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在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Bar Crawl in downtown San José
Staying in San Jose and looking for an affordable, fun, safe and inclusive night out? This 3-hour BarCrawl in San Jose everything you need to have a great time, live our nightlife as a true local and safely moving throughout one of our most popular, best-known bar districts. During this tour, we will visit the most popular bars and clubs in town! Each of the bars will have a different atmosphere than the last. Come out and meet people from all over at an affordable price! Our customers speak for us, check out our reviews below! ***We also offer a place to stay in Downtown San Jose, contact us right away and we'll share our safe, new and well-equipped entire home Airbnb listing in the heart of the city (1-4 guests, pets allowed). --- Note: We do not discriminate on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or nationality. We welcome everyone to join us and also expect that all of our guests share our commitment to respect diversity and inclusion.
Bites & Sights Walking San Jose Experience
Unmask the beauty and culture of contemporary Costa Rican life on this San Jose walking tour. You’ll get up close and personal, through local food, history, culture even the herbal remedies of folk medicine. Enjoy a hands on lesson on exotic plants, fruits, vegetables in the Borbon Market. We’ll take a stroll through the vibrant Central Market, tasting local ice cream,this ice cream shop is over 100 years old. Seeing diverse sites like the Cathedral, National Theater, and the beautiful Morazan parks will help you get to know the country and its rich history and from this experience, you’ll have another sense taste to get more in tune with San Jose. For the end visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop where you will find gourmet coffees and chocolates produced by women, in this special place tasting and learn to prepare Cafe Chorreado, enjoy a local caldosa, tamal cooked by local families and wrapped in a banana leaf, learn how to make plantain empanadas with cheese, try our famous Agua de Sapo make with sugar cañe and lemon.
Eat & make chocolates at local Factory
Podrás recibir un taller de chocolatería con degustación completa de todos los subproductos del cacao. Desde el inicio conocerás brevemente la historia del cacao en América, probando fruta fresca de cacao, luego semillas deshidratadas y tostadas, nibs, polvo de cacao. Luego pondremos manos a la obra con la chocolatería más moderna, conocerás cómo preparar cacao puro, para seguidamente lograr distintas concentraciones de cacao en la pasta de chocolate oscuro (70%, 85% y 100%). Con estos realizarás diversos chocolates con todos los ingredientes locales que tenemos disponibles y ¡uses tu creatividad! Finalmente te daremos los materiales (ecoamigables) para que empaques tus propias creaciones y tengas un recuerdo perfecto de tu viaje a Costa Rica.
Hike in Tapir mountain and its waterfall
We’ll go to the cloud-forest in the mountains of Heredia on a LEVEL 3** hike that features a beautiful waterfall and amazing landscapes. We’ll meet in Heredia city center and drive to a Protected Area where we’ll trek through a recovered cloud-forest with exuberant vegetation and lesser fauna. We’ll visit a waterfall and if you’re up for it, swim in the pure, chill, mountain water! After exploring the upper layers of the forest from atop a lookout point, we’ll head back to town to recover and enjoy a "casado" in a typical lunch PLEASE READ THESE FACTS ATTENTIVELY ** ¨Level 3 hike¨ means: 3 out of 10 in difficulty. A ninety minutes hike with good inclines, some stamina is required. You need to stay hydrated. good for some kids and teens, not for beginners ** We’ll drive 11 Km (7 miles) to the FOREST and we’ll hike about 2 hours and a half. This experience takes 4 hours starting at 8:00 am. ** This 3 Km hike has a 160 meters altitude gain (1.9 miles hike in 525 feet incline). ** The trail is not paved and does not have handrails. Some rocky, steep or muddy terrain must be expected. ** Do not sign up if you have important knee problems, you are not moderately in shape or you never take walks. ** You should arrive to the meeting point by your own means. ** Also read "THINGS TO KNOW" for more info (in the last section). Please.
