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Crea tu propio anillo de esmeralda colombiana
Colombia is known as the coffee country, well, we got much more history linked to the “green gold”. Emeralds are part of the selected group of precious stones and the 60% of them in the world are originally from Colombia. Become part of the Emerald legend, by creating a ring with your own hands. This tour starts by having an introduction about the importance of emeralds for precolonial and colonial culture. We will go through the emerald and jewelry district to learn about the history of the precious metals and stones and its influence in Colombian culture. We will take a look at the emerald market to see the different minerals and qualities. Then we will work on your new ring, where you will decide all! the design, the stone and material, by the personal advisory of a orfebre (jewelry master) who teaches you how to do every single step.
Fruit Tour at the sweetest Market on Earth
We'll meet at the "sweetest market on earth" Paloquemao Market. From there we'll start tasting different fruits, all while tracing their indigenous and colonial origins. Depending on which fruits are in season, we will taste around 25 different varieties. In addition, we will walk the market’s venues which includes the outdoor floral area. Finally, there will be a fruit juice tasting that goes along with a traditional snack, the arepa. The ideal geographic position that Colombia occupies due to its proximity to the equator and with the Andes stretching across the country, creates the perfect conditions for fruits to develop unique flavors.
The largest paramo on earth Sumapaz
Have you ever heard about the best-kept secret of Bogotá "El Dorado". This is the jewel of the crown. Let me introduce you to the biggest Páramo in the world: Sumapaz, the heaven's door. If you wanna knock at its door, we will take you there. This adventure is about the importance of water, wild animals, endemic plants, mountains and about where the oldest guerrilla FARC was born ideologically. We've got all the ingredients in our highlight spot in the city, the only part that is missing is you! By the way, if you want to go on different dates, just let me know by texting me, we can figure it out! im flexible with time. Have in mind is a high mountain, the weather is unpredictable and thats why is so magic. Time is also variable deppending on you hiking skills, normally we come back to the meeting point at 3pm, could be more, could be less. Activities: - 3 hours hiking (7 kilometers in total) - Viewpoint - 17 lakes! - Flora and Fauna observation - Historical explanation about the colmbian conflict - Indigenous sacred spots - We go in a private car to the starting point of the hike I offer this experience in French and Spanish as well Other things to note Paramo de Sumapaz is the biggest high plateu in the world. You will find unique species and a region full of water. Landscapes and views are not from this planet!
Coffee tasting experience at Divino Café Especial
You will live one of the best coffee experiences in Colombia, We will meet at our #1 Tripadvisor coffee shop (Experience Center), in one of the most emblematic sectors of Bogotá, we will do a brief introduction in which we will tell you our story and why Colombian coffee is considered one of the best in the world , we will carry out a coffee tasting which is a fun dynamic in which through the senses you will learn to differentiate a good coffee from one that is not so good in its fragrance, aroma, flavor and texture, later, you will taste four special single origin coffees prepared in four different methods (Chemex, Aeropress, Japanese siphon and espresso machine), and you will discover some tricks and techniques to make your coffee at home perfect. At the end, for those who wish, we will send a file with the memories. Contact me for more information. Our team has acquired all the experience and love for coffee to provide you with an unforgettable experience and is happy to welcome you. Important note. English 9:00 am Spanish 11:00 am, 1:00 Pm, 3:00 Pm To learn more visit us at: @divinocafeespecial
Discovering Colombian Regional Cuisine
First of all, an small introduction about ourselfs, our culture and explain all about the 5 different regions of Colombia. Then we go to try the most authentic dish of the Capital, Ajiaco. Then we got a surprise from the Orinoquia region! After that, the next restaurant is specialized in pacific coast food and for sure we cant forget our Caribbean region. Next step is tamal from the south of Colombia, one of the most representative ones. If you are still hungry, not worries, we will have more restaurants to visit! 7 in total. This is a real and deep gastronomical experience where we eat and learn. Remember, ALL THE FOOD IS INCLUDED, you dont have to pay extra money! This is a FLEXIBLE experience, restaurants may change (we have more options in case some of our friend restaurants are closed or people want to try other exotic plates) Vegeterians are more than welcome! Other things to note We are going to all restaurants by walking. All of it are located in a walkable distance in one of the most beautiful districts in Bogota, la Candelaria.


