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Una passeggiata nella storia
Faremo una bella passeggiata di circa 3 ore nei quartieri patrimonio Unesco della città di Granada. Passeggiando nel labirinto del quartiere arabo, vi racconterò la secolare storia di questa città. Perdendoci in bellissime e strettissime viuzze, ripercorreremo la storia di Granada partendo dalle popolazioni indigene, passando per romani, vandali e visigoti e concentrandoci sul periodo arabo. Risalendo la collina vi mostrerò delle viste mozzafiato sulla città e sull'Alhambra. Vi parlerò della Reconquista, della convivenza tra musulmani, ebrei e cristiani, dell'arrivo dei gitani e della loro straordinaria arte: il Flamenco. Sarà un percorso storico che vi permetterà di vivere luoghi bellissimi che dei normali turisti non avrebbero mai la possibilità di vedere e di apprendere e conoscere i punti salienti dell'importante storia di Granada. Converseremo insieme per rendere questa esperienza una possibilità di arricchimento reciproco. Adoro lo scambio di informazioni e di modi di vivere la vita, incontrare nuove persone che portano nei loro viaggi un grande background culturale. In questo piccolo viaggio parleremo di Granada, ma anche di noi, di quello che siamo, di quello che facciamo, delle nostre esperienze e dei nostri sogni. Sarà una grande possibilità per conoscere al meglio una bellissima città vivendo un'esperienza insolita e ricca di emozioni. Altre cose da tenere a mente Abiti e scarpe comode per camminare. Cappello o sombrero per le giornate di sole.
⭐ Sunset Hike & Summit Sierra Nevada ⭐
Enjoy the sunset over Granada from a stunning mountain peak. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you don't have a car, please ask before booking if transportation is available from the meeting location. Meeting time is 2 hours and 30 min before sunset. If you love nature+mountains, join me and my gorgeous pup to disconnect from the city and enjoy a magical walk in a stunningly beautiful area hidden away from most travelers. It is an easy & varied trail in the mid-mountain area of the Sierra Nevada National & Nature Park, surrounded by breath-taking mountain scenery with stunning views of several three-thousanders, and the entire valley of Granada, crowned by the summit of an emblematic 1.520m/ 5.000ft peak from where we will watch the sunset. This is not a fast-paced hike, but an enjoyable nature walk which is also suited for families and less "athletic" individuals. HOWEVER, the optional ascent to the summit does require some physical effort (although well doable for everyone) NOTE: If you're the only participant, an extra charge of 35€ may be due. Please ask. NOTE 2: being this an outdoor activity, no promises can be made weatherwise (ej. no sunset bc of clouds). And while this or even rain is not a reason to cancel (rain ponchos are provided if required), in dangerours weather conditions, ej. thunder storm, the activity would have to be cancelled.
The Original Granada Street Art Tour
With a reduced group for more exchange and intimacy, and always in accordance with a sustainable tourism (no more than 8 travellers by tour, you don't want to feel like a herd of sheep or bother the neighbours!), you'll discover the street art scene of Granada during an easy-going and flexible tour. What I offer is not just a look at some graffiti, but a deeper understanding of this culture... You'll learn the fascinating history of the street art movement through its various form and you'll understand what made the specificity of Granada to be considered as one of the European stronghold of urban art in the early 2000's... You’ll get to know the city’s local and international active artists like the iconic Niño de las Pinturas, and understand the techniques they use... Finally you'll discover a lot more than what you would ever think about Granada's culture and untold history through what the walls are telling us, from the Civil War to the moorish past of Granada! And most important, you're going to admire some hidden gems in surprising spots, between centenarian culture and modern art! Join me and discover the non-touristic Granada as an open-air gallery, like a true local! Other things to note No availability for your dates, or inconvenient starting time? Contact me and we'll find a way! Tour in english. Pour un tour exclusif en français, contactez-moi! Para un tour exclusivo en español, contactarme! This experience is not suitable for strollers and not recommended for children under 6.
