Airbnb 體驗

Tōkai Region的獨特新鮮事

在 Airbnb 預訂由當地人舉辦的難忘活動。



TEAFARI ,,, a journey into the tea lands
Upon arriving at the Tea Zion House via the free shuttle from the train station, we enjoy some fine organic matcha and a local treat from the tatami room overlooking the tea fields . Feeling good from the matcha we start our walkabout. Surreally beautiful tea fields, historical sites, local architecture, mountain streams, and a 1400 year old sugi tree, all await us. I will be explaining all things tea and nature, while answering any questions you may have, as we stroll through the tea fields and forest on public and private paths. After the walkabout we return to the tea room for our private tea session/party with the best locally sourced natural tea and simple vegan bento/additional sweets that compliment the tea perfectly. After the tea party we board the shuttle back to the train station before rush hour begins allowing you to enjoy the rest of the day relaxed. A quote from a past guest : "A tour with Greg is not a mass produced cookie-cutter spiel that you often experience with tours, but is rather an authentic local experience that feels like a conversation with a friend. It's not just a tea picking tour, it is an intimate discovery into country life in Japan." This is Teafari! See a drone video of the tour made a past guest as a thank you, @ This experience is offered in my native language only, English. 其他注意事項 Comfortable shoes. The free shuttle from JR Kamo Station is optional but recommended. Parking is available for guests with private cars. Free Membership to my exclusive tea buying club for all guests. This experience is offered in my native language only, English.
You can join this tour from Kyoto, Osaka or Nara. The location is at countryside, so please check the logistics in advance. Our experience includes: • Organic farm tour • Tea picking → tea tempura • Educational factory visit • Tea flight (3 different cultivars of Sencha & Matcha) with sweets • Lunch at d:matcha cafe The tour begins after meeting in my café, “d:matcha Kyoto” then we start the walking uphill through the town’s winding streets surrounded by houses built in Japanese traditional style. The first spot to visit is the scenic Yubune tea field. We continue walking surrounded by idyllic terraced fields and stunning panoramic views of endless greenery of rice and tea plantations. As we get close to the top of Hakusan Shrine, the scenery changes, we will walk through the cedar woods, experience both the fresh air high up on the mountain and the serenity of the forest. Our destination will be at d:matcha's organic tea farm and join our tea picking activity. Finally, we will head back to our meeting point, and you will try green tea tempura made with the tea leaves you picked, after that you will have the chance to enjoy a tea tasting session and you will learn to whisk your own matcha. Tea related Lunch will be served. (We can offer vegan and gluten free food) More info is in "dmatcha" website. I recommend long pants and closed shoes especially when it rains.
Mountain Climb with Expert Guide
Japanese nature is very rich in the world. There lies number of high mountains, and about 70% of the land is covered with forest blessed with rain water.  Therefore, various wild animals and plants are living in the nature. In this tour, I will take you to an unknown quiet mountain which is difficult to go by yourself without a guide,  because we can have more chance to see wild animals in that kind of mountains.  Actually, I saw some animals already there such as badger, hare, woodpecker, deer and wild boar. However deep in the nature,  there runs local bus until the entrance of this mountain which is already about 1400m high,  and we'll hike on the gentle slope until the peak of 1593m. The trail is well-equipped having restrooms and without any dangerous parts,  so even beginners can climb it up easily.   When you will come to the peak of this mountain and view the landscape with countless mountains and valleys,  you can surely feel like standing in deep nature of this mother earth far from human world. And additionally,  we can also visit other attractive spots such as a big sacred waterfall, a huge historic shrine and so on. I can assert this tour is the best to experience Japanese mother nature deeply! Now let's explore the Japanese Nature with me! (^o^)b
Hakone [箱根]- Hiking, Hidden Gems & Hot Springs
*****PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE IF THE DATE THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO THIS TRIP ISN'T AVAILABLE***** Get back to what Hakone is famous for! Calming and serene nature, world famous Onsen's and Jaw dropping views of Japan's highest mountain. This tour mixes modern Hakone with the nature which first inspired people to visit the area. A typical day includes 1)Meeting at Hakone Yumoto station or the Hotel you are staying at in the local area. 2) Using on of Hakone's popular transportation systems to get to the start of our Hike. 3) Half a day of Hiking and hopefully seeing Mt. Fuji and other impressive views along the way. 4) Lunch at the top of the mountain either in a hut or brought with us. 5) Some hidden gems on our decent or once we are back in town. These tend to be concealed shrines or remote view points not often commonly known. 6) A relaxing onsen to bring a close to our day. The tour is customizable so if you have something specific you would like to see be sure to let me know by contacting directly. I will choose the specific route on the day depending on season weather and of course giving us the best chance to see Mt. Fuji. Please let me know your current fitness level so I can also choose a hike which would suit you and your group. For those less fit or not completely prepared I recommend my 'Hakone: Volcanoes and Onsen' trip.
