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Wilaya de Fes的獨特新鮮事

在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



Discover Fez's and its hidden secrets
Best way to view Fez. It is one of the biggest cities in the world. It will be like this : We'll be visiting some entrance fees, historical monuments that will help you to feel the spirit of Fez. This tour will put you in context with the reality of my hometown with some social, political, and cultural insights. Other things to note In our Visit, we test some Moroccan Food like Moroccan donuts, Harcha, Cactus, and others things.
Fez Walking Tour -The Medina with Hanna
You will walk tiny alleys where people live, and narrow streets with every kind of shop and food stall. You will not see cars, but make sure to step aside for donkeys and hand carts! You will meet artisans, shop keepers, and food sellers, as we visit a bakery, weaver, hammam, apothecary, tannery, traditional clothing shop, and much more. I will share some of our traditions, history, and what makes Fés special as we go, and I hope you will ask questions! Take your time as you stop, admire, taste, and take pictures. You will see our thousand year history all around you as we find museums, schools, monuments, and the beautiful facades of mosques and shrines. We will stop for a delicious lunch at a small restaurant, the kind of place where there is no menu posted, and you may notice you are the only tourist. This will be an experience to remember. Other things to note When you have booked a tour with me, I will give you my contact information. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements.
Hors des sentiers battus autour de Fez
Réservation pour 2 personnes MINIMUM ! Si vous aimez sortir des SENTIERS BATTUS, se plonger dans des lieux NON TOURISTIQUES autour de Fès et vous sentir comme un LOCAL... cette expérience est faite pour vous!!! Vous serez plongé immédiatement dans l'action, Pour : Visiter la cascade de Sefrou Visiter le point panoramique sur l'ensemble des montagnes d'Atlas et le Rif. Et puis, un trajet en transport vers Ifrane et Azrou pour visiter Le statut de Lion Belvédère de Tizi Oghmari Forêt des cèdres Forêt des singes magot Visiter le Lac Ifrah Une journée chargé en couleurs et en beauté de paysage! ------------------------------------------- Vous pouvez toujours me contacter pour plus d'informations concernant votre séjour ici, je serais ravi à vous aider et proposer des activités les plus incontournables à ne pas manquer. Mon insta (jabrane.o) pour plus de détails ------------------------------------------- J'OFFRE D'AUTRES CIRCUITS - Randonnée sur le plus haut sommet du Moyen Atlas 2 jours / 1 nuit chez les berbères locaux (canyons, cascade, lacs, paysage magic) - Fes-Merzouga 3jours/2nuits TOUT INCLUS
Fez Souk tour & traditional Home Cooking
First, take a sit in our family house and enjoy our hospitality, Morocco mint tea. There is a variety of appetizer, salad and tagine in Morocco cuisine to choose within, even though you are vegetarian. My team will give you ideas and suggestions to decide what dishes to cook. After that, we will go with you to bring all ingredients from the market in which just 3 minutes walk from my house. It's time for you to experience shopping in local food market as a Moroccan too. We will teach you to how to cook each dish step by step and answer all the questions you have. Please feel free to take photos or videos during the class. Meanwhile, enjoy cooking and cooking with heart are the most important elements to make delicious food. We are sure you will smile from the bottom of heart and feel proud of your dishes. Sit down and relax to taste our food. We are always ready to answer your questions about cooking. Don't hesitate to contact me after you left Morocco. We will send you recipes. Hope you will try again at home and share with friends and family! Here are some options we might cook: -Chicken with Preserved Lemon and Olives -Lamb/Beef with Prunes -Moroccan Meatball Tagine in Tomato Sauces -Berber Tagine with Vegetables -Pastilla (chicken pie with nuts) -Harira Soup Cooking class is held in lunch or dinner time. Length of class depends on the group size and the dishes chosen.
The secret of Msemn Moroccan Square Pancake
- We can accommodate any specific date| or time requests, just message us. -The working time is from 07:00 AM to 21:00 PM Hello as You know Morocco is a paradise for foodies So, I am inviting you to try the Msemen, which is the most delicious flat Moroccan pancakes. If you visit Morocco, it is guaranteed that you will be served these pancakes for breakfast with a side of butter and honey. With a crispy outside and chewy inside, these pancakes have the perfect texture combination. Practice is required to get the right texture of the dough, so give it a try I will teach you the secret of perfect Masemen If you don't find availability in the calendar just ask me we can arrange a time and date.