Natural Wines and Local Organic Tapas
Enjoy, with our wine expert, some of the most significant natural wines of Spain. 4 different wines, grapes & styles. We carefully choose our wine selection everyday, depending on the weather and time of year, to enhance each wine and make sure we are serving you only the best quality. The ambience is homey and cozy, we want you to feel at home with us. We are proud to be, somehow, always welcoming the nicest of people in our shop to come and enjoy this experience with us. Of course, we will serve some delicious bites, elaborated from local products to pair with each wine. We put all our heart and effort into the food and wine pairing. We’re obsessed with the sourcing of our ingredients, so that our dishes can be the most sustainable and delicious as possible, while working with the finest produce the region provides us. According to our philosophy, everything will be organic, sustainable & local and all wines will be natural, a step further from organic ones. The menu is 100% vegetarian. (Please, remember to tell us in advance if you have any allergies or special requirements). Punctuality is kindly requested.
Taller de Dulces Árabes y Té
Te ayudaré a abrir tus sentidos a la magia de siglos de antigüedad de Granada. El reino Nazarí de Granada fundado en 1238 por el noble nazarí Mohamed-Ben-Nazar. Cocina rica y diversa. Tradición árabe enriquecida por la Historia de Granada con amplia e histórica tradición repostera. Recetas ancestrales mezcladas con las de otras culturas y tradiciones, transmitidas de abuelos a padres e hijos. Os enseñaré como entrar en faena y nos pondremos manos a la obra para elaborar un dulce Árabe, sueños del Generalife, una receta familiar que ha cambiado poco, pero sigue con su textura original, mezcla de cremosidad y su intenso sabor a almendra, nueces, pasas morunas, canela... hacen que cada bocado sea una auténtica experiencia para los sentidos. Mientras se hornean, prepararemos un Té aromatizado cuentos de la Alhambra para después deleitarnos con la degustación de los dulces. Cualquier persona con alergia particular, pueden consultarme y adaptar el taller.


Sierra Nevada E-Bike Tour Small Group
–Cycle down from the high peaks of Sierra Nevada National Park. –Look for local wildlife, including agile mountain goats. –See the summit of Mulhacén, the highest mountain on the Iberian Peninsula. –Benefit from the services of an informative and friendly guide. Reconnect with nature on an amazing e-bike tour of the Sierra Nevada National Park, and get stunning views of the surrounding landscape from the 2nd highest mountain range in Europe. Marvel at the lofty peaks of Mulhacén, towering 3,482 meters above sea level. Look for local wildlife, including the incredible mountain goats that make the rugged landscape their home. Put on the provided helmet and make yourself comfortable on the high-quality bikes. Then, cycle downhill through valleys and rivers on a dirt road without technical difficulty and feel the adrenaline pump through your blood. Ride at your own pace under the careful supervision of your guide, and get a better appreciation of the beauty of the mountains and ancient forest. Pedal through some of the famous white villages to experience a slice of local life. Other things to note Sports clothing is not essential although it is advisable to wear comfortable loose fitting clothes that allow ease of movement and we advise against wearing high heels or platforms, or sandals
⭐Sierra Nevada Canyon Hiking Adventure
Join me and my gorgeous pup Kira on a little adventure deep in the bowels of the Sierra Nevada National Park. Explore with us an impressive gorge along a high mountain river with steep rock faces, waterfalls where you can have a shower in summer, rock tunnels, caves and pools, hanging bridges and breathtaking landscapes. Great adventure inmidst of incredible scenery. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you don't have a car, please ask before booking if transportation is available from the meeting location. NOTE 2: If you're the only participant on the hike, there may be an extra 35€ charge. Please ask. I recommend you wear footwear with some traction that can also get wet or submerged in water in the hotter months (no flip-flops or city-sandals, though!), and clothes that can get dirty (and in the hotter months ideally also wet). Duration may vary, better don't make plans for immediately after. Note: this is a fun nature walk, however, the terrain is partially rough and rocky, there are low and narrow passages, suspension bridges and steep downhill terrain, all which require a certain level of agility + sure-footedness. Please let me know about any physical or non-physical limitations (incl. visual impairments, allergies, fears, etc.) beforehand.
Paseo a Caballo en Granada
El paseo a caballo tendrá una hora de duración. Puede ser para personas de cualquier edad y nivel, por lo que no requiere experiencia. Antes de salir al campo, explicaré lo básico para manejar el caballo y durante el trayecto voy con vosotros y sigo dando indicaciones. La ruta tiene unas vistas maravillosas por el paraje natural de Montevive (la mina más importante de Europa de Estroncio), en Las Gabias. Además, os haremos fotos las cuales os enviaremos para que tengáis un bonito recuerdo! Otros aspectos destacables Tienen que consultar previamente la disponibilidad. Intentar hacer la reserva con la mayor antelación posible.