Walk and talk San Jose style
Walk-and-talk San Jose is a great way of experiencing a day in the city of San Jose, Costa Rica! history, culture, food, and general information about past present, also info where to go after. Get located with a professional costarrican guide, these experience is a family project, so, even Catalina or Rodrigo can host you with lots of style!. we will start in the hottest gastronomic area of the East of San José the edge of the beginning of history of the San Jose of 1800' s after will do a mix walking for 2,6 km to 4km ( 1,7 to 3miles) slow flat interesting areas of the central downtown area until the central market. i could tell u we will travel from precolonial to post modern society in CR and i will try to open a window in time and history of our country and our way of being, ticos, Pura vida, the sings in past that reveal our present. Escalante/ Parque de Francia, Custom House of 1800, the Atlantic train rail, Central park, Museum of art and design, Metallic school, the Jade Museum, and Democracy Park, the Congress house, National tether, Cathedral, and the pedestrian walk, and the central market. it won’t be a linear walk, it will bring color and details in history to know us better. welcome to one of the happiest countries. Other things to note Familly, couples or singles


Poas volcano tour
I'll handle everything from picking you up from your hotel (whether you're in San Jose, Heredia, or Alajuela) to securing your tickets for the volcano, leaving you free to simply book the experience and relish the trip. During our journey to the volcano, we'll make several stops to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We'll visit a quaint local coffee shop, where you can savor some of the finest brews in the area. Additionally, we'll pause at a charming souvenir shop, where you'll be greeted with a delightful tasting session featuring artisanal cheeses and liqueurs. But that's not all! We'll also have the unique opportunity to visit the world's only Starbucks coffee farm. We'll embark on our adventure early, aiming for the best chance to witness the volcano in its full glory. So, expect me to swing by around 7 am. Remember to dress warmly and be prepared for the weather, as the volcano's peak can be chilly and prone to rain. Rain gear, a coat, and sturdy walking shoes are highly recommended for a comfortable and enjoyable experience
Sloths & Wilderness, Expert guided Nature Stroll in San Jose
This is the MUST-DO experience in SJO for nature lovers! We will explore the hidden ecosystem resting inside the University of Costa Rica's campus, the first public university in the country, by the hand of the young biologists who study here. Be ready for amazing bird-watching, curious insects, all sorts of tropical plants and the cherry on top of the cake: the small population of sloths living wild and free on the campus' gardens. Many times we will try some wild berries and smell all sorts of barks and flowers. We'll be talking about art, history, indigenous culture, and most of all, nature. This is a full senses experience so you will get to see, touch, smell, taste, and listen to nature thriving amidst our country's biggest city. *** From May to November we recommend booking on the morning slot due to rainy afternoons, however, the afternoons are also great DISCLAIMER: This is not a Recue Center or Sloth Sactuary Tour. You will not be able to touch them, if found, the sloths will be seen in their natural habitat, which means most of the time they will be sleeping on the trees. Still, our experience is your best option at San Jose if you're a true nature lover. This is a 2,5h walking tour, some parts will be exposed to intense sunlight. Not a heavy walk, but please consider your physical condition
Volcán Irazu y Ciudad Cartago en tren
Un tour para conocer naturaleza y viajar en trasporte público costarricense (tren y autobús). El plan es poder conocer uno de los majestuosos volcanes que tiene Costa Rica: ¡Volcán Irazú! Sin duda alguna la temática central es poder visitar el volcán y conocer de cerca sus cráteres a través de un mirador. No obstante, la idea es que tome el tren de San José a Cartago, donde le encontraremos en la estación, para caminar por la ciudad de Cartago, que fue hace muchos años atrás la capital de Costa Rica, donde podremos conocer más información acerca de la historia de la Antigua Metrópoli. Seguidamente, abordaremos juntos el autobús con destino al Volcán Irazú (si usted lo desea podemos contratar transporte privado, pago adicional). Una vez estemos en el Parque Nacional Volcán Irazú podremos ver de cerca, gracias a un mirador que proporciona el parque, el cráter Diego de La Haya, Playa Hermosa, el cráter Principal y subiremos hasta el punto más alto del lugar. Visitaremos lugares como las famosas Ruinas, la Basílica de los Ángeles, la Plaza Mayor, el Mercado y hasta el Antiguo Cuartel Militar de la ciudad. Iniciaremos el tour a las 8:15 am y finalizaremos alrededor de las 2 pm, para almorzar y que regrese en autobús o en tren de 3:47 pm a San José. ¿Qué espera? ¡Reserve su tour con La Compañía!
