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South Italy的獨特新鮮事

在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Tour Sail And walk in Capri First in Sorrento
Enjoy the beauties of the island of Capri from the sea! You will sail on board , with a small group of maximum 12 people to discover the wonders of the most beloved island in the world. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the view of the famous Faraglioni, the numerous caves and its striking colour effects, the blue of the sea and the majestic cliffs of Capri. Jump in the crystal water of the island and enjoy limoncello. The tour starts from the meeting point at the port of Marina Piccola in Sorrento. Along the way you will visit the ancient ruins of "Queen giovanna's bath", we will sail along the Massalubrense coast and then in Capri we will enter in the Marvellous Grotto, the White Grotto and the Green Grotto and Blu Grotto (tickets to enter not included in the price and the entrance is due to the sea conditions or other events ). You will admire the Natural Arch, the Villa of Curzio Malaparte, the lighthouse of Punta Carena and the Faraglioni, passing through the famous Arch of Love. You have free time to visit Capri town, about 4 hours(there is an extra cost of 10€pp to land in capri and in Sorrento).The captain will assist you during the discovery of the island, providing you all the information you need to know more about the beauties of Capri. There will be stops to swim and snorkel and to enjoy a drink on board. At the end of the tour you will return to the starting point.
A Journey discovering the Amalfi Coast through its wonder
One of the most iconic aspects of the Amalfi Coast is its enchanting towns, each with its own unique charm. Our first stop will be Ravello, perched at an elevation of around 365 meters (1,200 feet) above the sea level, Ravello offers stunning vistas of the Amalfi Coast and the azure waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its elevated position provides a sense of tranquility and serenity, away from the hustle and bustle of the coastal towns below. Next is Amalfi, with its idyllic setting, historical landmarks, and lively atmosphere, Amalfi town encapsulates the charm and beauty that the Amalfi Coast is famous for. It is a must-visit destination for those seeking a memorable experience on Italy's stunning coastline. Last stop will be Positano, as you approach Positano from the sea or along the winding coastal road, the first thing that captures your attention is its vertical landscape. The village is built vertically on the steep slopes, with pastel-colored houses seemingly stacked on top of each other. This unique architectural design creates a postcard-perfect scene that has made Positano one of the most recognizable and photographed towns in Italy. Your journey will be enriched by unique facts about the area and its culture that only locals like us knows about. - free time : Ravello 1h - Amalfi 1h - Positano 1h 30min - moderate amount of walking is required
Puglia nel cuore
Accogliamo i Ns. clienti con il calore tipico della gente del SUD, quel calore che scalda più il cuore che il corpo e resta impresso nella mente di ogni ospite. Dopo il benvenuto accompagnato da un cocktail molto fresco, rigorosamente green a base di lime, menta, zenzero e kiwy si apre la Cooking Class. Le sapienti mani di mamma Marisa, custodi delle tecniche di lavorazione della cucina tipica Pugliese, mostreranno con amore come, utilizzando un pugno di farina ed un pò d' acqua, si riescano a realizzare le famose orecchiette Pugliesi. Sarà poi la volta della goliardica e sempre verde Mamma Palma, cuore pulsante del’intera Cooking Class. Sarà lei ad insegnare le tecniche di preparazione dell’impasto della focaccia mediterranea e come con qualche litro di latte fresco munto in giornata ed un cucchiaino di caglio si possa dar vita ad un fresco e gustoso formaggio. Dopo tanto lavoro e milioni di sorrisi, le focacce saranno cotte nel forno a legna e le orecchiette saranno cucinate come tradizione prevede. Ora finalmente tutti a tavola, per la cena finale durante la quale verranno servite le diverse pietanze preparate durante lo show cooking alle quali si aggiungeranno una serie di piatti tipici della nostra amata Puglia. Ogni fase di lavorazione sarà tradotte in inglese. Si prega di segnalare eventuali intolleranze. Lo staff vi contatterà 24H prima a 1/2 WhatsApp.