Trekking Adventure & Suspension Bridge
Saldremos de Granada en nuestro automóvil, en unos 20 minutos llegaremos a la base del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada, es el parque nacional más grande de España, donde caminaremos aproximadamente 8 kilómetros (5 millas), En el camino a la ruta podemos presenciar el Mulhacen, el pico más alto de la Península Ibérica con 3479 metros de altura. Desde nuestra opinión es la ruta más bonita y completa de Granada, la ruta se divide en dos partes. Una parte caminaremos justo al lado del río cruzando un cañón, esta parte es divertida ya que cruzaremos cuatro puentes colgantes, el más grande de ellos es de 65 metros, tendremos que agacharnos y agarrarnos a las rocas en algunas partes. Esto agrega un poco de diversión y aventura, pero muy fácil, puede ser realizado por todas las personas sin problema. La otra parte caminaremos por la montaña, en esta parte las vistas son increíbles. Contemplaremos la ciudad desde diferentes puntos de vista. En la experiencia de la tarde, haremos una parada en un mirador para contemplar el atardecer. Desde nuestro punto de vista uno de los atardeceres más bonitos de la ciudad Otros aspectos destacables Si sois un grupo de más de 8 personas, escribidme un mensaje!
⭐ Epic Night Adventure Sierra Nevada ⭐
Come and join me and my gorgeous pup Kira on a unique experience deep in the bowels of the Sierra Nevada National Park. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you don't have a car, please ask before booking if transportation is available. ATTENTION: Please read the additional notes further down! ------- During the first part of our hike (loop) we'll descend down to the bottom of a deep and narrow canyon flanked by steep rock faces. There we follow the river's course past waterfalls, across swinging suspension bridges, through a rock tunnel/cave, etc. The second part is a beautiful mountain hike in the moonshine/under the starry sky/milkyway, inmidst of dramatic landscapes with breathtaking night views. Do you sign up for the adventue? --------- NOTE 1: This hike requires sure-footedness and a certain level of fitness and agility, otherwise it may not be safe! The terrain is partially rough+rocky, there are low+narrow passages (not suited for very plus-sized people), suspension bridges+steep downhill terrain. Involves crawling on all fours. NOTE 2: You'll get dirty. In summer wear clothes and footwear that can get wet, too (no flimsy flip-flops, though). NOTE 3: Duration may vary. In rainy conditions itinerary+starting time may change to 2 hours earlier. Please plan accordingly. NOTE 4: If you're alone and no one else joins, the hike must be canceled for safety reasons (full refund o/c)


- Skip-the-line Alhambra and Generalife guided tour -
Entrance tickets not included. Contact me always previously you book this experience: -If you do not have tickets to visit the Alhambra, you can purchase them on the Alhambra website --> Tickets --> "Alhambra General", or I can help you buy them. -If you already have the tickets to visit the Alhambra, the tour will take place according to the Nasrid Palaces assigned schedule of yours. The Alhambra is divided into 3 parts: Nasrid Palaces, Alcazaba and Generalife. When you buy the tickets on the official website you can choose a time to visit the Nasrid Palaces because only this place has a specific schedule. The Nasrid Palaces are located in the middle part of the Alhambra, therefore I usually start 30mint. before visiting the Palaces, like that the tour is easier and less tiring. Here's an example: If you buy the tickets and choose 9:30 a.m. to visit the Nasrid Palaces, we would start the tour at 9:00 visiting first the Alcazaba, then the Palaces and after that the others parts left. For more information, feel free to contact me! P.S. If you are looking forward to visit the Albaicin and Sacromonte, you can also check this other tour of mine -->
Recorre la parte no turística del Albayzín y el Sacromonte
Recorre conmigo el Albayzín y Sacromonte de forma tranquila y relajada, haciendo pequeñas paradas y escapando de los grupos grandes y las masificaciones. Descubrirás miradores, rincones, calles, curiosidades y anécdotas que muy pocos conocen en Granada. El recorrido tiene un enfoque histórico y social sobre ambos barrios mezclado con historias y experiencias propias. Siéntete local, prueba los mejores bares, mézclate con los granadinos para entender mejor cómo vivimos. Mi intención es que conozcas realmente nuestra forma de vida y mantengas una forma de turismo sostenible, beneficiando la economía local y viajando de manera consciente ya sea aquí o en otra ciudad o país. Aparte te recomendaré miles de lugares de interés histórico y cultural para enriquecer tu experiencia en esta ciudad. IMPORTANTE: Es un recorrido fácil para personas de cualquier edad, pero ten en cuenta que ambos barrios son cuesta arriba y abajo, con escaleras y calles de empedrado y se necesita un calzado cómodo. No es recomendable si tienes lesiones de rodilla, tobillo o dificultad para caminar en subida o en bajada. No recomiendo en absoluto venir con carritos de bebé, y no creo que es buena idea venir con niños pequeños, ya que pueden aburrirse fácilmente y mantenerte distraído del tour, si son tranquilos y les gusta explorar y caminar, son bienvenidos, por supuesto!