Mt Fuji Jungle Cycling Electric-MTB
9:00 集合・送迎 9:15 バイクフィッティング・レクチャー 9:30 ツアースタート 10:00 富士浅間神社 参拝 11:00 洞窟探検・季節のフルーツ&ティー 12:00 ツアー終了・送迎 その他の留意事項 只今、開催日の前日19:00前後に予約開始する場合があります。 開催予定が無い日の予約はメッセージにてお問合せ下さい。

Tōkai Region附近的所有活動

Learn the secret of Japanese food in Nagoya
Let's learn how to make Miso katsu, Nagoya's speciality using local Mikawa pork instead of waiting in line at a restaurant and learn about the secrets of Japanese food! ※Dates and times are flexible so please feel free to contact me! ※You can change to gluten friendly ingredients, tofu cutlet, chicken cutlet, fish cutlet! First, we meet at Hatta station (10 minites from Nagoya .st by subway) and head for my little cooking studio together. You can learn how to make the following items! ・Miso katsu (deepfrief pork with miso sauce) ・Nimono (simmered vegetable) ・Miso soup ・Cooked rice ・Japanese carrot dressing ・Japanese pickled cucumber You can also learn how to make dashi, Japanese traditional broth which is used for miso sause, miso soup, nimono and how to best cook rice and deep fried pork. Then, we enjoy the food while chatting! I'd like to share our interesting food culture too! ・I take photos of you cooking and share them with you later! All of the photos on this page were taken by me. ・You get all of the written recipes ※If you have food allergies, please let me know in advance. ※I'm sorry, but there is possibly that a single male participant is unable to be accept. #cooking class in Nagoya #cooking experience in Nagoya #Learn Japanese food
E-Bike Tour of Mount Fuji's Countryside and Lake
This is a small-group e-bike tour in the highlands at the foot of Mt. Fuji, designed to avoid crowds and take you to places off the beaten path. Experience nature at the foot of the mountain and get a glimpse into the local lifestyle. The tour starts from Mt.Fuji Station, Fujikyuko Line and heads to Oshino Village, passing by "Oshino Hakkai," a pond fed by underground water from Mt. Fuji, houses with thatched roofs, and spacious countryside with a panoramic view of Mt. Fuji. Afterward, we'll head to Lake Yamanakako and have lunch at a charming restaurant that serves Japanese home-style cuisine. Weather permitting, you'll enjoy a spectacular view of Lake Yamanaka and Mt. Fuji from Fujimi Panorama-dai. The tour is about 30 km long and requires a certain level of physical fitness, but TREK's high-performance e-bikes will assist you well. Your guide will adjust the e-bike speed to accommodate your needs. *Note ・If there is a definite forecast for rain or snow on the day of the tour, we will contact you to cancel before the event. ・ We can accommodate allergies, vegetarian preferences, or specific food preferences for the lunch meal if we are informed in advance. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. ・If you have small or large luggage such, we can store it in our van during the tour.
Experience in making Wagashi and match
You are welcomed with Japanese tea and Japanese snacks. I tell you about Nerikiri and tools to make Nerikiri . Then let's make 4or5 Nerikiri together. After making Nerikiri, you can experience of setting up matcha . You can drink matcha you prepared by yourself. So you can know well how to prepare matcha and how to drink it. Other things to note available : Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lesson : 2~2.5 hours I'm sorry, I can't accept the request of one man alone.
