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在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Salsa & Bachata Basic Class North
Let's learn to dance salsa and bachata together! Whether you are a couple, a group of friends, family, or even a solo traveler, you will have a lot of fun, while enjoying one of the best views of Las Palmas. At the end of the adventure, you will be able to follow the rhythm and dance your first steps in Cuban salsa and bachata. We are a group of local dancers that want to share the traditions of this kind of dance and music. The meeting point will be in a public and open area in front of the sea, in a suggestive place that will inspire you. Remember: humans are made to move their bodies with music: everyone can dance; the only thing that stops you is shame. That's why the experience will be lived in a funny and comfortable way. Technically, you will discover some tips that will allow you to dance like real salseros. You will learn the basic and advanced steps of salsa and bachata and you will learn how to coordinate it if you want to dance in couple or not. If your partner is someone who you live with then you can practice couple dance with him/her. Other things to note: In the case of rain, the experience can not be done. I can postpone the time or the day. Is better in couples. No dance experience needed.
Canarian Wine Experience at Bodega Los Lirios
La experiencia comenzará con una visita guiada por nuestros viñedos, donde hablaremos de agricultura seguida de la bodega donde nos enfocaremos en la elaboración de nuestros vinos. Después iremos a nuestro restaurante para catar nuestro vino tinto, Llantén (variedades locales y foráneas) maridado con delicias locales. No se pierdan la más auténtica oportunidad de disfrutar de un entorno único a las faldas del Volcán de Bandama. Es la perfecta manera de disfrutar de las Islas Afortunadas, a partir de uno de sus aspectos más ricos de Canarias, la naturaleza.
Discover Las Palmas city by bikeツ
You will ride our comfortable Dutch-style bikes to get to know the always-warm city of Las Palmas, which is full of unforgettable people and lovely spots that we would like to share with you. We will start in the old town, where we will make several stops in the most beautiful places in the Vegueta neighborhood. Next, we will be able to enjoy the oldest market in the city where you can taste the only coffee grown in Europe, the Agaete coffee, produced in the northern area of ​​the island. You will also discover the best corners of the most beautiful neighborhood, Triana , full of pedestrian streets, bars, terraces and mysterious buildings. Bike through the neighborhood where the British settled and the Sta. Catalina park, the area where we celebrate our most important festival. Also get to know Las Canteras beach, considered one of the best city beaches in the world, and Plaza de España, the current city center. Finally, we will return to the meeting point enjoying the best views of the city and observing everything we have seen from a higher. Thanks to this experience you will get a deeper insight into the city, so we recommend doing it at the beginning of your holidays. It must be best to have some basic bike riding experience in advance and it’s suitable for all ages with basic fitness. Let us know in advance if you come with your children. Join CanaryCleta!
Enjoy a Real Canarian Wineryツ
You are going to spend a day in the countryside visiting a family winery that has been run by generation after generation for more than a century, cultivating and treading the Canary grape themselves to produce a natural wine, without sulfites or additives and without preservatives or dyes, which makes this product an exclusive wine that cannot be found in shops or restaurants. My father took me to this winery since I was a child, so I can make you feel at home in a special place with a rustic atmosphere located in an area very famous for its vineyards, "Monte Lentiscal", next to the volcanic crater of Bandama, that we also visit in advance. This winery is usually visited by "locals" who gather to taste the exquisite wine, accompanied by tasty Canarian food, music, and an amazing atmosphere (depending on availability we can visit other wineries in the area of ​​Monte Lentiscal). You will taste a variety of quality typical Canarian food accompanied by local wine as well as water. We have transportation service for a MAXIMUM OF 8 PASSENGERS. Ask about the transport service, we can pick you up! This atypical experience is for travelers who want to enjoy a day in the countryside in a unique place on the island. Discover the Real Local Lifestyle! Join CanaryCleta!
Amazing Hiking With Ocean Views
Before starting this amazing experience we will meet up at La Laguna bus station (we can also meet at Santa Cruz bus station) We will be hiking into this ancient forest for around 4 hours, time enough to enjoy and admire the variety of fauna and flora of this magic region. As we start this adventure at 1.000 meters sea-level altitude, you will be able to see the contrasts of the region from some of the best viewpoints of the Island. I have my camera always with me, so you don´t need to worry about going back home without a proper souvenir of this adventure. I will provide you with water, snacks, and sunscreen. We can also meet at the Santa Cruz de Tenerife bus station. Medium hiking level.