Yoga & Hiking en Alba Studio
Ven a disfrutar de un paseo en el bosque de San José de la Montaña, donde podrás disfrutar del aire fresco y el canto de las aves. La experiencia incluye una clase de yoga de 1 hora, un snack y una caminata en nuestro sendero privado. Otros aspectos destacables: La propiedad está ubicada en las montañas de Heredia. Estamos cerca de la ciudad, pero el clima es montañoso. Por favor trae cualquier artículo que te haga sentir más cómodo. Recomendamos zapatos para caminar o tenis, y una chaqueta ligera en caso de que llueva.
Visita al Parque Nacional Volcán Poás
Temprano en la mañana tomamos la carretera Panamericana con destino a la Ciudad de Alajuela, donde observaremos el Monumento al Agricultor, el Monumento a Juan Santamaría y el famoso Parque Central o conocido como de los Mangos. En el ascenso al Volcán haremos parada en la Finca Cafetalera de Starbucks para probar un delicios café. En este lugar se procesa el café para Centroamérica y continuaremos el recorrido a través de cultivos de helechos, flores y fresas. Notaremos el cambio en la temperatura y la variada vegetación, preparándonos para disfrutar los placeres del exuberante bosque nuboso del Volcán Poás. En el Volcán tomaremos el tiempo necesario para observar el impresionante cráter principal, con fumarolas de azufre. Realizaremos una caminata por el sendero hasta la hermosa Laguna Botos que nos permitirá conocer los diferentes ecosistemas del parque. Continuando hacia la zona caribeña, nos detendremos para descubrir los Jardines de la Catarata La Paz, un parque natural, donde caminaremos por senderos espectaculares que nos conducirán a 4 magníficas cataratas de diversos tamanos y ecosistemas. En el parque también visitaremos uno de los observatorios de mariposas más grande del país, jardín de colibríes, aviario, la casa antigua, un ranario, y serpentario. Regreso a San José podremos realizar compras de artesanias en almacenes de la zona rural.


National Museum Of Costa Rica186位當地人推薦
Mall San Pedro65位當地人推薦
Teatro Popular Melico Salazar63位當地人推薦
Plaza de la Cultura53位當地人推薦


Bar Crawl in downtown San José
Staying in San Jose and looking for an affordable, fun, safe and inclusive night out? This 3-hour BarCrawl in San Jose everything you need to have a great time, live our nightlife as a true local and safely moving throughout one of our most popular, best-known bar districts. During this tour, we will visit the most popular bars and clubs in town! Each of the bars will have a different atmosphere than the last. Come out and meet people from all over at an affordable price! Our customers speak for us, check out our reviews below! ***We also offer a place to stay in Downtown San Jose, contact us right away and we'll share our safe, new and well-equipped entire home Airbnb listing in the heart of the city (1-4 guests, pets allowed). --- Note: We do not discriminate on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or nationality. We welcome everyone to join us and also expect that all of our guests share our commitment to respect diversity and inclusion.
Bites & Sights Walking San Jose Experience
Unmask the beauty and culture of contemporary Costa Rican life on this San Jose walking tour. You’ll get up close and personal, through local food, history, culture even the herbal remedies of folk medicine. Enjoy a hands on lesson on exotic plants, fruits, vegetables in the Borbon Market. We’ll take a stroll through the vibrant Central Market, tasting local ice cream,this ice cream shop is over 100 years old. Seeing diverse sites like the Cathedral, National Theater, and the beautiful Morazan parks will help you get to know the country and its rich history and from this experience, you’ll have another sense taste to get more in tune with San Jose. For the end visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop where you will find gourmet coffees and chocolates produced by women, in this special place tasting and learn to prepare Cafe Chorreado, enjoy a local caldosa, tamal cooked by local families and wrapped in a banana leaf, learn how to make plantain empanadas with cheese, try our famous Agua de Sapo make with sugar cañe and lemon.