Five Top Sights in Zipaquira and Guatavita in One Day
Join me on my Great Tour and visit 5 important tourist attractions in one day. IT INCLUDES ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION, WE WILL PICK YOU UP AT YOUR HOTEL OR AIRBNB. Small groups in car or van. From the pickup you always have a ENGLISH and SPANISH speaking guide who give you the instructions and answer all your questions. Visit the following places: 1. Guatavita Lake 2. Guatavita Town 3. Zipaquira Salt Mine/Cathedral 4. Bogota Savanna 5. Typical Colombian Food Restaurant in Zipaquira Town In the Colonial town of Guatavita you walk with us through its main squares and old streets to explain its history. The walk in the Cathedral/Salt Mine of Zipaquira is done with the local guide or audio guide in English and other languages. In Guatavita Lake (2 hours of moderate hiking) the hike is done with native guides who only speak Spanish so we give you the instructions in English and the translation of everything said by the guide. Bogotá savannah is a mixed ecosystem of forests, mountains and native animals outside Bogotá We have lunch in a typical Colombian restaurant tasting very representative dishes of the country. Entrance tickets and meals are not included The tour lasts 12 hours approx On Mondays the Guatavita lake is closed, it is replaced by the visit to "la Casa Loca"
Crea tu propio anillo de esmeralda colombiana
Colombia is known as the coffee country, well, we got much more history linked to the “green gold”. Emeralds are part of the selected group of precious stones and the 60% of them in the world are originally from Colombia. Become part of the Emerald legend, by creating a ring with your own hands. This tour starts by having an introduction about the importance of emeralds for precolonial and colonial culture. We will go through the emerald and jewelry district to learn about the history of the precious metals and stones and its influence in Colombian culture. We will take a look at the emerald market to see the different minerals and qualities. Then we will work on your new ring, where you will decide all! the design, the stone and material, by the personal advisory of a orfebre (jewelry master) who teaches you how to do every single step.
Aventura en las Montañas de Los Andes
Conoce hermosos miradores y paisajes de Los Andes, al lomo de un caballo criollo, nuestros caballos tienen certificación de calidad en la NTS AV 014, contamos con guías profesionales de turismo, en esta experiencia podrán respirar aire puro y apreciar vegetación nativa de Los Andes 1. La experiencia incluye transporte nos encontraremos en el centro comercial Avenida chile, en la entrada principal. 2. Luego iremos ( en vehículo privado hasta 4 personas, si el grupo es de más personas iremos en transporte público) por 40 minutos donde nos esperan los caballos para comenzar la aventura, podremos apreciar hermosos paisajes. 3. Podrán interactuar con él caballo, si no tienes experiencia te enseñaremos cómo controlar el caballo, les explicaremos es muy fácil, tenemos cascos certificados y tarjeta de asistencia médica para tu seguridad 4. Daremos inicio a la actividad de cabalgata que durará 2 horas aproximadamente, donde observaremos desde las Montañas el pueblo de la Calera, el Embalse san Rafael, y vegetación nativa de Los Andes. 5. Incluye Bebida típica de la región, trae dinero por si quieres comer algo. 6. Para finalizar volveremos en transporte público o carro privado hasta el centro comercial.
Secret hot springs in the Andes Mountains
Embark on a magical journey to a hidden hot spring near Bogotá, nestled in the Andes Mountains. This exclusive experience goes beyond a simple getaway—it's a luxurious retreat into peace and rejuvenation. INCLUDES: - Access to a private property with natural hot spring pools - Round-trip transportation from our meeting point (please book the private option if you would like hotel pick-up/drop-off) - Towels, snacks, and sandwiches - Three cocktails or mocktails We'll start at a boutique hotel in Zona G. Then, a private van takes us on a scenic 1.5-hour ride to Machetá, where tranquility awaits. Upon arrival, you'll receive a warm welcome to a private estate, not open to the public. Time slows down as you soak in natural hot springs surrounded by lush Andean foliage. This experience isn't just about relaxation; it's designed to nourish body and soul. Explore the grounds with their tropical flora and serene lily pond. Enjoy a delightful spread of tropical fruits, snacks, sandwiches, and refreshing cocktails or mocktails to enhance your blissful retreat. As the sun sets, we bid farewell to this paradise and return to Bogotá by 8pm.
Fruit Tour at the sweetest Market on Earth
We'll meet at the "sweetest market on earth" Paloquemao Market. From there we'll start tasting different fruits, all while tracing their indigenous and colonial origins. Depending on which fruits are in season, we will taste around 25 different varieties. In addition, we will walk the market’s venues which includes the outdoor floral area. Finally, there will be a fruit juice tasting that goes along with a traditional snack, the arepa. The ideal geographic position that Colombia occupies due to its proximity to the equator and with the Andes stretching across the country, creates the perfect conditions for fruits to develop unique flavors.