Photographer Tenerife - Holiday Photo Shoot
You can't leave the islands without having the best images :) I love my job, and I do it every day. I specialize in Artistic Portraits, Family, Wedding, Content, and LoveStory photoshoots. Also, I'm available in any part of the Islands, ask me for more information, and I will share my secret spots. No modeling experience is needed – I'll guide you every step of the way to ensure you feel comfortable and look natural. Your experience is personal and exclusive – just for you, your partner, or your family. No strangers will join in. I love incorporating the beauty of the Canary Islands into my photos – think giant cacti, dragon trees, volcanic stones, and black sand beaches. I know the best spots for breathtaking sunsets and artistic shots! The delivery of images takes around 2-3 week ( depending on the load ) Feel free to ask me anything – I'm here to help and answer all your questions. Psst! Couples get a 30% discount, and kids can attend for free with their parents. Best Regards, Edgar Photographer Tenerife
E-Scooter Mountain Tour Ayagaures Caves, Dam, Grand Canyon
If you want to explore Gran Canaria moutains in an ecological and effortless way this e-Scooter 2 seater is the right choice for you! To drive a Scooter it is required to have a driving license and 15 years old. Passengers are allowed from 7 years of age but minors must be accompanied by paying parents. You will enjoy an outdoor experience of 2 Hours visiting the amazing panoramic viewpoints of Playa del Ingles and the spectacular Maspalomas Dunes declared a special natural reserve. Then visit the small Maspalomas Botanical Garden: here the local guide will show you the typical endemic plants of the canary islands. After which we will enter the mythical route of Ayagaures adorned with palm trees, plants, cactus and typical canary flowers mango trees and avogado trees. In this tour you will stop to visit 2 special place: an old goat Farm and a breeding of dromedaries : two animal icon of the island ( only visit to the external enclosure) Pause for 10 minutes where you can taste Soft Drink in a Bar built inside an old Aboriginal cave dating back to the prehispanic era. After the break, we will continue towards the Ayagaures dam: the famous ayagaures dam is located at the highest point of the mountain and therefore offers a splendid panoramic view. On the way back we will visit a small camel farm outside the enclosure with information about this iconic canarian animal.
Risco Caído y Paisaje Cultural de las Montañas Sagradas
Conoce el secreto mejor guardado de Gran Canaria: Los sitios del patrimonio mundial de la Unesco en la isla de Gran Canaria en una experiencia inmersiva única. Descubre con nosotros uno de los mejores secretos ocultos de la isla, el Risco Caido y el paisaje cultura de las Montañas Sagradas; se encuentran en un área casi inaccesible que ha permanecido intacta durante siglos. Aqui es donde realmente puedes entender cuál ha sido el estilo de vida tradicional de los primeros habitantes de Gran Canaria y cómo todavía actualmente conservamos parte de esta enorme riqueza cultural y natural. Asimismo, toda esta área está considerada Reserva de la Biosfera desde 2005. Disfrutarás de un día inolvidable en el que conocerás en detalle la impresionante historia de los primeros pobladores de Gran Canaria; descubrir yacimientos arqueológicos sorprendentes y comprobarás in situ su estilo de vida. Degustarás los productos locales más típicos; incluyendo el gofio, un alimento aborigen que todavía perdura en nuestra cultura gastronómica.
Benijo Anaga's hidden gem
Утром я забираю вас из отеля и мы направляемся в горный массив Анага. Мы посетим множество смотровых площадок, загляним в реликтовый лес сохранившийся с ледникового периода,заедем в аутентичную деревушку где жители в пещерах соорудили свои жилища. Пройдемся по горной тропе до малоизвестных смотровых площадок.Изюминкой нашей поездки будет поселение Бенихо где мы отведаем канарскую кухню и посетим один из ярких пляжей Тенерифе.