Alhambra private experience
You will be accompanied on a private and exceptional journey inside the most important monument of the city. We offer a private tour where you can have direct contact with the local guide. Our goal is to guarantee a very high quality service and for this we offer a public and private visit designed on the needs of our customers. There will be no waste of time in long waiting lines, because we include the skip-the-line ticket in the price, to make the visit a special day. Along the way the guide will show you the best of the Alhambra, telling you stories, legends, and the most important architectural details of the structure. The passion of our guides will emerge at every corner, in every room and among the beautiful gardens of the Alhambra. The visit includes the Nasrid Palaces (the most interesting part of the Alhambra). Be careful because many companies don't include these palaces, because access to these buildings is limited daily and not all companies are able to obtain entry passes. The meeting point is the main entrance of the Alhambra. We meet near the large wall map. P.N.: The times indicated in the calendar may vary by a few hours based on the availability of entrance tickets to the monument. P.N.: Remember that to get a private tour you must select, at the time of booking, the bar PRIVATE GROUP.
Walking Food Tour in Granada
Discover how locals in Granada eat out and try some of the best foodie places in town. Enjoy delectable dishes and drinks, at the same time you learn about Granada’s rich (food) history and culture, passing by some of its most emblematic sites and culinary hotspots. From traditional recipes made with local seasonal ingredients to selected wines from Granada province. Experience the diverse and typical foods of our region. You will learn how to differentiate “Jamón Serrano”, including our worldwide famous and highly appreciated Iberian ham. Also local ham from the mountain villages of Sierra Nevada. Awaken your senses and enjoy this hand-cut delicacy in an old tavern right at the historic centre of the city. But not only traditional tapas reflect our local gastronomy, but also the ones with a modern twist, inspired by autochthonous ingredients and authentic recipes. A good example is the mouth-watering Croquette with Kimchi mayonnaise. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the best places to eat in town and to discover hidden gems that even locals don’t know about! Other things to note Please advise any specific dietary requirements at time of booking
Full Alhambra private experience with skip-the-line tickets
Submerge yourself in the history of the last Moorish kingdom in Western Europe. The Alhambra has some of the secrets of the unique Spanish-Muslim culture that lasted for over 700 years hidden away inside. You will not be able to explore these charms anywhere else in the world. A stunningly well-preserved complex of Medieval palaces where it is still possible to feel the presence of its previous oweners. The paradise-like gardens are only a few of the gems that await you in the unique setting of this tour. The tour includes the visit in all sections available in the Alhambra: The Nasrid Palaces The Generalife gardens The Alcazaba The Charles the Vth palace Please don’t hesitate to ask for a different time of the tour in case the one offered doesn’t fit your plans. The possible starting times are between 8:30 and 17:00 in the summer time (from April to October) and between 8:30 and 15:00 in the winter time (from November to March). Once you book your tour it will be necessary to send me name surname and passport number for each person, as I will need that information to buy your tickets. Please note that this tour includes the entrance tickets to the Alhambra and they must be bought in advance. For that if you decide to cancel the tour the 35% of the price will be charged to cover the administration fees.