Pompei: Il Tour con un vero Archeologo
*SCEGLIENDO questa Exp stai supportando un Tour con Archeologi SPECIALIZZATI e Guide eccezionali. ** Visiteremo le aree interessate dalle nuove scoperte. Immergiti nel passato con noi: siamo guide turistiche autorizzate e nel nostro team troverai archeologi professionisti e specializzati e dottorandi/studenti in archeologia e storia dell'arte. Dal 2015 è nato il nostro progetto Naples Grand Tour con lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza del nostro territorio. Preparati ad esplorare la città antica e le sue rovine. In tutta sicurezza partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città: Porta Marina. Con il VESUVIO in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di POMPEI, della catastrofe e della STORIA DEGLI SCAVI. Passeremo per la BASILICA, il FORO con il mercato ed i TEMPLI principali...cammineremo per il decumano maggiore osservando da vicino e dall'interno le TERME SUBURBANE (spettacolare e recentemente aperte!) senza dimenticare di fare attenzione ai diversi simboli erotici sparsi per la città antica ed all'interno del LUPANARE! Esploreremo alcune delle più belle DOMUS aperte di recente ed in particolare le più affascinanti dove in alcune di esse i restauri sono stati eseguiti dal mio Prof. La visita continuerà tra BOTTEGHE, AFFRESCHI, MOSAICI, panetterie, TEATRI e aneddoti e storie di Abitanti e GLADIATORI. Pompei è viva. Ti aspettiamo!
Boat tour of Positano and Amalfi coast
Our experience will start from Sorrento Port, make yourself confortable with a fresh drink, we are ready!!! Crossing the Sorrento gulf you ll see the ''Regina Giovanna'', an ancient roman s house built on the rock, the ''Saraceno''tower, the little village of Sammontano, the Lobra s marine untill the ''Campanella'' cape, the last piece of Sorrento coast... at this point we ll be arrived on the other side, the Amalfi coast.... sailing with the sun on front we ll reach the '' Li Galli '' islands, a magical hotspot in the middle of the sea,the perfect place for a fresh swim. After this stop, i ll take you to the city of Amalfi, you ll have one hour and half to visit this ancient ''Maritime Republic'' and its baroque cathedral. On the way back we ll coast until Positano city, you ll admire breathtaking landscapes, the ''Furore'' fjord, Praiano. You ll have an other one hour and half of free time to walk among the narrow streets of Positano and the beach of ''Fornillo''. We ll cross Nerano untill the ''Mortelle'' beach to snorkeling in cristalline water... coming back to Sorrento with a red sunset you ll fall in love of my coast... jump on board !!! Other things to note The best way to experience the Amalfi coast and its magical sea


Tagliatelle, ravioli and tiramisù
During this experience you'll be able to immerse yourself in my family long time farm history. It will be my pleasure welcoming you with a cup of coffee before visiting our cellar and garden where we'll pick some vegetables to use for the class. Then we'll jump to the kitchen and put our hands in the dough or, using an Italian expression, "mettere le mani in pasta". I'll explain and provide the ingredients needed, their proportions, the full process and methods included all the tricks and how to use all the necessary tolls. Then we'll prepare the sauce using ingredients from our farm, in particular our organic vegetables. After making the tagliatelle and ravioli , it will be time to make the typical Italian cake 'tiramisù' following the recipe of my great grandma. We are now ready to enjoy a delicious dish of handmade tagliatelle accompanied with a nice glass of our organic wine and finally the amazing tiramisù. This experience also includes a pice of our homemade limoncello. All the food will be prepared and served with our own organic extra virgin olive oil. Other things to note Please let us know any possible different request or dietary need and I'll make my best to accommodate.
Sorrento Pasta Masterclass with Giò & Sacha
Would you like to learn how to make authentic Italian dishes? Do you dream about making fresh pasta in Italy? Sorrento Pasta Masterclass is a unique gastronomic experience, which combines expertise with conviviality and tradition. Our team is excited to share with you all the secrets and tips to create  the best pasta dishes of your trip in Sorrento and Amalfi Coast! Join our small group cooking class and we'll teach you how to make: -Cherry tomato sauce Tortelloni -Cacio e Pepe Spaghetti -Basil Pesto Ravioli At the end of the class you'll enjoy your pasta dishes, accompanied by local wine, limoncello and lots of good memories of your Italian cooking experience.
