規定 • 房東


As a host, your earnings may be subject to US income taxes. We expect all hosts to comply with the tax regulations in their area, and encourage you to consult a tax professional if you need advice on reporting your income.

Deloitte has prepared an overview of tax considerations for Airbnb hosts relating to the US taxation of rental income. This information provides an overview of how to complete your US income tax return as well as some of your tax responsibilities as an Airbnb host: Deloitte’s US Reporting and Taxation of Rental Income for Individuals.

Disclaimer: Airbnb's presentation of the companies listed above is not an endorsement. Tax advice is complicated, and you should do your own diligence when receiving advice. We always recommend consulting with your personal tax advisor when making any tax decisions. Airbnb is not responsible for any tax or other advice provided by any third-party