Сквозь джунгли к секретным водопадам
Хотите открыть для себя Тенерифе с другой стороны, не туристической? Получить яркие впечатления в стороне от публичных мест? Побывать в ущелье с водными каскадами и водопадами?...Тогда утром направляемся на северо-запад Тенерифе в горный массив Тено.. Мы пойдём мимо плантаций бананов, авокадо, инжира, цитрусовых. Далее мы углубимся в дикий лес. Наша тропинка будет постепенно набирать высоту. Примерно через 30 минут мы оказываемся в ущелье и продолжаем маршрут по высохшему руслу реки. Всё вокруг напоминает джунгли - растительность поражает разнообразием оттенков зелёного, а каменные заграждения – причудливыми формами. Продвигаясь вперёд шум воды усиливается– это ручей переливается через пороги, образуя заводи и натуральные бассейны разных очертаний и высоты, создавая природные каскады необыкновенной красоты. Начинается самый сложный отрезок – водные пороги! Это главная цель нашего путешествия.Мы делаем небольшой отдых, меняем одежду и начинаем мокрую часть маршрута! Мы проведём здесь около 1 часа фотографируясь, купаясь в натуральных источниках Обратно возвращаемся тем же путём. В награду нашего непродолжительного трекинга по горам гости получат яркие впечатления, фотографии.


Yumbo Centrum161位當地人推薦
Poema del Mar158位當地人推薦


Surf en las Olas de Gran Canaria
Descubre uno de los mejores ''SURF SPOT" en la isla de Gran Canaria, donde solo los locales conocen para disfrutar de una buena sesión de surfing en la ciudad de Las Palmas de GC en la famosa Playa de Las Canteras. Haremos una introducción al material de surfing y su manejo en el agua para surfear las olas . Con un calentamiento iniciamos la actividad y con los conocimientos básicos teórico-practico fuera del agua. Adaptándome siempre a la necesidad de los participantes. Una vez ya preparados saltaremos al agua para disfrutar de las olas, cálida y temperatura del agua de las Islas Canarias. Practicaremos la técnica y disfrutaremos de una sesión en las mejores condiciones de olas y que la sesión sea amena y segura para todos. Terminaremos con una sesión de estiramientos ya fuera del agua para relajar el cuerpo y vuelta a la calma. Habrá un sesión de fotos!! Para la máxima seguridad los grupos son reducidos de hasta 6 personas , consiguiendo dar una completa atención a los participantes con un experimentado Instructor y surfista local. En caso de dudas contactarme para obtener más información. La experiencia de surf es para todos los niveles ,desde totalmente principiantes a avanzados. Se pueden reservar varios días de surf para las personas que quieran seguir practicando. La sesión de surf se realiza en Playa de Las Canteras zona Auditorio Alfredo Kraus.
Salsa & Bachata Basic Class North
Let's learn to dance salsa and bachata together! Whether you are a couple, a group of friends, family, or even a solo traveler, you will have a lot of fun, while enjoying one of the best views of Las Palmas. At the end of the adventure, you will be able to follow the rhythm and dance your first steps in Cuban salsa and bachata. We are a group of local dancers that want to share the traditions of this kind of dance and music. The meeting point will be in a public and open area in front of the sea, in a suggestive place that will inspire you. Remember: humans are made to move their bodies with music: everyone can dance; the only thing that stops you is shame. That's why the experience will be lived in a funny and comfortable way. Technically, you will discover some tips that will allow you to dance like real salseros. You will learn the basic and advanced steps of salsa and bachata and you will learn how to coordinate it if you want to dance in couple or not. If your partner is someone who you live with then you can practice couple dance with him/her. Other things to note: In the case of rain, the experience can not be done. I can postpone the time or the day. Is better in couples. No dance experience needed.