- Skip-the-line Alhambra and Generalife guided tour -
Entrance tickets not included. Contact me always previously you book this experience: -If you do not have tickets to visit the Alhambra, you can purchase them on the Alhambra website --> Tickets --> "Alhambra General", or I can help you buy them. -If you already have the tickets to visit the Alhambra, the tour will take place according to the Nasrid Palaces assigned schedule of yours. The Alhambra is divided into 3 parts: Nasrid Palaces, Alcazaba and Generalife. When you buy the tickets on the official website you can choose a time to visit the Nasrid Palaces because only this place has a specific schedule. The Nasrid Palaces are located in the middle part of the Alhambra, therefore I usually start 30mint. before visiting the Palaces, like that the tour is easier and less tiring. Here's an example: If you buy the tickets and choose 9:30 a.m. to visit the Nasrid Palaces, we would start the tour at 9:00 visiting first the Alcazaba, then the Palaces and after that the others parts left. For more information, feel free to contact me! P.S. If you are looking forward to visit the Albaicin and Sacromonte, you can also check this other tour of mine -->
Recorre la parte no turística del Albayzín y el Sacromonte
Recorre conmigo el Albayzín y Sacromonte de forma tranquila y relajada, haciendo pequeñas paradas y escapando de los grupos grandes y las masificaciones. Descubrirás miradores, rincones, calles, curiosidades y anécdotas que muy pocos conocen en Granada. El recorrido tiene un enfoque histórico y social sobre ambos barrios mezclado con historias y experiencias propias. Siéntete local, prueba los mejores bares, mézclate con los granadinos para entender mejor cómo vivimos. Mi intención es que conozcas realmente nuestra forma de vida y mantengas una forma de turismo sostenible, beneficiando la economía local y viajando de manera consciente ya sea aquí o en otra ciudad o país. Aparte te recomendaré miles de lugares de interés histórico y cultural para enriquecer tu experiencia en esta ciudad. IMPORTANTE: Es un recorrido fácil para personas de cualquier edad, pero ten en cuenta que ambos barrios son cuesta arriba y abajo, con escaleras y calles de empedrado y se necesita un calzado cómodo. No es recomendable si tienes lesiones de rodilla, tobillo o dificultad para caminar en subida o en bajada. No recomiendo en absoluto venir con carritos de bebé, y no creo que es buena idea venir con niños pequeños, ya que pueden aburrirse fácilmente y mantenerte distraído del tour, si son tranquilos y les gusta explorar y caminar, son bienvenidos, por supuesto!
⭐Sierra Nevada Canyon Hiking Adventure
Join me and my gorgeous pup Kira on a little adventure deep in the bowels of the Sierra Nevada National Park. Explore with us an impressive gorge along a high mountain river with steep rock faces, waterfalls where you can have a shower in summer, rock tunnels, caves and pools, hanging bridges and breathtaking landscapes. Great adventure inmidst of incredible scenery. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you don't have a car, please ask before booking if transportation is available from the meeting location. NOTE 2: If you're the only participant on the hike, there may be an extra 35€ charge. Please ask. I recommend you wear footwear with some traction that can also get wet or submerged in water in the hotter months (no flip-flops or city-sandals, though!), and clothes that can get dirty (and in the hotter months ideally also wet). Duration may vary, better don't make plans for immediately after. Note: this is a fun nature walk, however, the terrain is partially rough and rocky, there are low and narrow passages, suspension bridges and steep downhill terrain, all which require a certain level of agility + sure-footedness. Please let me know about any physical or non-physical limitations (incl. visual impairments, allergies, fears, etc.) beforehand.
