
管理 Luxe 日曆

Updating your calendar

Your calendar lets travelers know when your place is available and how much it costs to book per night. It is your responsibility to ensure that the availability and pricing of your place are accurately displayed on the calendar.


  1. 前往日曆,然後選擇房源
  2. 選擇一個或多個日期
  3. 前往「可訂狀況」下方,然後選擇「可訂」或「不可供預訂」
  4. 點擊「儲存」

Available dates on the calendar are white. Unavailable dates are gray when automatically blocked or have a slash if you've manually blocked them.

Access your Hosting dashboard

Note: When placing a hold on your calendar you should only block the dates where the night is unavailable. For example, if the check in date is 1/1/2023 and the check out date is 1/10/2023, the calendar should be blocked from 1/1/2023 to 1/9/2023.

Ways to view your calendar

When you access your “Calendar” page from the top navigation, you will start on our multi-calendar view. You can access a listing’s single calendar by clicking on a listing name.

Single home view

Each property has a single calendar where you can see an overview of the upcoming reservations, your personal input availability, and external syncs from other calendars. Your calendar will default to a scrollable month to month view.

Multi-home calendar view

This view is meant to make it easier to see your bookings across multiple homes. The multi-calendar view allows you to view all your homes across a certain date range. This view is meant to give hosts a clear overview of their calendars and more visibility into multiple events happening around the same time.

If you also manage listings that are on Airbnb’s marketplace, you can view the calendars for your marketplace and luxury listings separately, and manage your calendars more easily.

Year view

To get a long-term overview of any individual property calendar, select the Year view.

Learn why calendar dates may be blocked and how inquiries or pre-approvals affect availability.

You can block dates for any reason such as external reservations, maintenance or personal use. We recommend you add a note for yourself directly in your calendar. This is visible only to you.

Go to your calendar

步驟 1:將日曆匯出至其他網站

我們會為你提供一個網址,請把該網址貼到其他網站的日曆上,這會將你 Airbnb 日曆上的資料傳送至其他網站。你可以連結至其他出租網站(如 VRBO 或 Booking.com),也可以匯出至個人日曆(如 Google 或 Apple)。由於每個網站新增網址的地方都不一樣,你可能要在該網站的「幫助中心」部分找到該資訊。了解如何將 Airbnb 日曆匯出至 GoogleApple,以便在個人日曆上查看預訂。

匯出後,你 Airbnb 日曆上的變更會根據其他網站的設定,自動反映在該網站的日曆上。

  1. 前往「日曆」並選擇房源
  2. 前往側邊面板,然後點選「可訂狀態」
  3. 頁面下滑至「連結日曆」
  4. 點選「連結至其他網站」
  5. 複製其他網站的網址,然後新增到其他網站的日曆上

每個網站貼網址的地方都不一樣,你可能要查看個網站的「幫助中心」以找到該資訊。了解如何從 VRBOBooking.comTripadvisor 匯入日曆。

步驟 2:從其他網站匯入日曆

你要從其他網站的日曆取得網址,並將該網址新增至 Airbnb 帳號中。在大多數網站上,你可以在日曆匯入和匯出的專屬部分找到此內容。請確保網址是以 .ics 結尾,因為其他網址無法使用。了解如何從 VRBOBooking.comTripadvisor 匯入日曆。

  1. 取得其他網站以 .ics 結尾的網址後,貼到「步驟 2」欄位中。
  2. 為日曆命名(如「VRBO」)。
  3. 點選「新增日曆」



  1. 前往「日曆」並選擇你要的房源日曆
  2. 點選「可訂狀態」,然後前往「已連結日曆」
  3. 點選「連結不同的 Airbnb 日曆」
  4. 選擇包含你其他房源的主要房源
  5. 點選「繼續」
  6. 選擇想連結的房源
  7. 點選「儲存」


Integrating with a Channel Manager

If you currently use a Channel Manager Software (CMS), and would like to leverage it to facilitate the updating of pricing and availability information for your Luxe listings, this may be possible. Go to Channel Manager Partners for more information.


