You can update your listing description or amenities after a guest books a reservation; however, guests with pending or confirmed reservations won’t see any updates or changes you’ve made to your listing.
Message upcoming guests if you change your listing description
Guests search for and book listings that meet their specific travel needs, and they may be disappointed if the place they booked isn’t exactly as described in the listing. If you’ve removed an amenity your upcoming guest was expecting, message your guest immediately. If they no longer wish to keep the reservation, you'll be responsible for cancelling it so your guest can re-book elsewhere.
It’s important that your listing is accurate and it’s a good idea to periodically review it to update your listing details so you can deliver a great stay and maintain good reviews.
- 旅客
在入住之前或住宿期間,將旅程變更申請傳送給房東,即可新增或移除房客。若需要,系統會向你加收費用或退款。 - 旅客
當房源設備不符合你的預期時,我們的《重新預訂和退款政策》可以依照情況提供退款。 - 房東