Una passeggiata nella storia
Faremo una bella passeggiata di circa 3 ore nei quartieri patrimonio Unesco della città di Granada. Passeggiando nel labirinto del quartiere arabo, vi racconterò la secolare storia di questa città. Perdendoci in bellissime e strettissime viuzze, ripercorreremo la storia di Granada partendo dalle popolazioni indigene, passando per romani, vandali e visigoti e concentrandoci sul periodo arabo. Risalendo la collina vi mostrerò delle viste mozzafiato sulla città e sull'Alhambra. Vi parlerò della Reconquista, della convivenza tra musulmani, ebrei e cristiani, dell'arrivo dei gitani e della loro straordinaria arte: il Flamenco. Sarà un percorso storico che vi permetterà di vivere luoghi bellissimi che dei normali turisti non avrebbero mai la possibilità di vedere e di apprendere e conoscere i punti salienti dell'importante storia di Granada. Converseremo insieme per rendere questa esperienza una possibilità di arricchimento reciproco. Adoro lo scambio di informazioni e di modi di vivere la vita, incontrare nuove persone che portano nei loro viaggi un grande background culturale. In questo piccolo viaggio parleremo di Granada, ma anche di noi, di quello che siamo, di quello che facciamo, delle nostre esperienze e dei nostri sogni. Sarà una grande possibilità per conoscere al meglio una bellissima città vivendo un'esperienza insolita e ricca di emozioni. Altre cose da tenere a mente Abiti e scarpe comode per camminare. Cappello o sombrero per le giornate di sole.
Walking Food Tour in Granada
Discover how locals in Granada eat out and try some of the best foodie places in town. Enjoy delectable dishes and drinks, at the same time you learn about Granada’s rich (food) history and culture, passing by some of its most emblematic sites and culinary hotspots. From traditional recipes made with local seasonal ingredients to selected wines from Granada province. Experience the diverse and typical foods of our region. You will learn how to differentiate “Jamón Serrano”, including our worldwide famous and highly appreciated Iberian ham. Also local ham from the mountain villages of Sierra Nevada. Awaken your senses and enjoy this hand-cut delicacy in an old tavern right at the historic centre of the city. But not only traditional tapas reflect our local gastronomy, but also the ones with a modern twist, inspired by autochthonous ingredients and authentic recipes. A good example is the mouth-watering Croquette with Kimchi mayonnaise. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the best places to eat in town and to discover hidden gems that even locals don’t know about! Other things to note Please advise any specific dietary requirements at time of booking


Paseo a Caballo en Granada
El paseo a caballo tendrá una hora de duración. Puede ser para personas de cualquier edad y nivel, por lo que no requiere experiencia. Antes de salir al campo, explicaré lo básico para manejar el caballo y durante el trayecto voy con vosotros y sigo dando indicaciones. La ruta tiene unas vistas maravillosas por el paraje natural de Montevive (la mina más importante de Europa de Estroncio), en Las Gabias. Además, os haremos fotos las cuales os enviaremos para que tengáis un bonito recuerdo! Otros aspectos destacables Tienen que consultar previamente la disponibilidad. Intentar hacer la reserva con la mayor antelación posible.
Trekking Adventure & Suspension Bridge
Saldremos de Granada en nuestro automóvil, en unos 20 minutos llegaremos a la base del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada, es el parque nacional más grande de España, donde caminaremos aproximadamente 8 kilómetros (5 millas), En el camino a la ruta podemos presenciar el Mulhacen, el pico más alto de la Península Ibérica con 3479 metros de altura. Desde nuestra opinión es la ruta más bonita y completa de Granada, la ruta se divide en dos partes. Una parte caminaremos justo al lado del río cruzando un cañón, esta parte es divertida ya que cruzaremos cuatro puentes colgantes, el más grande de ellos es de 65 metros, tendremos que agacharnos y agarrarnos a las rocas en algunas partes. Esto agrega un poco de diversión y aventura, pero muy fácil, puede ser realizado por todas las personas sin problema. La otra parte caminaremos por la montaña, en esta parte las vistas son increíbles. Contemplaremos la ciudad desde diferentes puntos de vista. En la experiencia de la tarde, haremos una parada en un mirador para contemplar el atardecer. Desde nuestro punto de vista uno de los atardeceres más bonitos de la ciudad Otros aspectos destacables Si sois un grupo de más de 8 personas, escribidme un mensaje!
Natural Wines and Local Organic Tapas
Enjoy, with our wine expert, some of the most significant natural wines of Spain. 4 different wines, grapes & styles. We carefully choose our wine selection everyday, depending on the weather and time of year, to enhance each wine and make sure we are serving you only the best quality. The ambience is homey and cozy, we want you to feel at home with us. We are proud to be, somehow, always welcoming the nicest of people in our shop to come and enjoy this experience with us. Of course, we will serve some delicious bites, elaborated from local products to pair with each wine. We put all our heart and effort into the food and wine pairing. We’re obsessed with the sourcing of our ingredients, so that our dishes can be the most sustainable and delicious as possible, while working with the finest produce the region provides us. According to our philosophy, everything will be organic, sustainable & local and all wines will be natural, a step further from organic ones. The menu is 100% vegetarian. (Please, remember to tell us in advance if you have any allergies or special requirements). Punctuality is kindly requested.