Trekking to La cara del indio, Muysca bioculture trail
We walk and live the mountain through experiential mountaineering, we visit moors, cloud forests, sacred lakes and delight in megabiodiversity. Our experiences are accompanied by environmental interpretation that allows us to know in depth how the ecosystems that we observe work, how we are part and art of each step and each mountain. Our trails have an indigenous connotation, which unites us at all levels to the territory, knowing sacred places, rituals and stories on which our Muysca worldview is based! Let's live the mountain together, to create experiences for life and heart.
Trekking to MazaFonte, the Andean bear house
Mazafonte is a magical destination in the eastern mountain range of the Andes. We will enter the highest frailejones forest in the world and the house of the spectacled bear. We will get to know the paramo and buffer forest of the Chingaza Natural National Park, its ecology and its dynamics. It is a trek for those adventurers who want to enter different and wild places.
Trekking al Cerro Güinto
Ascenderemos la montaña sagrada Güinto, con 1000metros de desnivel, subiremos a una montaña que nos ofrece una vista 360° de la cordillera oriental de los andes. Conoceremos la historia y la ecologia de los ecosistemas que visitamos.
Nightlife experience in Bogota
Let’s go partying in Bogota! Do you want to discover what the best party in Latin America sounds like? Well, we'll take you to explore the vibrant nightlife of one of the most partying neighborhoods in the country: Zona Rosa, the party epicenter in Bogotá. Our coolest local guide will greet you at the first stop, a craft beer pub to get you started with a tasting of local beers. If beer isn’t your thing, you can choose a shot of a local liquor to start the night. After breaking the ice with all the travelers, we will walk to an unusual and fun bar, where you can enjoy a cocktail with a Colombian twist. Here we assure you that something incredible will happen. We will end the night in one of the most popular clubs in the city among locals where the party continues until your body lets you (the guide needs to rest so she says goodbye at midnight, but the group can stay at the club until closing time). Does the plan sounds good to you? Includes: Beer tasting and a beer or a shot of aguardiente at the first bar, a cocktail at the second bar, entry to the nightclub, the best night, new friends and good times. Book now, enjoy Bogotá’s party scene like a local and meet people from all over the world along the way! Other things to note Please don't wear shorts or flip flops as this is not allowed at the club. Jeans, tennis and a shirt or t-shirt is a perfect outfit. RNT 48080
Bogotá visiting - Monserrate, City tour, Food & Museums
¡Explore all of Bogota's downtown and history in one day! We will explore the historical center of Bogotá and discuss its social and political history as a capital city. We will learn about Bogotazo and the pre-Colombian ancient cultures, as well as gastronomy and nature unique to Colombia. We will try dishes from many regions of the country. About the Itinerary: - Monserrate: We start the experience visiting the most beautifull vew of Bogotá the mount of monserrate; we will get up by the cable car or the funicular and have a traditional snack up there and then get down by the same way and keep discovering the wonderfull city. - Candelaria: We visit Local Food places at the history centre and try traditional dishes of all Colombian cuisine. - Plaza Del Chorro Del Quevedo: we will pass by the olddest street of Bogotá and discover together the chicha and the magical spots full of history. - Plaza de Bolivar de Bogotá. - Gold Museum (Museo del Oro) or Museo Botero del Banco de la Republica. (The Gold Museum is closed on Mondays). - Santuario Nuestra Senora del Carmen. - Casa de Nariño. This experience gives you an opportunity to interact with locals and culture through food, history and museums, as well as support local and family-owned businesses. Guests will have the choice between visiting the Gold Museum or the Botero Museum. Welcome and enjoy.
Tour en Bicicleta económico
Nuestro tour dura entre 4 a 5 horas e incluye parte del centro histórico y de las localidades Santa Fe, Teusaquillo y Los Mártires. Durante el tour vemos arte urbano, visitamos el Parque Nacional, una tostadora de café, probamos frutas en un mercado tradicional, pasamos por el Museo Nacional y la Plaza de Toros, donde a veces entramos. Recorremos alrededor de 13 kilómetros. La ruta es mayormente plana. Es un tour relajado, con varias paradas para exponer temas históricos, urbanísticos, culturales y políticos. Al finalizar el tour, incluimos el juego nacional de Colombia Tejo, es una sorpresa para todos. Todos nuestros guías hablan inglés, y contamos con varios que hablan francés, portugués, alemán y español en caso de ser requerido para tours privados. Nuestras bicis tienen marco de aluminio, suspensión delantera, 18 a 21 cambios y repuestos Shimano. En tours de más de 7 personas contamos con un mecánico que asiste durante la ruta.