Visit the olive grove and cook with me
We will walk around the olive trees and – between October and November - we will witness the hand-picking of the olives which will then be taken to the mill to be transformed into precious extra-virgin olive oil. After the olive grove, we will admire the vegetable garden with its seasonal harvest. The day will continue with the tasting of our extra-virgin olive oil, offered with home-made bread, baked in the large wood-burning oven of the house. At this point, we will pick the tools and prepare together the best typical dishes of the Campania tradition, following the recipe. You will live your experience in a breathtaking location, from which you can admire our wonderful coastline and the green hills of Salerno! During the summer, you will be sitting in the garden, while you will enjoy the warm of the fireplace in the winter cold days and you can end your day tasting what you have prepared with your own hands, accompanying everything with the excellent red wine of our production. Altre cose da tenere a mente In some periods of the year (between October and November) it will be possible to watch the olive harvest! In the other months, admire the olive trees with a guided tour!
Sailing one day discovering the Amalfi Coast
Ci incontreremo all'ingresso della Stazione Marittima di Salerno al Molo Manfredi. Puoi venire a piedi oppure in bus/taxi o con la tua auto. Qui ci imbarcheremo e dopo un briefing sulla sicurezza, usciremo dal porto ed inizieremo la navigazione a vela (se c'è vento) verso Amalfi (3 ore di navigazione). Potrai vedere dal mare la splendida Amalfi Coast, dove potrai tuffarti nelle splendide acque della Costiera, pranzare nella Baia del Cavallo Morto e visitare incantevoli insenature accessibili solo dal mare; potrai fare snorkeling o goderti il sole ed il panorama in assoluta tranquillità. Se lo desideri, posso svolgere mini lezioni di vela e farti partecipare attivamente alle manovre e alla navigazione della barca. Entro le ore 20,00 rientreremo in porto a vela a Salerno e potrai ammirare il famoso tramonto della costiera Amalfitana L'itinerario e l'orario di rientro sono flessibili, farò il possibile per accontentarti in funzione delle condizioni meteo e dei tempi di navigazione. Ricorda che la mia è una barca a vela, non è veloce, naviga lentamente. La mia proposta non è un noleggio di barca con skipper e nemmeno di un tour commerciale, ma un'esperienza da vivere con gli amici. Bisogna essere minimo in due persone. In caso di condizioni meteo cattive, sarai rimborsato da Airbnb. QUESTA E' UN ESPERIENZA DIVERSA DA TUTTE!!!!
Homemade Pasta with a Neapolitan Family
You will experience the unique experience of cooking and eating in a typical house of the historic center of Naples! Gianni & Pucci will reveal all the secrets of Neapolitan cuisine, following you step by step and teaching you recipes that you can propose to your friends and family once you get home! • WELCOME HOME! You will be welcomed with an aperitif of "White Olives" and "Bruschetta". Gianni & Pucci will teach how to prepare the best bruschetta using different products! • HANDS IN PASTA! Gianni and Pucci will teach you how to make fresh pasta! Following you step by step with their kindness and experience! You will discover the secrets of homemade tagliatelle and other different kinds of pasta having fun and learning! • AT THE STOVE! Pucci will teach you how to prepare one of her famous seafood sauces for your pasta! • ENJOY YOUR MEAL! Sitting at the table with them you can finally enjoy the fruits of your work and continue to discover the secrets of Naples! But it does not end here! They will delight you with a second dish (meat or cheese) & Neapolitan Side! And to finish Homemade Dessert and other treats! Not only this will be a truly unique culinary experience but it will also be an opportunity to be fully immersed into Neapolitan culture through its people and food! If you have any dietary restrictions or special requirements, please let us know asap!

South Italy附近的所有活動

Authentic Pizza Class, secret Dough, starter and San Marzano
You will have the best experience of your life! The most popular food in the world! You will make your own pizza in the city that invented it! So First step I'll give aprons, and we'll start creating the dough. You gonna receive all explanations about ingredients. its process and secrets, step by step you'll make your neapolitan dough! Second step will be about cutting the dough, through a special and old technique of more than 600 years, called "mozzatura", learnt from mozzarella chefs. After i will give you a local starter. This part is very important for you to understand the high quality of products that everybody should use while cooking. Finally we gonna make the Margherita pizza! I will show you how to stretch out pizza dough and add ingredients on top like only a pizza chef does. I'll explain you each ingredient but a little focus more on our juicy San Marzano tomato recipe. Last step we will cook the pizza in the neapolitan oven. I'll give you many info's about that and you will also put your pizza on the plate. While you'll enjoy your pizza with an included drink, I'll tell you the history of Pizza. And finally you'll receive a personalized diploma!