Discover Beautiful Mt Fuji and the Japanese Countryside
Discover the beauty and history of Mt.Fuji by exploring the countryside of Fujiyoshida and Kawaguchi-ko. This tour will be great for those wanting to understand the history and importance of Mt. Fuji while avoiding the crowds. My husband Daisuke and I run the tour! Sometimes it’s him, sometimes me :) We will start at Mt.Fuji station and head to Kitaguchi Hongu Sengen Shrine. Here I will teach you the connection between Mt.Fuji and Japan's religious and cultural heritage. For lunch, we will stop for Houtou (the area's famous vegetable and udon dish). Next, we will visit Lake Kawaguchi-ko and take you to some of our hidden spots to take beautiful photos of Mt.Fuji above the lake. After lunch, we will head to a traditional Japanese village on the edge of Lake Saiko. Here we can see beautifully preserved traditional houses with Mt.Fuji in the background. We will learn about some traditional crafts and we can buy some unique local souvenirs. Or we can visit the Aokigahara, a spiritual forest at the base of Mt.Fuji. Mt Fuji, like us, does not like to come out every day, and it is often covered with clouds (especially in the summer.) Let's talk and find the best day to come to see Fuji. I look forward to seeing you soon!
日本三大都市の一つ・名古屋で、演劇・ミュージカルを交えた特別な史跡体験をご案内します。 はじめにあなたは、私の管理する隠れ家のような小さな劇場「PICO2」を貸し切りにして、一人芝居・ソロミュージカルを鑑賞します。内容は近隣の史跡にまつわる物語です。演目にもよりますが上演時間は10分~30分です。上演後、私はあなたをその史跡に実際にご案内します。事前に舞台鑑賞をすることにより、あなたの興味と想像力は大きく広がることでしょう。 上演するミュージカルは歌も台詞も日本語で上演しますが、内容は難しくないのであなたは理解できるはずです。また、翻訳した台本をお渡ししますので内容も詳細に理解できます。 訪れる場所は、長母寺、山田忠重館跡、橋など。ぜひ他では体験できない実演史跡めぐりをお楽しみください。 開始時間は基本的に13時にしてありますが、これは暫定です。すぐに変更できますので、別のスタート時間を希望する場合は事前に気軽にメッセージをください。
2名様以上でのご予約がとてもお得。 高山の郷土料理の歴史などを聞きながら一緒に作って食べてみよう。
高山の郷土料理を一緒に作って食べましょう! 五平餅、漬物ステーキ、飛騨牛のほうば味噌焼きを作ります。 準備は全てこちらで行うので、手ぶらで来ても大丈夫。 屋内で行うので雨の日、雪の日でも大丈夫。 調理師の資格を持つ店主が作り方や料理の歴史を教えます。 ご飯とみそ汁が欲しい方は予約時にリクエストしてください。無料で用意します(予約人数分)。 店主は居酒屋とゲストハウスを経営しています。 料理は火を使うので火傷をしないよう気を付けて下さい。特にお子様からは目を離さず、熱いものに触らないようにしてください。 同伴者がいる場合は予約時にお知らせください。 食品アレルギーがある方は必ず予約時にお申し出ください。
箸づくり体験です。 一本の棒から自分だけのオリジナルの箸を作ります。 箸の木はヒノキです。とても良い香りがします。 長さ約22cmのヒノキの棒を自分で削ります。日本の小刀を使います。作業は難しい場合もありますが、皆さん動画を撮ったりしながら楽しそうに行っています。 削り終わったら、サンドペーパーで綺麗に仕上げます。ここまでが第一工程です。 次にコーティングです。日本の果実、柿の汁を塗ります。その後はお箸を黒く焦がします。デザインです。真っ黒にする人もいれば、一部黒くする人もいれば、焼かない方もいます。あなたの自由です。最後に2度目のコーティング。オリーブオイルを塗ります。最後に日本風のお箸袋を1っ選んでお持ち帰りいただけます。 旅行中に自分専用箸で食事をするのはきっと楽しいことでしょう。 刃物を使う体験になりますので、多少は危険を伴うことがございます。それを承知の上、ご参加ください。 体験場所では、多くのボードゲームを揃えています。あなたにおススメのゲームをご案内します。 またコーヒー焙煎体験(1杯1000円)が出来ます。コーヒーの生豆を自分で焙煎して、粉にしてドリップします。 ここでしか買えないレトロな日本風の陶器カップなどのお土産も揃えています。 この体験のレビューで、何も教えてもらえてないや関わりが薄いというコメントがあります。体験の中身は、木の棒を削って箸にするという工程はシンプルなものです。私がポイントを伝えたらあとはあなた自身が苦心しながら楽しむものです。その経験を体験するものです。何かをたくさん教えてほしいとかそういうことをお考えの方は、体験の申し込みをご遠慮ください。
TEAFARI ,,, a journey into the tea lands
Upon arriving at the Tea Zion House via the free shuttle from the train station, we enjoy some fine organic matcha and a local treat from the tatami room overlooking the tea fields . Feeling good from the matcha we start our walkabout. Surreally beautiful tea fields, historical sites, local architecture, mountain streams, and a 1400 year old sugi tree, all await us. I will be explaining all things tea and nature, while answering any questions you may have, as we stroll through the tea fields and forest on public and private paths. After the walkabout we return to the tea room for our private tea session/party with the best locally sourced natural tea and simple vegan bento/additional sweets that compliment the tea perfectly. After the tea party we board the shuttle back to the train station before rush hour begins allowing you to enjoy the rest of the day relaxed. A quote from a past guest : "A tour with Greg is not a mass produced cookie-cutter spiel that you often experience with tours, but is rather an authentic local experience that feels like a conversation with a friend. It's not just a tea picking tour, it is an intimate discovery into country life in Japan." This is Teafari! See a drone video of the tour made a past guest as a thank you, @ This experience is offered in my native language only, English. 其他注意事項 Comfortable shoes. The free shuttle from JR Kamo Station is optional but recommended. Parking is available for guests with private cars. Free Membership to my exclusive tea buying club for all guests. This experience is offered in my native language only, English.