The Original Granada Street Art Tour
With a reduced group for more exchange and intimacy, and always in accordance with a sustainable tourism (no more than 8 travellers by tour, you don't want to feel like a herd of sheep or bother the neighbours!), you'll discover the street art scene of Granada during an easy-going and flexible tour. What I offer is not just a look at some graffiti, but a deeper understanding of this culture... You'll learn the fascinating history of the street art movement through its various form and you'll understand what made the specificity of Granada to be considered as one of the European stronghold of urban art in the early 2000's... You’ll get to know the city’s local and international active artists like the iconic Niño de las Pinturas, and understand the techniques they use... Finally you'll discover a lot more than what you would ever think about Granada's culture and untold history through what the walls are telling us, from the Civil War to the moorish past of Granada! And most important, you're going to admire some hidden gems in surprising spots, between centenarian culture and modern art! Join me and discover the non-touristic Granada as an open-air gallery, like a true local! Other things to note No availability for your dates, or inconvenient starting time? Contact me and we'll find a way! Tour in english. Pour un tour exclusif en français, contactez-moi! Para un tour exclusivo en español, contactarme! This experience is not suitable for strollers and not recommended for children under 6.
The Language of Rhythm
I believe that traveling and life are about the people you meet and the things you create with them.. Welcome to the Albayzín! Sit back, relax and enjoy the perspective of a Flamenco dancer. You will witness an intimate and familiar connection between culture and art. I will teach you the pillars of language and rhythm with the most primitive instrument of all time! «The Palms of the hands». You really think you have an idea of what flamenco is about? What about if i show how to communicate with flamenco people and then any musician in the world and depending on what you do, they will react.. What about if i show you not just that, but as-well the codes in our language? the pattern, the tempo, cadency, measures.. all this, when is spontanious an improvised.. So, we will put to the test the language of this art, and we will communicate only through music and the language of rhythm. "Tablao" is one of our most sacred spaces of the Andalucian culture. We created it with the specific intention of fostering collective gratitude among all who enter. Our time will be spended on the scenario of one .. in the Albayzin neighborhood of Granada. Other things to note: If you don't find a booking date available or suitable .. please write me a private message


-Tour Completo Granada centro ciudad, Albaicín & Sacromonte-
¿Te gustaría conocer Granada de una manera auténtica y fascinante? Únete a nuestro tour y explora las tres zonas más emblemáticas de esta ciudad llena de historia y encanto: -Centro Histórico: Sumérgete en el corazón de Granada y descubre sus monumentos más icónicos. -Barrio del Albayzín: Déjate envolver por el ambiente único del barrio árabe, con sus calles empedradas y miradores impresionantes. - Barrio del Sacromonte: Adéntrate en la cuna del flamenco, conoce su cultura gitana y visita las pintorescas casas-cueva. Viajarás en un grupo reducido, de no más de 9 personas, garantizando una experiencia íntima y personalizada mientras recorremos los rincones más misteriosos y encantadores de Granada, lejos de las rutas turísticas habituales. En el Albayzín, disfrutarás de vistas espectaculares desde los mejores miradores, donde la Alhambra se alza majestuosa con la Sierra Nevada como telón de fondo. Finalmente, exploraremos el Sacromonte, hogar de la tradición flamenca, donde conocerás a sus habitantes y sus históricas casas-cueva. ¿Quieres saber más? ¡No dudes en enviarme un mensaje y empieza tu aventura en Granada! Pd. ¿Sientes interés por ver también la Alhambra? ¡Echa un vistazo a este otro tour! -->
Full Alhambra private experience with skip-the-line tickets
Submerge yourself in the history of the last Moorish kingdom in Western Europe. The Alhambra has some of the secrets of the unique Spanish-Muslim culture that lasted for over 700 years hidden away inside. You will not be able to explore these charms anywhere else in the world. A stunningly well-preserved complex of Medieval palaces where it is still possible to feel the presence of its previous oweners. The paradise-like gardens are only a few of the gems that await you in the unique setting of this tour. The tour includes the visit in all sections available in the Alhambra: The Nasrid Palaces The Generalife gardens The Alcazaba The Charles the Vth palace Please don’t hesitate to ask for a different time of the tour in case the one offered doesn’t fit your plans. The possible starting times are between 8:30 and 17:00 in the summer time (from April to October) and between 8:30 and 15:00 in the winter time (from November to March). Once you book your tour it will be necessary to send me name surname and passport number for each person, as I will need that information to buy your tickets. Please note that this tour includes the entrance tickets to the Alhambra and they must be bought in advance. For that if you decide to cancel the tour the 35% of the price will be charged to cover the administration fees.