The map is not the territory discover fez with a local
" Tourists want to escape life, travelers want to experience it" Unlock the secrets of Fez with our personalized tours! As a local expert with a passion for sharing the rich history and culture of this magical city, we guarantee an unforgettable experience. Book your tour today and discover the vibrant markets, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine that make Fez so special. Don't just take our word for it - check out our glowing reviews and see why we're the top-rated tour guide in Fez. Let's explore together
Excursion day trip from fez to chafchaouen
Private or Small-Group Tour of Chefchaouen for a Hassle-Free Day Trip from Fez Discover an iconic mountain village painted blue You will have time to explore Chefchaouen at your own pace Convenient door-to-door transportation from Fez included Initially instigated in 1415, Chefchaouen was founded in 1471 then completed in 1480 by Sharif Ali ibn Rachid al-Alami, returning from a warlike stay in the kingdom of Granada2. The city subsequently welcomed a population composed mainly of Andalusians and Megorachim then of Moriscos and remained prohibited to Christians on pain of death. Only the explorer Charles de Foucauld defied the ban in 1883. Between 1471 and 1561, the city was governed by the Banou Rachid dynasty, descendants of its founder, nominally vassals of the Wattassid sultans, and was reunited in Morocco by the Saadians . (Please note that this trip it doesn't include any guided tour) Ages 1-99 Duration: 8 h Start time: Check availability Mobile ticket Arabic, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, English, Italian, French, Spanish
Fez Medina walking day Tour
* Please note: The experience takes 4 hours. You can start the experience whenever you want Best way to view Fez. One of the biggest cities in the world. Will be like this : We'll be visiting some entrance fees, historical monuments that will help you to feel the spirit of Fez. This tour will put you in context with the reality of my hometown with some social, political and cultural insights.
Excursions a Méknes, Volubilis & Moulay Idriss depuis fes
* prise en charge depuis votre hôtel à 9h00 du matin * Chauffeur professionnelle * Voiture de luxe Après avoir terminé votre petit déjeuner dans votre hôtel notre chauffeur viens vous chercher depuis votre hôtel où Riad pour commencer votre départ depuis la porte bleu Au programme : * Visiter la ville de volubilis * Visiter Moulay Idriss * Balader dans l'emcien médina de Meknès *important à savoir : ( le guide dans les 3 places n'est pas inclus ) Si vous avez une question n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
Fez Guided Tour Half Day City Tour
This Fez Half Day City tour will take you to the heart of the imperial city of Fez, which is the city that most reflects the ancestral past of the Moroccan kingdom and its ancient civilization. It was and still remains the core of intellectual and spiritual creativity, not only in Morocco but also in the Islamic world. Fez houses, the oldest university in the world, Al Quaraouiyyne, and its ancient medina was classified as Universal Heritage by UNESCO in 1981. Dar al-Makhzen (Palais royal) 10:00 AM Bab Boujloud 10:30 AM Medersa Attarine 11:00 PM Rue Talaa Sghira 11:30 PM Zawiya of Moulay Idris II 12:00 PM Chouara Tannery 12:30 PM Mosque and University Kairaouine 12:40 PM Seffarine 12:50 PM Sebbaghine 13:00 PM Place Rcif

Wilaya de Fes附近的所有活動

The map is not the territory discover fez with a local
" Tourists want to escape life, travelers want to experience it" Unlock the secrets of Fez with our personalized tours! As a local expert with a passion for sharing the rich history and culture of this magical city, we guarantee an unforgettable experience. Book your tour today and discover the vibrant markets, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine that make Fez so special. Don't just take our word for it - check out our glowing reviews and see why we're the top-rated tour guide in Fez. Let's explore together
Excursion day trip from fez to chafchaouen
Private or Small-Group Tour of Chefchaouen for a Hassle-Free Day Trip from Fez Discover an iconic mountain village painted blue You will have time to explore Chefchaouen at your own pace Convenient door-to-door transportation from Fez included Initially instigated in 1415, Chefchaouen was founded in 1471 then completed in 1480 by Sharif Ali ibn Rachid al-Alami, returning from a warlike stay in the kingdom of Granada2. The city subsequently welcomed a population composed mainly of Andalusians and Megorachim then of Moriscos and remained prohibited to Christians on pain of death. Only the explorer Charles de Foucauld defied the ban in 1883. Between 1471 and 1561, the city was governed by the Banou Rachid dynasty, descendants of its founder, nominally vassals of the Wattassid sultans, and was reunited in Morocco by the Saadians . (Please note that this trip it doesn't include any guided tour) Ages 1-99 Duration: 8 h Start time: Check availability Mobile ticket Arabic, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, English, Italian, French, Spanish
Discover Fez's and its hidden secrets
Best way to view Fez. It is one of the biggest cities in the world. It will be like this : We'll be visiting some entrance fees, historical monuments that will help you to feel the spirit of Fez. This tour will put you in context with the reality of my hometown with some social, political, and cultural insights. Other things to note In our Visit, we test some Moroccan Food like Moroccan donuts, Harcha, Cactus, and others things.