Adventure Hike in Mt Fuji Area
If you want to experience great nature in Mt.Fuji area, this hiking tour is so recommendable that you can experience a variety of nature as a digest! The area of ​​Mt.Fuji has a huge scale of nature such as beautiful lakes which reflect Mt.Fuji on the surface, a vast forest made up on the lava of Mt. Fuji eruption, solemn mountains which have a spectacular view from the top, etc. In addition, there are also many spots where you can feel the Japanese long long history in a mystical air. Although climbing Mt.Fuji is very popular since it's a famous mountain in the world, if you only climb it up, you can't know how wonderful nature of this area is, because Mt.Fuji itself is an inactive rugged volcano crowded with thousands of climbers on the trail. I recommend you to stay long in this area to experience its nature deeply. In this tour, we'll visit various attractive spots where almost no foreign tourists visit such as a sacred cave hidden in the vast forest of Aokigahara, a small mountain where you can overlook the three big lakes and the vast forest, a local small shrine with a mystical air and so on. Of course, if it's a clear weather, you can also view Mt.Fuji closely from several spots on the way. I'm sure you'll feel as if adventuring in Japanese mother nature! Now let's go together with me! (^o^)v
Meditation at the temple in the mountain, Hamamatsu city
・meditation at Ryotanji-temple ・traditional lunch at the restaurant Aoi better ask me before reservation. everything is negotiable !
8mins Walking distance from Shizuoka station. Maruzen Tea Roastery, Shizuoka is highly recommend speciality in Green Tea and Matcha cafe in Shizuoka. You can also enjoy several Green tea and Matcha drinks and sweets. 1. You can make your own hanging scroll in a short time. It will be a good and memorable souvenir which you will want to keep forever. 2. You will get your name in Kanji characters. You will learn to create your name by using Kanji characters that suit your personality. Because Kanji characters have different meanings, your scroll will be uniquely unlike any other. 3. Master of Calligraphy, who has teaching experience in the U.S., will instruct. Atmosphere is traditional and relaxing, located just behind Sensoji temple. You can have a unique fun and exciting cultural experience in Japan! Other things to note
You can join this tour from Kyoto, Osaka or Nara. The location is at countryside, so please check the logistics in advance. Our experience includes: • Organic farm tour • Tea picking → tea tempura • Educational factory visit • Tea flight (3 different cultivars of Sencha & Matcha) with sweets • Lunch at d:matcha cafe The tour begins after meeting in my café, “d:matcha Kyoto” then we start the walking uphill through the town’s winding streets surrounded by houses built in Japanese traditional style. The first spot to visit is the scenic Yubune tea field. We continue walking surrounded by idyllic terraced fields and stunning panoramic views of endless greenery of rice and tea plantations. As we get close to the top of Hakusan Shrine, the scenery changes, we will walk through the cedar woods, experience both the fresh air high up on the mountain and the serenity of the forest. Our destination will be at d:matcha's organic tea farm and join our tea picking activity. Finally, we will head back to our meeting point, and you will try green tea tempura made with the tea leaves you picked, after that you will have the chance to enjoy a tea tasting session and you will learn to whisk your own matcha. Tea related Lunch will be served. (We can offer vegan and gluten free food) More info is in "dmatcha" website. I recommend long pants and closed shoes especially when it rains.