San José Walking Tour
“La mejor forma de empezar o terminar su viaje en Costa Rica”. Si usted quiere conocer San José a fondo y probar sus sabores, ver su arquitectura única y conocer su historia, ¡Este es el tour que busca! El plan es mostrarle la ciudad y caminar por ella, conversar y tomarnos un café como si fuéramos amigos desde hace mucho. Vamos a salir desde el Edificio Steinvorth hacia el punto de nacimiento de la Villa Nueva de la Boca del Monte de San Joseph (nombre colonial de la actual capital costarricense), para ir caminando por puntos históricos y lugares de hechos trascendentes para nuestro país. Es una ruta basada en detalles, historia, anécdotas, rincones poco conocidos por el turista, complementado por el ingreso a edificios patrimoniales y a espacios públicos y privados, Plazas, Cafeterías, entre otras. Lugares icónicos de la ciudad como el Teatro Nacional, el Mercado Central o la Catedral. Ideal para fotografiar y poder caminar por la ciudad e identificar sus puntos principales, paradas de autobús, tiendas, mercados y todo lo necesario para moverse por San José. En dos horas y media le daremos una perspectiva que pocos le podrán dar y que le harán ver porqué San José fue una gran urbe y porqué le llamaban "el pequeño París". Aún cuando llueva, tendremos recorrido. Iremos por San José, por algunas zonas de sus cuatro distritos históricos (Carmen, Merced, Hospital y Catedral).
Poas volcano tour
I'll handle everything from picking you up from your hotel (whether you're in San Jose, Heredia, or Alajuela) to securing your tickets for the volcano, leaving you free to simply book the experience and relish the trip. During our journey to the volcano, we'll make several stops to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We'll visit a quaint local coffee shop, where you can savor some of the finest brews in the area. Additionally, we'll pause at a charming souvenir shop, where you'll be greeted with a delightful tasting session featuring artisanal cheeses and liqueurs. But that's not all! We'll also have the unique opportunity to visit the world's only Starbucks coffee farm. We'll embark on our adventure early, aiming for the best chance to witness the volcano in its full glory. So, expect me to swing by around 7 am. Remember to dress warmly and be prepared for the weather, as the volcano's peak can be chilly and prone to rain. Rain gear, a coat, and sturdy walking shoes are highly recommended for a comfortable and enjoyable experience
San Jose By Night Tour Farm to Table Dinner & Cocktail ClasS
Immerse yourself in the culture and history of the city. Explore San Jose by Night, complete with local markets, cultural icons, and a tasty dinner with wine! Starting with the Central Market, which, is the only way to learn about the city’s food. Stroll the market with your local guide and get to know the secret uses of the roots, herbs, fruit common in local cuisines, including ingredients that will play a role in your authentic Costa Rican dinner later. We'll make our way down Central Avenue, learning about the city’s history and anecdotes, as well as visiting one of the most architecturally beautiful buildings, the National Theatre. From there, our appreciation for San Jose’s historical architecture continues, walk through Morazán Park and we will visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop to make and taste delicious cocktails. We’ll continue with a walk by the Metallic Building, then on to Spain Park for a fantastic view of the Yellow House. We'll be spending the rest of the evening at a favorite dinner at a farm to table private home dinning. This cozy establishment offers the best prehispanic food menu , a unique space that offers art, culture, history as well as fine dining.


Sloths & Wilderness, Expert guided Nature Stroll in San Jose
This is the MUST-DO experience in SJO for nature lovers! We will explore the hidden ecosystem resting inside the University of Costa Rica's campus, the first public university in the country, by the hand of the young biologists who study here. Be ready for amazing bird-watching, curious insects, all sorts of tropical plants and the cherry on top of the cake: the small population of sloths living wild and free on the campus' gardens. Many times we will try some wild berries and smell all sorts of barks and flowers. We'll be talking about art, history, indigenous culture, and most of all, nature. This is a full senses experience so you will get to see, touch, smell, taste, and listen to nature thriving amidst our country's biggest city. *** From May to November we recommend booking on the morning slot due to rainy afternoons, however, the afternoons are also great DISCLAIMER: This is not a Recue Center or Sloth Sactuary Tour. You will not be able to touch them, if found, the sloths will be seen in their natural habitat, which means most of the time they will be sleeping on the trees. Still, our experience is your best option at San Jose if you're a true nature lover. This is a 2,5h walking tour, some parts will be exposed to intense sunlight. Not a heavy walk, but please consider your physical condition
Yoga & Hiking en Alba Studio
Ven a disfrutar de un paseo en el bosque de San José de la Montaña, donde podrás disfrutar del aire fresco y el canto de las aves. La experiencia incluye una clase de yoga de 1 hora, un snack y una caminata en nuestro sendero privado. Otros aspectos destacables: La propiedad está ubicada en las montañas de Heredia. Estamos cerca de la ciudad, pero el clima es montañoso. Por favor trae cualquier artículo que te haga sentir más cómodo. Recomendamos zapatos para caminar o tenis, y una chaqueta ligera en caso de que llueva.