Tour Sail And walk in Capri First in Sorrento
Enjoy the beauties of the island of Capri from the sea! You will sail on board , with a small group of maximum 12 people to discover the wonders of the most beloved island in the world. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the view of the famous Faraglioni, the numerous caves and its striking colour effects, the blue of the sea and the majestic cliffs of Capri. Jump in the crystal water of the island and enjoy limoncello. The tour starts from the meeting point at the port of Marina Piccola in Sorrento. Along the way you will visit the ancient ruins of "Queen giovanna's bath", we will sail along the Massalubrense coast and then in Capri we will enter in the Marvellous Grotto, the White Grotto and the Green Grotto and Blu Grotto (tickets to enter not included in the price and the entrance is due to the sea conditions or other events ). You will admire the Natural Arch, the Villa of Curzio Malaparte, the lighthouse of Punta Carena and the Faraglioni, passing through the famous Arch of Love. You have free time to visit Capri town, about 4 hours(there is an extra cost of 10€pp to land in capri and in Sorrento).The captain will assist you during the discovery of the island, providing you all the information you need to know more about the beauties of Capri. There will be stops to swim and snorkel and to enjoy a drink on board. At the end of the tour you will return to the starting point.
Naples Street Food Tour w/ Local Expert
On this 2.5 hours Street Food Tour you'll see the highlights of the historic center of Naples and taste lots of local specialties. See some of the main sights of the city, including Via dei Tribunali, San Gregorio Armeno, Piazza Bellini, Spaccanapoli and more. While you stroll around the beating heart of Naples I’ll take you to taste the famous Tarallo a traditional snack, salty and crunch that will tickle your taste buds. Savor mouthwatering Mozzarella, stop by one of Neapolitans most famous pizzerias, from 1935, to taste the traditional fried pizza and the wallet pizza, also known as “pizza a portafoglio”. As part of our 5th savory stops, taste the real “frittatina” (fried pasta, with béchamel sauce, ham, meat and peas). It just tastes like heaven! Visit the Limoncello Factory, and taste different kinds of liqueurs. Finally, while we walk through "Spaccanapoli” taste real Italian Ice Cream and sink your teeth into local pastries such as Babà and Sfogliatella from a traditional pastry shop from 1837! Do not miss the chance to learn all about Neapolitan heritage. I’ll be pleased to share all the secrets of our beloved city! Other things to note: Drinks are not included. The food is included in the price, as well the local guide. Small group tour up to 14 people. Wear comfortable shoes. This tour cannot accommodate vegan, gluten or dairy-free participants.
Full Day small group cruise in Amalfi and Positano
The boat tour is the best way to discover the natural beauty of the Amalfi Coast. We will leave from Amalfi and sail to discover the different locations of the Amalfi Coast, caves and beaches that can only be reached by sea. We will admire the villages of Conca dei Marini, Furore, Praiano and Positano, the crew will show you and tell you the stories of the places of particular interest along the route. There will be several stops for swimming, we will show you the best places to dive and you will use the snorkeling equipment, floats and beach towels that will be provided. Also included are drinks (soft drinks, prosecco, beer, limoncello), snacks and fruit which you can enjoy while admiring the coast and with the sound of the waves in the background. In Positano there is a mandatory stop of approximately 1 hour and a half. Disembarkation will cost around 5 euros per person The group will be able to have lunch, visit the town and go shopping in the local craft shops. Back on board, the tour will continue and you will be able to discover other coastal gems such as Ravello, Minori and Maiori with its famous Pandora cave. You will spend an unforgettable day together with your travel friends and you will return to Amalfi with a wonderful experience to add to your life baggage! If you have any questions or specific requests, write to us privately and we will be happy to help you!
