'll take you on a journey through the fascinating world of bonsai. We will speak about the aesthetics of these miniature trees and the techniques used to cultivate them, as we explore Alexander Meskhi's creations in our converted Soviet greenhouse exhibition space. Join us for a unique and unforgettable experience, where you'll gain a new appreciation for the beauty and craftsmanship of bonsai art.
Feel georgian wine vibe
We offer wine tasting experience, where you will hear many stories about georgian wine and it's traditions, unique and oldest winemaking style , it includes 5 sorts of wine and chacha with snacks. Wine selection is up to our costumers.
К величественному Казбеку воспетому Пушкином
Вас ждёт насыщенная поездка на автобусе в группе до 18 человек Восторг от грузинских пейзажей Дорога из Тбилиси в Казбеги пролегает по живописному ущелью реки Арагви. Первая остановка у одной из плотин Жинвальского водохранилища: вы полюбуетесь его бирюзовой гладью и узнаете о возникновении и роли этого водоёма. Кроме того, вас ждёт слияние двух рек (Белой и Чёрной Арагви), захватывающие дух виды у Арки Дружбы и необычный минеральный источник, напоминающий золотистую реку. Церковь в Гергети и крепость Ананури- вы точно видели такие открытки: стоящий на холме древний монастырь на фоне заснеженных гор. За этими видами в реальности вы отправитесь в село Степанцминда у подножия Казбека. А там пересядете на джипы, чтобы подняться к «монастырю за облаками», воспетому в стихах Пушкина. В путешествии также прекрасно сохранившаяся крепость Ананури 16 века: за её мощными стенами вас ждут истории местных правителей — арагвских эриставов. При экстремальных погодных условиях маршрут пройдет через Жинвальское водохранилище, крепость Ананури, слияние рек, Млету, гудаурскую смотровую площадку и Гудаури + обед в Пасанаури ВАЖНО: У нас групповые экскурсии проводятся только на русском языка. Чтобы сохранить качество экскурсии на другие языки синхронна информация переводиться не будет. Если вы хотите экскурсию на английском языке, то мы можем вам ее организовать в индивидуальном формате.
Brutal Tbilisi - know the real city
Step back in time and immerse yourself in Tbilisi's Soviet history with our captivating Brutal Tbilisi tour. Delve deep into the city's unique architectural heritage, uncovering hidden gems that showcase the creative genius of Georgian architects during the Soviet era. This is an exclusive opportunity to explore the lesser-known side of Tbilisi and create unforgettable memories. On this tour, you will visit iconic landmarks such as the Ministry of Highways of the Georgian SSR building, the Memorial History of Georgia, Tbilisi Sea, the former Archaeology Museum (including its dungeon), Maghlivi Bridge, Nutsubidze Plato, and the Bagebi cable car. This carefully curated selection of sites will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the city's Soviet architectural legacy. To make your experience even more memorable, we offer an optional Soviet-style lunch featuring delectable dishes like Borsch, Russian salad, and Siberian Pelmeni (not included in the tour price). Savour the flavours of the past while you relish the stories and history that surround you. If you're eager to explore more of Tbilisi, our New Tiflis tour takes you along the left bank of the city, unveiling additional hidden gems. Alternatively, our classical walking tour of the old town showcases the traditional side of Tbilisi, perfect for history and culture enthusiasts.
Ювелирный мастер-класс по созданию украшений
На мастер-классе мы вместе с вами создадим кольцо, подвеску или сережки из серебра своими руками. Вы сами выбираете! Я покажу вам как паять изделие, выпиливать детали лобзиком, наносить декоративные элементы, а так же познакомпю вас с полировкой серебряных изделий. В цену мастер-класса входит 5 грамм серебра. Вы сами придумаете дизайн в рамках хендмейда и воплотите его в жизнь. Мастер-класс проходит в самом сердце Батуми, в старом городе в творческом пространстве, наполненном уютной атмосферой с необычным дизайном. Каждый уйдет с мастер-класса с серебряным изделием, созданным своими руками. У вас получится, вот увидите)!
Pottery wheel and hand-moulding workshop in Georgia
Ceramic art is one of the main and recognizable things in Georgia! Unique shapes and unique flavor! If you want to plunge into the old and modern traditions of the Georgian people and feel Georgia from the inside, then we are happy to invite everyone to our cozy studio at the very heart of Tbilisi! What is "Kaliada studio"? -It’s the place where you can discover the wonderful world of ceramics, find a new hobby or entire life's work -Daily sculpting workshops, including potter's wheel -Professional masters and high-quality European materials -The chimney in the studio -Creative celebrations of birthdays, hen parties -Romantic dates with potter’s wheel -Advanced courses -Gift certificates and profitable passes If you want Georgia to stay in your heart forever - you know where to go! PS: After you create your item, we process it for free, cover it with a protective layer and then fire it. Fully finished product can be picked up in 7 days, or we can organize delivery for you. Terms are set individually.
Irine's Pub Crawl in Tbilisi
Unique Pub Crawls in Tbilisi with unlimited wine, drinking games and full of hidden gems - this is the short description of what is ahead! We meet in the lobby of Fabrika Hostel, where our adventure starts. This bar-hopping experience consists of 5 bars: The first one is a wine bar with unlimited Georgian wine and cheese boards. It is the best place to get to know each other, play games, and get ready for the hidden gems of Tbilisi that are ahead of us! Then we go to 4 local bars, in order to see Georgian nightlife, have fun, drink tasty shots, and maybe sing and dance as well! Welcome shots will be provided in each bar. My, Mariam's and Niniko's priorities on tours are to have friendly, safe and fun pub crawls for everyone, regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexuality and etc. See you there!