Alhambra private experience
You will be accompanied on a private and exceptional journey inside the most important monument of the city. We offer a private tour where you can have direct contact with the local guide. Our goal is to guarantee a very high quality service and for this we offer a public and private visit designed on the needs of our customers. There will be no waste of time in long waiting lines, because we include the skip-the-line ticket in the price, to make the visit a special day. Along the way the guide will show you the best of the Alhambra, telling you stories, legends, and the most important architectural details of the structure. The passion of our guides will emerge at every corner, in every room and among the beautiful gardens of the Alhambra. The visit includes the Nasrid Palaces (the most interesting part of the Alhambra). Be careful because many companies don't include these palaces, because access to these buildings is limited daily and not all companies are able to obtain entry passes. The meeting point is the main entrance of the Alhambra. We meet near the large wall map. P.N.: The times indicated in the calendar may vary by a few hours based on the availability of entrance tickets to the monument. P.N.: Remember that to get a private tour you must select, at the time of booking, the bar PRIVATE GROUP.
Rio Verde River Tour
***IMPORTANT BEFORE BOOKING*** *Do not book/reserve your date until you have contacted/spoken to me first, thank you* *The area of Rio Verde is on Average 8°c/14°f less than the city of Granada ...... perfect way to escape the summer heat of Granada city We will leave from our designated meeting point in Granada city centre and travel to our starting point, once there you will be kitted out with a neoprene wetsuit, these will maintain a perfect comfort level in the river in summer or winter, with a short 5mins walk we arrive at the river, the tour will begin at the bottom of the spectacular Rio Verde located in the heart of the Sierra de Tejeda, where we will hike, swim and climb our way up the cascading crystal clear green river, deep pools and small waterfalls to the lesser explored parts of the river leading to the hidden cave which is located behind the final waterfall after a short rest at the high rocky view point we will make our way back down the river with some great opportunities to test your nerve with a variety of jumps into the deep cool pools (the jumps are optional and not compulsory, there is always the option to walk down avoiding the jumps)... and with plenty of opportunities to just relaxe in the crystal clear pools.
Visita guiada a la Alhambra con entradas
Granada es sinónimo de Alhambra. Descubra el monumento más visitado del país y de los más bellos del mundo, una auténtica ciudad palatina, capital del Reino nazarí. Algunas de las preguntas que resolveremos serán el significado de Alhambra o lo que hizo a Washington Irving escribir sobre este mágico lugar. Nos encontraremos en la puerta principal de la Alhambra, junto a las taquillas (encontrarán un cártel donde pone "GUÍAS"). Durante estas 3 h de visita guiada, conoceremos toda la Alhambra. Empezaremos con los Palacios Nazaríes, donde se encuentra el famoso Patio de los Leones. Proseguiremos con la Alcazaba que rodeaba la ciudad de la Alhambra. Para ver las transformaciones que sufrió el edificio tras la conquista cristiana, además entraremos al Palacio de Carlos V. Y la mejor forma de acabar es con el palacio vacacional de la Alhambra, el Generalife. Otros aspectos destacables - Incluye entradas a los Palacios Nazaríes y Generalife - Sin dni o documento de identidad no podrán acceder - La entrada tiene un horario fijo, si llegan tarde no podrán hacer la visita. - ES OBLIGATORIO ENSEÑAR EL DNI O PASAPORTE EN LA ENTRADA, EL MISMO QUE DIO PARA LA RESERVA