Polignano a mare boat tour caves tuffi aperitivo ed emozioni
Unisciti a me su uno dei percorsi marittimi tra i più belli della Puglia! Avrai dei ricordi indimenticabili! Scopriremo delle grotte marine uniche al mondo. Esploreremo la Grotta Palazzese noto per ospitare un ristorante tra rocce e mare! Vedrete l'Isola dell'Eremita, dove un uomo si è isolato per decenni! E grotte che accolgono il sole al loro interno! Scorgeremo inoltre la statua di Domenico Modugno e palazzi millenari costruiti sulle rocce a picco sul mare, tutt'oggi abitati! Tutto questo mentre, alternati tra una grotta e l'altra, scoprirete le storie e le legende da me raccontate lungo un percorso di circa 10 km. Prima del ritorno, non può mancare un tuffo nelle acque del mare più belle della Puglia e ci saluteremo con un brindisi e assaggiando i famosi taralli pugliesi!
A Journey discovering the Amalfi Coast through its wonder
One of the most iconic aspects of the Amalfi Coast is its enchanting towns, each with its own unique charm. Our first stop will be Ravello, perched at an elevation of around 365 meters (1,200 feet) above the sea level, Ravello offers stunning vistas of the Amalfi Coast and the azure waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its elevated position provides a sense of tranquility and serenity, away from the hustle and bustle of the coastal towns below. Next is Amalfi, with its idyllic setting, historical landmarks, and lively atmosphere, Amalfi town encapsulates the charm and beauty that the Amalfi Coast is famous for. It is a must-visit destination for those seeking a memorable experience on Italy's stunning coastline. Last stop will be Positano, as you approach Positano from the sea or along the winding coastal road, the first thing that captures your attention is its vertical landscape. The village is built vertically on the steep slopes, with pastel-colored houses seemingly stacked on top of each other. This unique architectural design creates a postcard-perfect scene that has made Positano one of the most recognizable and photographed towns in Italy. Your journey will be enriched by unique facts about the area and its culture that only locals like us knows about. - free time : Ravello 1h - Amalfi 1h - Positano 1h 30min - moderate amount of walking is required
Culinary rooftop experience in Polignano a Mare
We start an evening with the preparation of the dough of PANZEROTTI a typical delicacy from Apulia and in the meantime we see how to prepare SPRITZ. When the dough grows we taste Italian aperitivo: AperolSpritz, OLIVES, various types of TARALLI, frisella with fresh tomato, fried polenta. After we prepare the most famous dessert in the world TIRAMISU! Certainly will not miss the Italian language lesson and stories about Polignano and Puglia. Finally, we fry panzerotti and frittelle and your dinner on the terrace is ready. An extraordinary evening suitable for everyone: from families with children, friends and for those who would like to meet other travellers; for all those who like to live the traditions and cultures of new places
Cruise and Snorkel the Amalfi Coast
You will never see the Amalfi Coast like this! You will discover the Amalfi Coast’s hidden delights and breathtaking views from a typical Amalfitan Gozzo boat, thanks to the comprehensive experience and knowledge of local captains and in a very small group (max 10 participants)! The route to Positano and back will take us along Amalfi’s finest beaches as well as close to natural rock arches and into sea caves, giving us the opportunity to admire the old watch towers that dot the entire length of this coast. We will pause at beaches reachable only by sea and have time to go snorkeling or swimming in crystal-clear waters and into grottos (snorkeling equipment provided by us). Please note: - Our boats are 8 to 10 meters (26.2 to 32.8 feet) Amalfi Coast "Gozzo", a very evocative and spacious type of boat original of this area and used by locals since ancient times. - All boats have a little bathroom that can be used in case of necessity during the breaks. * You may be also interested in our Kayak Tour and our Cooking Class: check them out in the Airbnb profile clicking on my profile image!