Moroccan Hammam
- Our working hours: from 9 AM to 19:00 (7pm) For those who has never been to hammam before *All you need to bring with you are fresh under clothes to change later We provide everything else such as: Backpack Sandal Towel Shampoo Black soap...* *1H Hammam* (included) Soaping Scrubbing Face mask Hair mask *Massage* *(optional)* 15 min +10€ 30 min +20€ 45 min +30€ 60 min +40€ We will start with warming you up using warm water, then we will use the black soap which is 100% natural and very healthy for your skin, before moving on to scrub the dead skin from your body using a special scrubbing clove, after that, we will use the clay for your hair and also as a face mask. After this experience I can assure you, you'll have a baby's skin Trust me, you’ve never felt as clean as you will feel after the hammam experience :) The Hammam has a lot of benefits for your body such as: • Relaxation, anti stress • Stimulate blood circulation • Removing dead cells from the skin • Lightens the pores of the skin and gives it vitality and freshness • Delaying the appearance of wrinkles in the body...
菲斯老城被稱為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,有超過9000條小巷等著您探索。 跟我們一起在老城散步,探索更多! 雖然迷路是您在菲斯旅行體驗的一部分,但我建議您參加當地的步行導覽體驗,透過有組織的路線和專業導遊介紹,由淺入深了解菲斯的歷史和文化。 這趟導覽體驗涵蓋了大部分著名的歷史和旅遊景點,能讓您在短時間內探索菲斯老城。 在這半天導覽體驗中,我們將在老城區逗留3小時。 早上10點在我位於菲斯老城大街的民宿集合。起點為菲斯老城最具代表性的藍門Bab Bouljoud ,沿著老城大街Talaa Kebira步行,沿途會經過濕貨市場,乾貨市集、草藥店和各種手工藝品商店。 稍作停留觀看古代水計時器水鐘和Bouanania Medersa可蘭經學校。 繼續往下走,我們將會參觀著名的歷史遺址,包括Kairaouine清真寺暨大學、Andalusian清真寺、Nejjarine噴泉、Najjarine博物館。 還有一些特色市場,如Henna souk市集和Attarin市場。 然後,我們會在Seffarine 區停下來,觀看青銅手工藝品的生產,以及旁邊的Saffarin Madrasa 圖書館。當然不能錯過菲斯最大且世界僅存的手工皮革染坊Chaouwara Tannery,親眼看看那些聿蜂巢形的染缸。最後,我們回到Kairaouine清真寺暨大學解散。 2015年我第一次到菲斯旅遊,我馬上愛上了這座充滿歷史文化的古舊城市。每次來菲斯都從我丈夫和他家人朋友那裡學到摩洛哥的歷史和傳統文化。 我丈夫是菲斯當地人 ,熱愛本土傳統手工藝術,擁有豐富的摩洛哥歷史文化知識。 我現在和他一起在菲斯定居,希望來自世界各地的旅客分享摩洛哥文化! 此價格不包含景點入場費 ********************************* 這導覽體驗會由我丈夫Mohamed 帶隊,他持有當地導遊牌照,使用語言為英語。如需中文翻譯,請事先私訊聯繫我們了解,謝謝!
Fez Walking Tour -The Medina with Hanna
You will walk tiny alleys where people live, and narrow streets with every kind of shop and food stall. You will not see cars, but make sure to step aside for donkeys and hand carts! You will meet artisans, shop keepers, and food sellers, as we visit a bakery, weaver, hammam, apothecary, tannery, traditional clothing shop, and much more. I will share some of our traditions, history, and what makes Fés special as we go, and I hope you will ask questions! Take your time as you stop, admire, taste, and take pictures. You will see our thousand year history all around you as we find museums, schools, monuments, and the beautiful facades of mosques and shrines. We will stop for a delicious lunch at a small restaurant, the kind of place where there is no menu posted, and you may notice you are the only tourist. This will be an experience to remember. Other things to note When you have booked a tour with me, I will give you my contact information. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements.