Storytelling and street food, muy Tuanis experience
MUY TUANIS Costa Rican storytelling! Come and learn with your host about the streetfood and history of Costa Rica. Rodrigo your host have a passion for history, people and the gastromy of this contry after years of walk in San Jose he knows great hidden spots for eat some of the best street food in the city. Your journey begins right at Nacional Teatro, rodrigo will pick you up and you will walk aroud tasting and explained to you what are you eating . Be ready for your strange thing of the day! in this experience you will have a lot of that... Give us the chance to share with you this muy TUANIS experience and some Tico Storytelling …see you soon. Pura vida! Other things to note Remember it gets dark around 6:20 so bring a layer for temperature and if bad weather a raincoat Eat ligth before you get the experience!
Hike in Tapir mountain and its waterfall
We’ll go to the cloud-forest in the mountains of Heredia on a LEVEL 3** hike that features a beautiful waterfall and amazing landscapes. We’ll meet in Heredia city center and drive to a Protected Area where we’ll trek through a recovered cloud-forest with exuberant vegetation and lesser fauna. We’ll visit a waterfall and if you’re up for it, swim in the pure, chill, mountain water! After exploring the upper layers of the forest from atop a lookout point, we’ll head back to town to recover and enjoy a "casado" in a typical lunch PLEASE READ THESE FACTS ATTENTIVELY ** ¨Level 3 hike¨ means: 3 out of 10 in difficulty. A ninety minutes hike with good inclines, some stamina is required. You need to stay hydrated. good for some kids and teens, not for beginners ** We’ll drive 11 Km (7 miles) to the FOREST and we’ll hike about 2 hours and a half. This experience takes 4 hours starting at 8:00 am. ** This 3 Km hike has a 160 meters altitude gain (1.9 miles hike in 525 feet incline). ** The trail is not paved and does not have handrails. Some rocky, steep or muddy terrain must be expected. ** Do not sign up if you have important knee problems, you are not moderately in shape or you never take walks. ** You should arrive to the meeting point by your own means. ** Also read "THINGS TO KNOW" for more info (in the last section). Please.
San José a pie, recorrido por el centro de la ciudad
(THIS TOUR IS IN SPANISH ONLY. IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THIS EXPERIENCE IN ENGLISH, PLEASE CHECK THIS LINK): Lo primero que tenés que saber es que San José, por su tamaño y por un conjunto de calles peatonales (bulevares), se deja conocer fácilmente caminando, o como se dice en Costa Rica: "a trole" o "a pata". Es la forma más saludable de hacer turismo, y también la que mejor permite conocer con detalle los rincones y palpar la misma vida de la ciudad, percibir la amabilidad de su gente con un "pura vida", el tradicional saludo local. Pasearemos por el centro de la ciudad, por poco menos de 3 horas. A medida que nos topamos con las fachadas más icónicas de San José, vas a escuchar historias tanto oficiales como leyendas urbanas que te harán descubrir que Costa Rica es mucho más que playas y volcanes. Entenderás el porqué San José es la ciudad más importante del país y cómo se convirtió en capital. Además, nos encanta darte información sobre otras cosas que podés visitar y hacer en la ciudad y en otras zonas del país. Otros aspectos destacables El tour no se recomienda para personas con afecciones cardiacas o problemas de movilidad que pudieran impedirle una caminata moderada y de larga duración.


Coffee, chocolate & More
We will walk you into the coffee world, where a lot of little aspects of the production are explained. We would have a coffee tasting part where you can experience 3 different coffee flavors. A unique walk on the farm where a lot of diversity can be found, including new products that we are incorporating on the farm, for example cacao, sugar cane, turmeric, ginger, yuca, nispero, mullberry, and many more native products. We will see the coffee process, where we dry our coffee, all of it sundry with different techniques like honey process or natural process depending on the season If you wish to buy any coffee from us, we can package it together. We will process cacao seeds, after cacao is roasted we will peel the skin off the seeds, then grind it on very rustic tools until we can form our own chocolate ball-bar. we will provide everything you need to make your own chocolate we will give you the opportunity to grind your own sugar cane and taste such a great drink.