Showcooking con degustación en finca ecológica en Maspalomas
Tienes curiosidad como es una finca dedica al cultivo y desarrollo de chiles picantes? Somos una pequeña finca que cultiva sus propios chiles y elaboramos todos nuestros productos de manera artesanal. Tenemos más de 10 variedades de chiles picantes, olivos, aloes, mangos, cítricos y un largo muestrario de plantas tropicales. Te enseñamos todos los secretos de nuestra finca, nuestra pequeña fábrica donde podrás comprar todos nuestros productos, incluso aquellos que hacemos en tiradas muy muy especiales y nunca encontrarás en ningún lado. Haremos una cena degustación de platos internacionales y como no canarios, donde podrás usar nuestros productos y darle un toque picante. Empezaremos nuestra experiencia gastronómica con un fabuloso "bloody mary" que harás tu mismo con las indicaciones de Pepe. Luego un Hummus especial semipicante, y a continuación Pepe te enseñará como hacer unas auténticas "papas arrugadas" y los secretos de su maravillosa salsa, el "mojo picón" , como colofón de postre un helado con un toque muy especail. Sin duda una experiencia maravillosa guiada siempre de la mano de Pepe, el artífice de toda esta loca aventura del mundo del picante. Tenemos opciones para vegetarianos, veganos, celiacos y todo tipo de alergias. Pepe se adapta a cualquier tipo de menú y hará que tengas una experiencia inolvidable. Te esperamos!
Aerial Yoga / Antigravity
Aerial Yoga Are you ready to Fly? Join us on our Beautiful Roof top Terrace as we’re going against Gravity! By using the hammocks as support when we’re going through different variations of Yoga Postures it is easy and fun for the first experiences to join in! There will be inversions postures in the air where we go upside down for those who wants to, and The class will end resting with the Fabrics as support in Shavasana with a breathing exercise and meditation The benefits of Aerial Yoga For the beginners practitioner it is an amazing relief to release all weight into the fabric, and in a comfortable way maintain every posture. It will reactivate all the body’s muscles and regenerate and strengthen all of the joints and even active the lymph system to get rid of and Cleans all of the over weight and toxins of the body - it’s like wrapping out a wet tissue, The advanced Practitioner: We must constantly work on our Flexibility, and Aerial yoga allows the intermedian and advance practitioner to go deeper and adjust into each posture in a safe and at the same time managed way. It is a Perfect match if your in the stage of your Yoga Journey where you trying to align and find your correct body posture, and increase full-body flexibility and stretch and on top of this - it´s Super Fun =P!
Canarian Wine Experience at Bodega Los Lirios
La experiencia comenzará con una visita guiada por nuestros viñedos, donde hablaremos de agricultura seguida de la bodega donde nos enfocaremos en la elaboración de nuestros vinos. Después iremos a nuestro restaurante para catar nuestro vino tinto, Llantén (variedades locales y foráneas) maridado con delicias locales. No se pierdan la más auténtica oportunidad de disfrutar de un entorno único a las faldas del Volcán de Bandama. Es la perfecta manera de disfrutar de las Islas Afortunadas, a partir de uno de sus aspectos más ricos de Canarias, la naturaleza.
Cata de quesos canarios en Las Canteras
Presentamos una cata basada en los quesos artesanos canarios en La Playa de Las Canteras, en pleno corazón de la ciudad de Las Palmas. Cataremos 10 quesos de las distintas islas, acompañados por una copa de cava y otra de vino tinto. Tenemos más de 45 referencias de quesos canarios y foráneos y una gran experiencia en comentar sus orígenes, sabores, elaboración y sensaciones. Los quesos canarios tienen un gran reconocimiento mundial y fama en el mundo culinario. Contamos con una presentación bien hilada que encadena los mejores quesos artesanos de la isla, junto con vinos y cavas que maridan a la perfección. La cata tiene lugar en una acogedora tienda gourmet, con un máximo de 8 plazas, siendo la experiencia privada y centrada en los catadores.
Brujería verde en la mágica Gran Canaria
Aprende sobre los secretos de la Yerbería tradicional con el Herbolario Canario: la magia natural con hierbas, las tinturas, los sahumerios y mucho más. Massimo, te mostrará en el herbolario, todos los secretos sobre las plantas medicinales para que pueda crear tu preparación personal: desde la recolección en su entorno natural hasta las diferentes aplicaciones y usos. Vivirás la vida del brujo verde para un día, paseando para el mágico barranco de Azuaje, muy lejos del ruido de la ciudad y conectando con la energía de la Madre Naturaleza. Este lugar tiene una historia muy larga de curanderos y sanadores y representa el último rincón de la Isla que todavía guarda su vegetación original. Es un lugar de sanación muy especial, para mí y para toda la Isla. ¡Después de haber experimentado juntos la preparación, disfrutaremos de una reconfortante infusión creada con las plantas recolectadas, celebrando nuestra labor en la terraza que da brinda encantadoras vistas del barranco! De esta experiencia te llevarás: una preparación a base de plantas medicinales, echa con tus propias manos; el conocimiento para poder preparar tu propio botiquín de medicina natural y una conexión potente con la magia natural de las hierbas. ¡Te espero!