Walk Soni highland and enjoy the village
Soni village in Nara, about 30 minutes by car from Kintetsu Haibara station, has a beautiful highland and Rock, hot spring. It is very rare place where you can see extensive field of Japanese pampas grass. Near the Soni highland, there are farmers market and restaurant, hot spring. After walking and fresh air, you can relax at hot spring with panoramic mountain views.( If you feel stress to be naked in hot spring, Or someone who has Tattoo, you can pass the event. ) A cold craft beer will help you completely relax. We will meet up at Kintetsu Haibara station and I’ll drive to the Soni village. We can stop by some beautiful point of view in Soni village, which call Byoubu Rock. And get to the highland. You can eat some lunch at the restaurant near by the Rock or at the hot spring. Walk around the highland and after, and if we have time left, you can take hot spring there as long as time allows! I am very flexible for the hiking. If somebody just want to see the view of highland and not walk much, then you can sit to the chair beside the picnic table at the Soni Highland. If you are more than 5 people group, we can discuss about it. please text me fast. Start from 10a.m in the morning and finish ( arrive to Haibara station) at 15 p.m or maximum at 16p.m. The lunch fee and hotspring fee is not included. parking fee is included. ifIf
Electric vehicles drive tour with guide & awesome Fuji views
Itinerary This is a typical itinerary for the tour, but may vary acc. local conditions on the day: Stop At: Lake Kawaguchiko, Fujikawaguchiko. We start and end our tours at TOURIST INFO Centre Kawaguchiko station for your convenience. All tours go around Lake Kawaguchiko and stop at the best view points. Tours are 3hrs in duration, including 30min free time to shop, enjoy a coffee break etc. The drive itself is 20km in distance. Duration: 1 hour Stop At: Oishi Park, Oishi, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun 401-0305 Yamanashi Prefecture Stop to take photos of Lake Kawaguchiko, Mt Fuji and seasonal flowers. Duration: 10 minutes Stop At: Oishi Park, Oishi, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun 401-0305 Yamanashi Prefecture Public Toilet available Famous for some of the best views of Mt Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi, complete with seasonal flowers, this is one of the most visited places on the lake. Have a browse around the beautiful hand made in Japan craft shops and choose from delicious locally made ice-creams, dried fruits, pizza and other snack options in a tranquil and wonderfully landscaped setting, complete with treasure hunt! Duration: 30 minutes Pass By: Okukawaguchiko Sakuranosato Park, scenic drive. We will see the Autumn Leaves and see Cherry Blossoms in season. Stop At: Yagizaki Park, Kawaguchiko bridge and beach with view of Mt Fuji. End, Station.
Mountain Climb with Expert Guide
Japanese nature is very rich in the world. There lies number of high mountains, and about 70% of the land is covered with forest blessed with rain water.  Therefore, various wild animals and plants are living in the nature. In this tour, I will take you to an unknown quiet mountain which is difficult to go by yourself without a guide,  because we can have more chance to see wild animals in that kind of mountains.  Actually, I saw some animals already there such as badger, hare, woodpecker, deer and wild boar. However deep in the nature,  there runs local bus until the entrance of this mountain which is already about 1400m high,  and we'll hike on the gentle slope until the peak of 1593m. The trail is well-equipped having restrooms and without any dangerous parts,  so even beginners can climb it up easily.   When you will come to the peak of this mountain and view the landscape with countless mountains and valleys,  you can surely feel like standing in deep nature of this mother earth far from human world. And additionally,  we can also visit other attractive spots such as a big sacred waterfall, a huge historic shrine and so on. I can assert this tour is the best to experience Japanese mother nature deeply! Now let's explore the Japanese Nature with me! (^o^)b
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  2. 日本
  3. Tōkai Region