Hike Cerro Pico Blanco with unbelievable views of San José
I'll pick you up in the morning and we'll drive up the mountain, crossing the town of Escazu. This trail is not part of an official national or state park, therefore, your best chance of experiencing it is with a local. We'll leave the car right next to the trailhead. The trail starts off quite steep, so expect your legs to start burning. Through the length of the trail you'll experience different types of vegetation and forests, giving you a little taste of everything. Halfway up, the trail emerges from the forest into an exposed section, where you'll experience some of the best views of the city. Due to its position, it is one of the few trails that offers a complete view of the city. You'll have views of the three main volcanoes near San Jose (Poas, Barva and Irazu) and the whole central valley. We continue up through the second half of the climb, entering a more humid and muddy rainforest until we reach the top. Here we will find a sign marking the top and views of a nearby windfarm. The descent follows a different trail, traversing the mountain and passing through a pine forest. Eventually we'll loop back to the trailhead and go back down the dirt road to the car. The experience ends with me dropping you off where I picked you up.
Tres Cafés por San José
¡Una experiencia única con café sin tener que salir de la ciudad! Vamos a salir desde el Edificio Steinvorth, para ir caminando por la ciudad y visitar cafeterías de pequeños emprendedores, que han desarrollado sus negocios de manera creativa y que han crecido y vinculado a otros emprendimientos. Es una ruta basada en espacios de emprendimientos gastronómicos y dedicados al café. Ideal para fotografiar y poder caminar por la ciudad e identificar algunos puntos principales para moverse por Chepe. En tres horas le daremos una perspectiva que pocos le podrán dar y que le harán ver porqué San José es una ciudad viva y con mucho turismo por hacer. Aún cuando llueva, tendremos recorrido. Iremos por San José, por algunas zonas dos de sus distritos históricos (Carmen y Merced).
Walk and talk San Jose style
Walk-and-talk San Jose is a great way of experiencing a day in the city of San Jose, Costa Rica! history, culture, food, and general information about past present, also info where to go after. Get located with a professional costarrican guide, these experience is a family project, so, even Catalina or Rodrigo can host you with lots of style!. we will start in the hottest gastronomic area of the East of San José the edge of the beginning of history of the San Jose of 1800' s after will do a mix walking for 2,6 km to 4km ( 1,7 to 3miles) slow flat interesting areas of the central downtown area until the central market. i could tell u we will travel from precolonial to post modern society in CR and i will try to open a window in time and history of our country and our way of being, ticos, Pura vida, the sings in past that reveal our present. Escalante/ Parque de Francia, Custom House of 1800, the Atlantic train rail, Central park, Museum of art and design, Metallic school, the Jade Museum, and Democracy Park, the Congress house, National tether, Cathedral, and the pedestrian walk, and the central market. it won’t be a linear walk, it will bring color and details in history to know us better. welcome to one of the happiest countries. Other things to note Familly, couples or singles
San Jose Bike & Bites Ride
We'll ride through the city's most iconic and vibrant neighborhoods and part of its street art. We'll take a break at the iconic ‘El Frontón’ to try some of the best empanadas in San Jose. And We'll also have the opportunity to learn about Costa Rica’s specialty coffee from a local barista. You'll get to know the city's history, culture, and current events from the insights of a local. Other things to note: Wear comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes. We ride on regular non-electric bicycles There're some small hills during the experience and you'll be riding next to traffic in some areas As this experience consists of a bicycle ride you'll need to be able to ride a bicycle.


Bar Crawl in downtown San José
Staying in San Jose and looking for an affordable, fun, safe and inclusive night out? This 3-hour BarCrawl in San Jose everything you need to have a great time, live our nightlife as a true local and safely moving throughout one of our most popular, best-known bar districts. During this tour, we will visit the most popular bars and clubs in town! Each of the bars will have a different atmosphere than the last. Come out and meet people from all over at an affordable price! Our customers speak for us, check out our reviews below! ***We also offer a place to stay in Downtown San Jose, contact us right away and we'll share our safe, new and well-equipped entire home Airbnb listing in the heart of the city (1-4 guests, pets allowed). --- Note: We do not discriminate on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or nationality. We welcome everyone to join us and also expect that all of our guests share our commitment to respect diversity and inclusion.