Puglia nel cuore
Accogliamo i Ns. clienti con il calore tipico della gente del SUD, quel calore che scalda più il cuore che il corpo e resta impresso nella mente di ogni ospite. Dopo il benvenuto accompagnato da un cocktail molto fresco, rigorosamente green a base di lime, menta, zenzero e kiwy si apre la Cooking Class. Le sapienti mani di mamma Marisa, custodi delle tecniche di lavorazione della cucina tipica Pugliese, mostreranno con amore come, utilizzando un pugno di farina ed un pò d' acqua, si riescano a realizzare le famose orecchiette Pugliesi. Sarà poi la volta della goliardica e sempre verde Mamma Palma, cuore pulsante del’intera Cooking Class. Sarà lei ad insegnare le tecniche di preparazione dell’impasto della focaccia mediterranea e come con qualche litro di latte fresco munto in giornata ed un cucchiaino di caglio si possa dar vita ad un fresco e gustoso formaggio. Dopo tanto lavoro e milioni di sorrisi, le focacce saranno cotte nel forno a legna e le orecchiette saranno cucinate come tradizione prevede. Ora finalmente tutti a tavola, per la cena finale durante la quale verranno servite le diverse pietanze preparate durante lo show cooking alle quali si aggiungeranno una serie di piatti tipici della nostra amata Puglia. Ogni fase di lavorazione sarà tradotte in inglese. Si prega di segnalare eventuali intolleranze. Lo staff vi contatterà 24H prima a 1/2 WhatsApp.
Kayak tra grotte e leggende con una guida locale
★ ★★★★ La migliore esperienza Airbnb a Capri per oltre 1000 persone! Semplice e accessibile a tutti! Parti con noi alla scoperta di cale e grotte, inaccessibili con barche a motore, nel pieno rispetto dell’ecosistema marino! Tuffati nelle acque azzurre dell’isola e fotografa panorami mozzafiato da una prospettiva che potrai ammirare solo in kayak! Ascolta le leggende e le curiosità che hanno reso l’isola famosa in tutto il mondo! Appuntamento alla spiaggia di Marina Piccola! Vi fornirò l’attrezzatura necessaria, spiegherò le basi del Kayak e partiremo dal leggendario Scoglio delle Sirene, famoso per le terribili creature narrate nell’Odissea! Visiteremo la Grotta dell’Acqua e la Grotta Verde con i loro divertenti giochi di luce! Attraverseremo il tunnel Arco della Stella! Scatteremo foto indimenticabili con gli iconici Faraglioni sullo sfondo! Alessandro e i suoi Co-Host ti aspettano per farti vivere una tipica esperienza italiana! Altre cose da tenere a mente L’itinerario potrà subire modifiche a seconda delle condizioni meteo marine e del traffico nautico I nostri tour sono semplici e accessibili a tutti, ma per ragioni di sicurezza non possiamo offrire l’esperienza a: 
- persone oltre i 120 kg
 - persone con seri problemi di salute
 Kayak singoli o doppi saranno assegnati secondo disponibilità
 Saper nuotare è obbligatorio
Capri Boat Tour
Salve, sono Andrea vivo a Capri e faccio parte di un team di noleggio barche chiamato CAPRIBLUELINE . La nostra passione è il mare e per questo sono qui per offrirvi un’esperienza unica sulla nostra magnifica isola. I nostri tour sono privati e vengono fatti su magnifiche barche tipiche capresi che vi porteranno alla scoperta dei luoghi più suggestivi che l’isola ci offre e vi faremo nuotare nelle acque cristalline. I nostri tour partono da Marina Grande (Capri) con una prima tappa all Gotta Azzurra dove potrete ammirare l'incantevole piscina privata del Imperatore Tiberio e la sua stupenda acqua blu ( costo extra di 18€ a persona). Ritornati a bordo si continuerà il tour con la scoperta di tutte le grotte che la nostra isola ci offre come: la grotta verde, grotta bianca, grotta del corallo, l' arco naturale ed I magnifici Faraglioni. Vi aspettiamo a Capri!!