The largest paramo on earth Sumapaz
Have you ever heard about the best-kept secret of Bogotá "El Dorado". This is the jewel of the crown. Let me introduce you to the biggest Páramo in the world: Sumapaz, the heaven's door. If you wanna knock at its door, we will take you there. This adventure is about the importance of water, wild animals, endemic plants, mountains and about where the oldest guerrilla FARC was born ideologically. We've got all the ingredients in our highlight spot in the city, the only part that is missing is you! By the way, if you want to go on different dates, just let me know by texting me, we can figure it out! im flexible with time. Have in mind is a high mountain, the weather is unpredictable and thats why is so magic. Time is also variable deppending on you hiking skills, normally we come back to the meeting point at 3pm, could be more, could be less. Activities: - 3 hours hiking (7 kilometers in total) - Viewpoint - 17 lakes! - Flora and Fauna observation - Historical explanation about the colmbian conflict - Indigenous sacred spots - We go in a private car to the starting point of the hike I offer this experience in French and Spanish as well Other things to note Paramo de Sumapaz is the biggest high plateu in the world. You will find unique species and a region full of water. Landscapes and views are not from this planet!
Cable car to El Paraiso, the city slum
If you want to discover the deep reality of the colombian capital you should join me in this experience trying to see and understand the configuration of the colombian society, we will not see colonial architecture, museums or fancy streets, we will go through the south neighborhoods of Bogota by using one of the most innovative transportation system in the world, Tansmilenio and Transmi Cable (Cable car). Bogota has different faces and this a really interesting one you dont want to miss. First of all, we take the Transmilenio (BRT System) direction to Tunal Station and reach the Cable Care used by 700.000 locals everyday as their main transportation system. We will go to the last station Paraiso, and walk around in a deteriorated urban district by the violence and poorness in the past, trying to improve its habitants and surroundings through the education, urban renovation, sports and art equipments. After visiting Paraiso district, seeing and spectacular view of Bogota and having a look to te different Graffiti scene, we will eat delicious traditional local food. By doing this tour, part of the money is to support the graffiti colective in the neighborhood! Other things to note Dont worry about safety, we will not take any risk and you will follow my indications. Andrea my friend, is a recognized leader in the neighborhood and she will be with us the entire time
Coffee tasting experience at Divino Café Especial
You will live one of the best coffee experiences in Colombia, We will meet at our #1 Tripadvisor coffee shop (Experience Center), in one of the most emblematic sectors of Bogotá, we will do a brief introduction in which we will tell you our story and why Colombian coffee is considered one of the best in the world , we will carry out a coffee tasting which is a fun dynamic in which through the senses you will learn to differentiate a good coffee from one that is not so good in its fragrance, aroma, flavor and texture, later, you will taste four special single origin coffees prepared in four different methods (Chemex, Aeropress, Japanese siphon and espresso machine), and you will discover some tricks and techniques to make your coffee at home perfect. At the end, for those who wish, we will send a file with the memories. Contact me for more information. Our team has acquired all the experience and love for coffee to provide you with an unforgettable experience and is happy to welcome you. Important note. English 9:00 am Spanish 11:00 am, 1:00 Pm, 3:00 Pm To learn more visit us at: @divinocafeespecial
Sesión profesional de fotografía Bogotá/Tour histórico
¿Estás buscando pasar una divertida tarde aprendiendo y conociendo sobre la ciudad y sus lugares? ¡Esta experiencia es mucho más que una sesión de fotos! Quiero mostrarte los lugares más lindos de la ciudad, que pruebes el delicioso café colombiano y que tengamos una charla fluida en inglés o español, pero lo que más quiero es que te lleves un recuerdo hermoso y memorable de tu paso por Bogotá, Colombia; y que también quedes con un nuevo amigo colombiano :)   Sesión fotográfica profesional a lo largo de las calles de Bogotá, recorreremos lugares lindos e históricos y aprenderás un poco más de esta bella ciudad; Tendrás 15 fotos profesionales como recuerdo de tu visita. Retocaré y mejoraré las fotos que elijas, usaré software de Adobe como lightroom y photoshop. Primero, hablamos sobre el estilo de edición que desea y luego procedo a hacer el trabajo. Enviaré el producto final en un máximo de 5 días. Estaremos caminando por el centro de la ciudad luego de tomar un delicioso café, yo tomo las fotos en los lugares que más te gusten y podremos tener una conversación fluida en ingles o español, también te puedo dar indicaciones de como posar para que las fotos salgan lo mejor posible. El recorrido es libre de elección, yo sugiero por que calles ir pero a la final tu eres quien elige. ¿Qué esperas para pasar una tarde divertida y quedar con fotos profesionales? Agenda ya 
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