Bites & Sights Walking San Jose Experience
Unmask the beauty and culture of contemporary Costa Rican life on this San Jose walking tour. You’ll get up close and personal, through local food, history, culture even the herbal remedies of folk medicine. Enjoy a hands on lesson on exotic plants, fruits, vegetables in the Borbon Market. We’ll take a stroll through the vibrant Central Market, tasting local ice cream,this ice cream shop is over 100 years old. Seeing diverse sites like the Cathedral, National Theater, and the beautiful Morazan parks will help you get to know the country and its rich history and from this experience, you’ll have another sense taste to get more in tune with San Jose. For the end visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop where you will find gourmet coffees and chocolates produced by women, in this special place tasting and learn to prepare Cafe Chorreado, enjoy a local caldosa, tamal cooked by local families and wrapped in a banana leaf, learn how to make plantain empanadas with cheese, try our famous Agua de Sapo make with sugar cañe and lemon.
San José Walking Tour
“La mejor forma de empezar o terminar su viaje en Costa Rica”. Si usted quiere conocer San José a fondo y probar sus sabores, ver su arquitectura única y conocer su historia, ¡Este es el tour que busca! El plan es mostrarle la ciudad y caminar por ella, conversar y tomarnos un café como si fuéramos amigos desde hace mucho. Vamos a salir desde el Edificio Steinvorth hacia el punto de nacimiento de la Villa Nueva de la Boca del Monte de San Joseph (nombre colonial de la actual capital costarricense), para ir caminando por puntos históricos y lugares de hechos trascendentes para nuestro país. Es una ruta basada en detalles, historia, anécdotas, rincones poco conocidos por el turista, complementado por el ingreso a edificios patrimoniales y a espacios públicos y privados, Plazas, Cafeterías, entre otras. Lugares icónicos de la ciudad como el Teatro Nacional, el Mercado Central o la Catedral. Ideal para fotografiar y poder caminar por la ciudad e identificar sus puntos principales, paradas de autobús, tiendas, mercados y todo lo necesario para moverse por San José. En dos horas y media le daremos una perspectiva que pocos le podrán dar y que le harán ver porqué San José fue una gran urbe y porqué le llamaban "el pequeño París". Aún cuando llueva, tendremos recorrido. Iremos por San José, por algunas zonas de sus cuatro distritos históricos (Carmen, Merced, Hospital y Catedral).
Poas volcano tour
I'll handle everything from picking you up from your hotel (whether you're in San Jose, Heredia, or Alajuela) to securing your tickets for the volcano, leaving you free to simply book the experience and relish the trip. During our journey to the volcano, we'll make several stops to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We'll visit a quaint local coffee shop, where you can savor some of the finest brews in the area. Additionally, we'll pause at a charming souvenir shop, where you'll be greeted with a delightful tasting session featuring artisanal cheeses and liqueurs. But that's not all! We'll also have the unique opportunity to visit the world's only Starbucks coffee farm. We'll embark on our adventure early, aiming for the best chance to witness the volcano in its full glory. So, expect me to swing by around 7 am. Remember to dress warmly and be prepared for the weather, as the volcano's peak can be chilly and prone to rain. Rain gear, a coat, and sturdy walking shoes are highly recommended for a comfortable and enjoyable experience
San Jose By Night Tour Farm to Table Dinner & Cocktail ClasS
Immerse yourself in the culture and history of the city. Explore San Jose by Night, complete with local markets, cultural icons, and a tasty dinner with wine! Starting with the Central Market, which, is the only way to learn about the city’s food. Stroll the market with your local guide and get to know the secret uses of the roots, herbs, fruit common in local cuisines, including ingredients that will play a role in your authentic Costa Rican dinner later. We'll make our way down Central Avenue, learning about the city’s history and anecdotes, as well as visiting one of the most architecturally beautiful buildings, the National Theatre. From there, our appreciation for San Jose’s historical architecture continues, walk through Morazán Park and we will visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop to make and taste delicious cocktails. We’ll continue with a walk by the Metallic Building, then on to Spain Park for a fantastic view of the Yellow House. We'll be spending the rest of the evening at a favorite dinner at a farm to table private home dinning. This cozy establishment offers the best prehispanic food menu , a unique space that offers art, culture, history as well as fine dining.