Authentic Fez Homemade Meal
*This is NOT cooking class* *We won't guarantee the number of participants, may be a big group or only yourself* *No locals and hosts will join but we are here to answer your questions* You should not miss out homemade Moroccan food in your trip! There are many well-known restaurants but most of them cook the food in commercial way. Homemade food is unique as it always use fresh ingredients and cook with love & passion. We have hosted thousands guests and served hundreds dishes in the past. Our food were told the best one of their trip, even better than the restaurants served. We would like to share our homemade food to more tourists. We are happy to provide this shared homemade meal experience at reasonable price. In this experience, we will decide the menu for you with main dish and salad. All participants will share the meal together. More people join, more dishes you can try. DON'T expect too much as we are not restaurant! We try our best to make more dishes with the limited budget. Please tell us if you have food allergy or special diet in advance, we will avoid using those ingredients. The experience will take place in our guest house in which well-situated in old medina main street, very easy to locate. Serving time: Lunch (13:30-15:00) ; Dinner (20:00-21:30) Special arrangement in Ramadan: Lunch (N/A); Dinner (18:30-20:00)
Explore the real fez the largest labyrinth
Guided Tour in Old Medina Fez: Welcome to our guide tour of the old medina in Fez, where we'll take you on a journey through the rich history and vibrant culture of this enchanting city. Our tour will begin in the morning, when we'll meet at the entrance to the medina. From there, we'll set off on foot through the winding streets and alleys of the old city, immersing ourselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of this bustling hub of Moroccan life. We'll start by exploring some of the city's most iconic landmarks, including the stunning Bou Inania Medersa, one of the best-preserved examples of Moroccan architecture in the world. We'll also visit the famous leather tanneries, where you can see how leather is dyed and processed using traditional methods that have been passed down through the generate learn about the history and cultural. But what sets our tour apart is our focus on connecting with the local community. We'll visit local homes and workshops, meeting artisans and families who have been a part of the medina for generations. We'll learn about their traditions and way of gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage that makes Fez such a special place. By the end of our tour, you'll have a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of this ancient city, and the warmth and hospitality of its people. We can't wait to share this unforgettable
Fez Medina walking day Tour
* Please note: The experience takes 4 hours. You can start the experience whenever you want Best way to view Fez. One of the biggest cities in the world. Will be like this : We'll be visiting some entrance fees, historical monuments that will help you to feel the spirit of Fez. This tour will put you in context with the reality of my hometown with some social, political and cultural insights.
Photo Shooting with Arab clothes in an authentic Riad
You will travel back in time to the era of sultans and harems and dressing up as an Arabian princess or prince and take home memories from the professional photo shoot that will stay with you for your life. The experience will be located in my traditional arabic house Riad "DAR ARSAMA" in the heart of the old medina of Fes. The beautiful architecture and lighting of the decoration is the perfect spot to create amazing photos. You will wear Moroccan Kaftans and Jabadors with yewellery. The photo shoot will last max 2,30 hours. I will make around 70 photos, then I will retouch with photoshop the best 20 and give it to you all in digital format. Other things to note I will help you to wear traditional clothes to became a beautiful arabian princess or prince. I will take the photos and retouch the best 20 photos with photoshop
Hors des sentiers battus autour de Fez
Réservation pour 2 personnes MINIMUM ! Si vous aimez sortir des SENTIERS BATTUS, se plonger dans des lieux NON TOURISTIQUES autour de Fès et vous sentir comme un LOCAL... cette expérience est faite pour vous!!! Vous serez plongé immédiatement dans l'action, Pour : Visiter la cascade de Sefrou Visiter le point panoramique sur l'ensemble des montagnes d'Atlas et le Rif. Et puis, un trajet en transport vers Ifrane et Azrou pour visiter Le statut de Lion Belvédère de Tizi Oghmari Forêt des cèdres Forêt des singes magot Visiter le Lac Ifrah Une journée chargé en couleurs et en beauté de paysage! ------------------------------------------- Vous pouvez toujours me contacter pour plus d'informations concernant votre séjour ici, je serais ravi à vous aider et proposer des activités les plus incontournables à ne pas manquer. Mon insta (jabrane.o) pour plus de détails ------------------------------------------- J'OFFRE D'AUTRES CIRCUITS - Randonnée sur le plus haut sommet du Moyen Atlas 2 jours / 1 nuit chez les berbères locaux (canyons, cascade, lacs, paysage magic) - Fes-Merzouga 3jours/2nuits TOUT INCLUS