E-Bike Tour di Montagna con opzione Tapas in Grotta indigena
Vivrai una fantastica avventura di 3 ore in sella di una comoda e-bike . Ti porteremo a visitare un piccolo villaggio in collina : Ayagaures. Per arrivarci attraverseremo una meravigliosa vallata adornata da palme, piante , cactus e fiori tipici delle Canarie in un incredibile itinerario immerso nella natura. Una volta raggiunta la cima della montagna di Aygaures, avrai la possibilità di fermarti per una pausa di 10 minuti dove degusterai un soft drink fatto di frutta tropicale in un Bar costruito all'interno di un'antica grotta aborigena dove vivevano i Guanchi, i primi abitanti dell'isola prima della conquista spagnola. Se vorrai, potrai assaggiare i prodotti tipici delle Canarie (Tapas) con un supplemento di 15 € per persona minimo 2 persone (Le tapas non sono disponibili nei mesi di Luglio e Agosto). Grazie all'ausilio della bici elettrica proseguiremo verso la diga di Ayagaures, un ampio giacimento di acqua e ci fermeremo sul vecchio ponte dove godrai una vista mozzafiato. Il ritorno e' tutto in discesa e quindi ancorora piu emozionante. E' assolutamente richiesta una buona esperienza nel guidare una e-Bike. Tour non off-road.
A bailar - Reggaeton vs Dancehall dance lessons in English
The Reggaeton & Dancehall dance floor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is calling for you! Keep reading if you want to: - become a queen or king of every dancefloor, - feel more confident in your body, - walk like Beyoncé, - keep working on your bikini body, - have a loooot of fun while falling in love with dancing! What we offer: The mixture of reggaeton, dancehall, twerk, Latin, and sexy style in the English dance lessons which will kick you with energy and a good mood. Cool dance moves and choreographies, and music that you will not be able to get out of your mind! For whom: Everyone who wants to move, feel sexy and confident, make new friends and learn cool choreographies is more than invited! No matter what level of dancer you are, you are always more than welcome in our little dance community! Yes, you can even be a complete beginner who has never attended any dance class. Because we will not try to make a professional dancer ready for competitions out of you. We will try to awaken your dancing soul so that you do not feel shy to express yourself through the movement. Attending our classes is not only about learning the choreography. It is also about meeting new friends from all over the world. Friends with the same hobbies. We cannot wait to meet you on the dance floor!
E-Scooter Mountain Tour Ayagaures Caves, Dam, Grand Canyon
If you want to explore Gran Canaria moutains in an ecological and effortless way this e-Scooter 2 seater is the right choice for you! To drive a Scooter it is required to have a driving license and 15 years old. Passengers are allowed from 7 years of age but minors must be accompanied by paying parents. You will enjoy an outdoor experience of 2 Hours visiting the amazing panoramic viewpoints of Playa del Ingles and the spectacular Maspalomas Dunes declared a special natural reserve. Then visit the small Maspalomas Botanical Garden: here the local guide will show you the typical endemic plants of the canary islands. After which we will enter the mythical route of Ayagaures adorned with palm trees, plants, cactus and typical canary flowers mango trees and avogado trees. In this tour you will stop to visit 2 special place: an old goat Farm and a breeding of dromedaries : two animal icon of the island ( only visit to the external enclosure) Pause for 10 minutes where you can taste Soft Drink in a Bar built inside an old Aboriginal cave dating back to the prehispanic era. After the break, we will continue towards the Ayagaures dam: the famous ayagaures dam is located at the highest point of the mountain and therefore offers a splendid panoramic view. On the way back we will visit a small camel farm outside the enclosure with information about this iconic canarian animal.