Pompei: Il Tour con un vero Archeologo
*SCEGLIENDO questa Exp stai supportando un Tour con Archeologi SPECIALIZZATI e Guide eccezionali. ** Visiteremo le aree interessate dalle nuove scoperte. Immergiti nel passato con noi: siamo guide turistiche autorizzate e nel nostro team troverai archeologi professionisti e specializzati e dottorandi/studenti in archeologia e storia dell'arte. Dal 2015 è nato il nostro progetto Naples Grand Tour con lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza del nostro territorio. Preparati ad esplorare la città antica e le sue rovine. In tutta sicurezza partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città: Porta Marina. Con il VESUVIO in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di POMPEI, della catastrofe e della STORIA DEGLI SCAVI. Passeremo per la BASILICA, il FORO con il mercato ed i TEMPLI principali...cammineremo per il decumano maggiore osservando da vicino e dall'interno le TERME SUBURBANE (spettacolare e recentemente aperte!) senza dimenticare di fare attenzione ai diversi simboli erotici sparsi per la città antica ed all'interno del LUPANARE! Esploreremo alcune delle più belle DOMUS aperte di recente ed in particolare le più affascinanti dove in alcune di esse i restauri sono stati eseguiti dal mio Prof. La visita continuerà tra BOTTEGHE, AFFRESCHI, MOSAICI, panetterie, TEATRI e aneddoti e storie di Abitanti e GLADIATORI. Pompei è viva. Ti aspettiamo!
Follow me to Capri
-MAX 12 PEOPLE ON BOARD- -5€ EXTRA PER PERSON TO PAY IN CASH AS EMBARK/DISEMBARK FEE- Departure from Marina Piccola in Sorrento, we cruise past the famous beach of Queen Giovanna (ruins of a villa of the Roman period), the bay of Puolo and of Massa Lubrense (fishing villages). Once at Capri we begin our tour of the island visiting the Coral, White, Green and Blue Cave*. We will see “il Salto di Tiberio”, villa Malaparte, the Faraglioni, Marina Piccola and the lighthouse of Punta Carena, whilst enjoying a soft drink. You will also have the possibility to dive into the crystalline waters surrounding Capri. We supply masks and snorkels for those who wish to take a better look at what lies under the sea. You will have 3-4 hours of free time to visit Capri and Anacapri. “Follow Me Sorrento” is a guarantee. We will make your day unique and unforgettable in the most relaxing way, with an experienced skipper who will assist you during the excursion entertaining you with stories and anecdotes of our coast. The tour includes: *Stop for swimming *Mask and snorkel (on request) *Free time to visit Capri (3-4 hours) *Soft drinks on board *A tomato and mozzarella roll *Duration of the excursion about 7/8 hours. Our boats are safety certified and are equipped with a cabin, toilet, lifejackets and insurance. *Blue Cave extra cost of €14,5 P.P. For technical reasons we can queue max 30 mins.
Giro in Barca alle grotte di Polignano a Mare
Un incredibile tour in barca alla scoperta di tutte le più suggestive grotte e insenature di Polignano a Mare, inclusa la rinomata Grotta Palazzese, Lama Monachile, Grotta Ardito, Grotta degli Innamorati, Grotta Azzurra, Grotta delle rondinelle, lo Scoglio dell'Eremita e Portalga. Durante il tour è prevista una sosta bagno ed incluso un aperitivo a bordo a base di Prosecco e taralli tipici pugliesi.
Boat tour of Positano and Amalfi coast
Our experience will start from Sorrento Port, make yourself confortable with a fresh drink, we are ready!!! Crossing the Sorrento gulf you ll see the ''Regina Giovanna'', an ancient roman s house built on the rock, the ''Saraceno''tower, the little village of Sammontano, the Lobra s marine untill the ''Campanella'' cape, the last piece of Sorrento coast... at this point we ll be arrived on the other side, the Amalfi coast.... sailing with the sun on front we ll reach the '' Li Galli '' islands, a magical hotspot in the middle of the sea,the perfect place for a fresh swim. After this stop, i ll take you to the city of Amalfi, you ll have one hour and half to visit this ancient ''Maritime Republic'' and its baroque cathedral. On the way back we ll coast until Positano city, you ll admire breathtaking landscapes, the ''Furore'' fjord, Praiano. You ll have an other one hour and half of free time to walk among the narrow streets of Positano and the beach of ''Fornillo''. We ll cross Nerano untill the ''Mortelle'' beach to snorkeling in cristalline water... coming back to Sorrento with a red sunset you ll fall in love of my coast... jump on board !!! Other things to note The best way to experience the Amalfi coast and its magical sea
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  3. South Italy