An Authentic Imperial Pub-Crawl
!! Bear in mind smoking in bars is allowed here !! Don't worry we're not going to bars with DJ's,western music or dress codes, we will be in the middle of a real Moroccan nightlife, crowded mostly with Moroccan "Rednecks" that just sold their land to have fiesta ! and yes mostly they come with flip-flops instead of shoes ! We'll start off the night at an old chill bar to get to know each other and plan how to enjoy our night, next, we'll make our way to musical bars ! a fascinating experience with live music, and friendly atmosphere ! In every single bar people could be welcoming you for no specific reason, just to make you feel welcome, some could even invite you for a drink, buy you a pack of cigarettes or even a Shisha ! some would even invite you for a dance ! This is not a pubcrawl where you going to feel like a tourist, this is a true Moroccan nightlife experience, looking forward for your inquiry and let's enjoy the night ! Things to keep in mind : • !! Do not film anyone in the bars !! • Drinks aren't included in price • Transport isn't included • There is no dress code • There is no entry fees • Smoking is allowed inside • The experience doesn't include night clubs
Vegetarian & Vegan Home Cooking & Souk tour
The cooking class is conducted in two sessions. Lunch session: 10:00-14:00 Dinner session: 17:00-20:00 This cooking class will be held in my guest house. Upon arrival, my team will discuss with you which dishes you want to learn. There is a variety of vegetarian dishes, such as salad, tagine, dips and snacks in Morocco cuisine. We will give you many options and ideas to help you make decision. After confirming the dishes, we will go with you to bring all ingredients from the market in which just 3 minutes walk from the house. It is a unique experience to go shopping in local food market with a Moroccan. Don't miss it! Come back to the house with our ingredients and start to cook. We will teach you each dish in details and answer all the questions you have. Please feel free to take photos or videos during the class. Meanwhile, enjoy cooking and cook with heart are the most important elements to make delicious food. We will enjoy our food together in the house. I'm sure you will smile from bottom of heart and feel proud of your dish. We wish you will try to make it at home and share Moroccan cuisine with friends and family. You are welcome to contact us anytime when you have questions about the recipes. Seeing is believing. Book now and experience the real Moroccan home cooking!
Excursions a Méknes, Volubilis & Moulay Idriss depuis fes
* prise en charge depuis votre hôtel à 9h00 du matin * Chauffeur professionnelle * Voiture de luxe Après avoir terminé votre petit déjeuner dans votre hôtel notre chauffeur viens vous chercher depuis votre hôtel où Riad pour commencer votre départ depuis la porte bleu Au programme : * Visiter la ville de volubilis * Visiter Moulay Idriss * Balader dans l'emcien médina de Meknès *important à savoir : ( le guide dans les 3 places n'est pas inclus ) Si vous avez une question n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
Moroccan Hammam Spa with Locals
Moroccan hammams are part of many Moroccans’ daily life. Similar to a Turkish bath, a public hammam is a steam room where people go to clean themselves. A visit to a Moroccan hammam is a wonderful experience and one of the best ways to meet up with Moroccans. We will bring you to a local public hammam bathhouse near our house to enjoy hot bath and massage. I will prepare the black soap and exfoliating glove for you. You only need to bring towel and clothes to change after the bath. If you need any scrubbing or massage service, I will communicate with the staff beforehand. I will give you a short brief about the general process to let you know what to do inside the bathhouse. Baths are separated by gender. Be aware of the different session for male and female. Men 6am–12noon & 9pm–midnight; women 12.30pm–6pm Depends on availability, I will go with male guests and my sister will go with female guests. For the most authentic experience, you have to try public hammam spa here! Other things to note Men 6am–12noon & 9pm–midnight; women 12.30pm–6pm. You can choose the time by messaging me after booked.
  1. Airbnb
  2. 摩洛哥
  3. Fez-Meknès
  4. Wilaya de Fes