E-Bike Family Tour visita Dune di Maspalomas e Playa Ingles
Goditi un'esperienza ecologica di 1 ora in e-Bike adatta a famiglie anche con bambini piccoli. Farai una visita guidata nel sud di Gran Canaria e grazie alle informazioni fornite da una guida locale imparerai tante curiosità su Maspalomas e un po' di storia locale delle Isole Canarie. Esplorerai i punti piu belli delle famose Dune di Maspalomas che sono una riserva naturale speciale e area protetta, dopo aver visitato "Mirador Dunas" situato nel punto centrale delle dune di Maspalomas con la sua vista a 360 gradi sulle Dune e poi ti fermarai ad ammirare il Mirador Playa del Ingles situato nel punto più alto della città e godrai di un'incredibile vista panoramica della città con la vista dall ' alto sul Faro di Maspalomas. Ultima parte esplori il lungomare di Playa del Ingles ,un bellissimo percorso panoramica con vista sull'oceano Atlantico , unica zona del sud dove potrai vedere dall alto la tipica forma con conica delle Dune di Maspalomas. Solo i maggiori di 12 anni possono guidare una e-Bike. I bambini da 1 a 6 anni con peso massimo di 22 kg possono utilizzare il seggiolino per bebe' . I minorenni dovranno essere accompagnati da un genitore. I bambini tra 7 e 11 anni non sono ammessi al Tour perche sono troppo grandi per usare il Baby seat e troppo piccoli per guidare una E-Bike. Non entreremo mai alla guida delle bici in sentieri sterrati o dentro la sabbia delle dune.
Barranco de las Vacas, cuevas y pueblos con encanto
El Sureste de Gran Canaria oculta una serie de secretos que son difíciles de imaginar cuando viajas por la autopista. Desde el famoso Barranco de las Vacas, pasando por sorprendentes restos arqueológicos y un pueblo típico en el que descubrirás el estilo de vida tradicional, alejado de los centros turísticos. Además, el asombroso paisaje de este lugar, sembrado de barrancos y de una vegetación propia del desierto, te dará la sensación de que estás en otro planeta.
Photoshoot at Dunas Maspalomas -Desert Beach Ocean View
The photo session is going to take 1 hour, we will walk into the Dunas Maspalomas, stop and taking photos at the most beautiful spots, you can enjoy the amazing view and I will record the moment of you in the nature. You can bring clothes to change, bright and colorful clothes are recommended. I will send you a link of all the photos in easy editing formal in the next 2-3days.
Segway two Hours Coast Tour Playa Inglés Maspalomas Dunes
Try this amazing and ecological Segway Experience of 2 hours and enjoy this exciting guided tour. You will visit the famous Maspalomas Dunes (special nature reserve) . The Maspalomas dunes are truly spectacular! A local will show you an amazing panoramic view of Playa del Inglés . Driving along the path of the cycle paths we will arrive until we reach the beautiful volcanic Beach Playa de las Burras. We will park our Segway for 10 minutes to relax a bit and try a non-alcoholic drink or a good ice cream. Before departure the guide will make a short demonstration of how the Segway works and you will leave only when you have learned to control it well. To guarantee safety, we will go only on pedestrian areas and cycle paths equipped with all safety accessories. We will never not go on the road! In this Segway Tour will never drive the Segway inside the Sand, on the Dunes, and offroad. For Children required: minimum 12 years old / weight minimum 40 kg / height minimum 1,30 m For Adult required: maximum 60 years / weight maximum 95 kg / height maximum 1,85 m
Gran Canaria, Winery Tour, Wine Museum, and Tasting
Immerse yourself in Spanish wine culture as you tour a winery that dates back 5 generations on the island of Gran Canaria. Appreciate the depth and complexity of local flavors as you try local cheese and wine. Meet your guide at the winery and begin your journey. Learn the history of the family as you look at old photos. Take a stroll through the organic vineyards where the grapes are ripened to perfection in the sun. Discover endemic grape varieties and hear about the importance of the unique volcanic soil. Discuss the work that it takes to keep the crop in optimal conditions. Look at a piece of history as you view a 100-year-old stone lagares where grapes were once trodden on. Step back in time at a wine museum and try two fine wines complimented by local cheese and bread. Get ready for an amazing experience