Awaiting payment means that a host has accepted a guest's reservation request, but the guest's payment hasn’t gone through yet. In most cases, this means the guest needs to update information related to their payment method.
When a reservation is awaiting payment:
- The guest who made the reservation request will have 24 hours to successfully update their payment info before the reservation can be confirmed.
- If the guest doesn’t update their payment method within 24 hours, the request to book will be withdrawn with no consequences to the host or guest.
- Hosts no longer has the option to decline awaiting payment requests.
- While the guest is updating their payment info after sending a request to book, dates will be blocked on the host’s calendar for up to 24 hours. This helps us prevent glitches such as a hosts getting multiple payments for requests from multiple guests for the same dates.
- If the current guest doesn’t confirm their payment info, the request will be withdrawn and other guests will be able to send inquiries or requests for those dates.
- 房東
確認預訂後,你會收到電子郵件。你也可以前往預訂、日曆或與和旅客間的訊息紀錄查看。 - 房東
在入住前 24 小時內或住宿期間取消或變更房客的預訂
若須取消剩下的預訂日期,請務必傳送訊息向房客說明情況,並聯絡我們以取得協助。 - 房東